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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Mayhem

  1. Whatever anyone does or has done, one thing to keep in mind is you can get away with a 650 watt power supply but you need to make sure that the 12 volt rails are capable of supplying 31 amps (for the 560ti at least) or you will have problems. Whatever card you go with you need to check the amperage draw and then get a PSU capable of supplying it. Getting an SLI or Crossfire certified supply should be sufficient but it doesn't hurt to check. Nvidia does have 3D Vision which allows you to (with the proper monitor(s)) use 3D glasses for added depth perception. You'll need to get a monitor capable of 120hz for this feature to work though. I had and old GeForce 2 GTX Deluxe that had 3D Vision they called Stereotopic vision at the time and it was pretty awesome when playing Operation Flashpoint. Nvidia also has Physx which will enable some added features in a few game titles though it does come at a small cost of a performance cost when enabled. Nvidia also does have 3 monitor (3D vision capable) support as well they call "Surround" but hear it works best if all 3 monitors are the same make and model. You will also need either 2 GTX 560s or a GTX590 but looks like the performance will be better. http://www.xbitlabs....a-surround.html As far as drivers go, I was a big Nvidia guy and always herd about how much better the drivers were then for ATI. I Went with ATI that last time and was very impressed with the 3rd party ATI tray tools utility available. There were a few issues with drivers from time to time but I found ATI (at least since that point in time) to be no slower the Nvidia with driver releases. I have since gone with a MSI Twin Frozr GTX 560ti 1GB and instantly overclocked it to 950Mhz core, 1900Mhz shader clock and 2200Mhz memory clock which gave a fairly nice performance boost with nominal temperature increase. My card can easily handle 1Ghz on the core but there is no need for it as it manhandles everything I throw at it and my GPU will bottleneck before the card does. I decided to take the extra money I would have spent on 3 22 inch monitors and get one giant 27 inch instead. It looks great, gave me some more vertical and actually saved me a few bucks too. I'm running a dual monitor setup and it is great for desktop work. I was considering going the Eyefinity route this time around but I've used it before and to tell you the truth I really only use the center monitor anyways even with TrackIR. The 2 side monitors are nice for peripheral vision but I found they have to be angled 20+ degrees for my liking. Also the monitor bezels create black lines between the monitor and it always kinda bothered me. There are seamless monitors available but they are way overpriced right now so until they come down considerably I'm holding off on the Eyefinity. Believe me though once I can get about 13 inches of vertical with seamless wrap around at a reasonable price I'll be all over it but right now getting rid of the bezels is just too expensive. @BigEnk, funny I've had an issue before with an Asus motherboard not being compatible with an Asus Video card. I'm not opposed to using Asus but still think they are overhyped.
  2. Have to agree, maiming fish for the fun of it is criminal. They should be brought up on charges. I'd also like to know what credentials certify these clowns as "professionals" as stated at the beginning of the vid. As for carp being a garbage fish, its still meat that could be feeding people, of course if its too expensive to export or no profit can be made from it, no one will be interested in it. I also don't consider it an invasion as the fish were planted. Its not the fishes' fault people are stupid.
  3. Mayhem

    For Badaim

    MMMMMM, ice cold whisky.!?
  4. Anyone else experiencing the forum not signing them in automatically. I've clicked the remember me checkbox, made sure Chrome was set to save the pass for the site and cleared my webcache but still no dice. Only other thing I can think is its something on the server end as I never had this problem before the restore. If anyone has any suggestions it would be nice.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=HEe3xfWfkG8 Let me know if you guys can't view this video.
  6. Ah yes, the Caspian Sea Monster. More 'ground effect vehicle' then airplane. I've always thought this was awesome.
  7. Hey Rocky! Watch me....... Oh.....oh sorry, wrong flying squirrel. My bad.
  8. Yes Jedi, realize they are working on FC3 but the people, time and effort spent on this P-51 could have been spent making another plane for FC3 perhaps. And yes I realize its not being done by the DCS crew but then that just makes it a 3rd party mod plane that you are now paying for if you choose. And the choice is of course, up to the individual. For me, so far I see no compelling reason to buy it, so I won't unless there becomes one. Look, I do somewhat understand the "Why not?" approach, I mean if someone wants to paint a Spitfire hot pink, why not, but I think all of us would agree it's a bad idea. That and I get the feeling that there will never be a full blown WW2 theater in DSC. Korea, possibly but there are no other Korean war planes yet that I know of in DCS, so wouldn't it have been more prudent to start with Migs and Sabres? That doesn't mean for course they are not working on Korea, just seems like a really backward approach. Unless they were not sure the prop jobs would work right so they used the 51 as a test bed for Korea. Whatever the case is, if FC3 is missing just one decent plane that I want, I am going to mindlessly and unsubstantiatedly, blame it on the P-51D. In which case, flying it in IL-2 will become all that much more bitter sweet. Well, I'm glad I don't know anyone that would do such a thing.
  9. Not to be a naysayer but ED needs to stick to modern air combat and improve on what they already have, not convoluted the DCS environment with WW2 planes. Why don't they focus on making new jets like the f-18 or Harrier II?
  10. http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=defense&id=news/awx/2012/01/18/awx_01_18_2012_p0-415194.xml&headline=Embraer%20Eyes%20NATO%20buyers%20for%20Super%20Tucano
  11. Mayhem


    NO! It can't be! The Red Tails trailer IS historically accurate!!! Found this a little wonky looking. What saith ya'll? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuipnDc7dms Use the force Luke! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llqoqei-k1Y
  12. Mayhem


    For all those who like to read books you might want to check this one out. Dear Mom, A Sniper's Vietnam written by Joseph T. Ward.
  13. Mayhem


    Totally agree Rattler. This trend has been going on forever. I used to love movies, but now sadly, the majority of what's produced is crap. Especially the over the top action films.
  14. Mayhem


    There was just a great documentary of them on the military channel. I think it was produced by or at least funded by Lucas to promote the movie but after seeing it, I didn't need to see any more. It was really good.
  15. Hey, I was just wondering about this the other night but hadn't looked into it. Kool, good find.
  16. I've seen this before and thought about making one. Here's something similar. This looks like it would be great for drawing. At the end of the video, he shows you how to do this with any screen. Used in conjunction with Touch Buddy you could turn any screen into and HMI (Human Machine Interface) customized for whatever you want if you don't have any actual touchscreens laying around. The price of touch screens has come down a LOT and you can get a 22 inch touch screen now for what I paid for my non-touch 22" Viewsonic several years ago. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009303 Then you can just play DSC A-10c or whatever on the actual touch screen and forgo the wii mote/glove entirely. I already have enough trouble keeping my regular Monitor clean though, let alone a touch screen. If you have an extra Wii remote laying around though its a great project and relatively inexpensive. Last time I checked Wii motes were like 40 bucks or so.
  17. Mayhem


    With the Red Tails movie about to hit theaters, I can't help but notice what looks like some terrible Hollywoodization and movie physics in the trailers I've seen so far. Couple that with the sure to be included, modernized hip hop comedy that is practically a prerequisite these days (I hear "Ne-Yo" hams it up) and I'm not real sure I'm going to see this one till it hits DVD. While poking around for more info on the movie I ran across some trailers for a film I hadn't taken note of previously. Once again the aerial combat footage, while stimulating, seems to have a few moments of movie physics thrown in from time to time that are a bit hard to overlook. There's a bit of that 300 (Spartans)/Sin City look going on too. Anyone every see this movie and how is it if you have. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kHPmxtV67U
  18. Civ flgiht is nice once in a while. Really depends on what the individual is into. Different strokes as they say, but I can appreciate his passion and hard work. His overhead panel is pretty amazing and the whole pit looks well done. Always nice to see what people come up with to give you more ideas when building your own sim pit no matter what the genre. I like the way he has the inside of his electronics box lined with overhead LEDs.
  19. Found this poking around. Sounds like a mod activator will be coming but seems like SAS wants to take it slow to avoid a debacle. http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,20928.0.html And yet more interesting reading in case anyone missed it. http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15764.0.html
  20. Another oldie I love, sorry I couldn't resist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LAWL! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtXm5Pp1RYk&feature=related Just had to add this new one.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewM29vjE1W4
  21. Old. Ronnie Dio was crazy talented. New to me, awesome song, kinda reminds me of Aces High from Iron Maiden.
  22. Ha, ya, here in NC they have a lot of "modified stock car" races. Hum, "modified stock" isn't that kind of redundant. I mean once its modified, its modified. What are you going to call it if you further modify a modified car, modified modified? Oh no wait I got it, double modified. I mean assuming the car was somewhat "stock" before you "modified" it right. Besides there is really nothing stock about a stock car to begin with, except maybe for the engine block perhaps, and even then there is probably some tweaking done. Silly hillbillies.
  23. Yeah, well, just look at the competitors. They look like they just walked out of a Star Trek convention. Hah! We have a few tracks like this by me however I don't think they go THAT fast. If one of those things hit someone in the head they could take an eye out.
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