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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Mayhem

  1. The ultimate setup within reason for IL-2 would probably be a MSFFB2 red and a X52 Pro throttle with either decent store bought or custom built rudder pedals. I have a CH fighterstick I picked up online for about $40. It's virtually brand new. Great for flying anything with advanced avionics and radar like DCS or Falcon BMS but I still prefer the MSFFB2 for both IL-2 and CLOD. I didn't find it so great for ROF, you need to turn the forces down considerably or fighting the torque/ungulations of the plane gets a bit hard on the wrist. The CH is a very precise piece of equipment but once you've flown IL-2 with a MSFFB2 nothing else feels quite right. I'm thinking I should pick up 1 or 2 more MSFFB2 before too long so I have spare parts. It might actually be possible to remake the stick using the same driver but would require a lot of work. I've toyed with the idea of upgrading the system to a more robust version perhaps using several metal parts and newer servos. I'd have to buy another stick just to prototype though cause there is no way I am messing with my current one which works beautifully. The only part of the system that would be difficult to replace would be the PC boards. To that extent the only thing I see possibly going out would be some power components or servo drives which should be repairable by a skilled electronics technician. The circuit board quality seems very good on the one I own, solder work would seem to stand little chance of screwing them up. Some on the cheap boards I've seen can only handle so much before the wire traces start coming off.
  2. Almost makes me want to buy the DCS Mustang.....almost. Looked like he was coming in kind of hot on that landing but he obviously knows what he's doing. Must be great to fly one of those, imagine how much more fun it would be to let loose with some 50 cals. Watching that vid though, IL-2 really does a pretty good job of simulating the experience, especially considering its age and limitations.
  3. So let me get this straight, bombs are STILL falling over London???
  4. When will this be coming out for PC? I'm looking forward to playing it.
  5. Would be willing to fly some A-10C or Blackshark 2. Really think quite highly of the DSC series though I don't seem to fly it very often. The hours you plan on flying would really be the determining factor for me.
  6. Nice to make your acquaintance Eraser. Look forward to flying with you. Your DSL should be just fine, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  7. Mayhem

    What's This?

    Well, I realize you need FC3 just the first I heard of individual planes from it being sold. Wasn't aware they had gotten past the LockOn legal issues, or perhaps, this is an attempt to circumvent them.
  8. Now this is amazing, Humble Bundle, donate a dollar to charity, get a bunch of games. Donate $4.83 do charity and get even more games. Totally legit, I just purchased it myself. The really amazing thing is it seems to give you separate keys for both Steam and Origin so you essentially get 2 copies of most of the games, and the soundtracks as well. Keep one for yourself, give the other to your kids like I did (well, not the Dead Space) or a buddy. Or, if you don't want some of the games give both away. I've got more codes then I can handle and will have to start dipping into my 2TB drive I was just using for videos. You can pay with Pay Pal or even Amazon which is what I used. Check it out, it's bad ass. I'm downloading Red Alert 3 on Steam right now. https://www.humblebundle.com/
  9. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832205065&cm_sp=DailyDeal-_-32-205-065-_-Product
  10. Mayhem

    What's This?

    Found this a bit unusual, seem DSC is selling individual planes from Flaming Cliffs 3 now. http://store.steampowered.com/app/245570/?snr=1_4_4__106_8
  11. I like the part where his afterburner kicks in. Now if we can only find a way to launch Tom Cruise off the end of a carrier in one of these, Top Gun 2 will be a smashing success. And now for something, completely different..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=10q9_pB6unU
  12. Not much time on our hands with all the other stuff we play, but for anyone interested Darkstar One is a space economy game somewhat like Wing Commander Privateer or Microsoft's Freelancer. The cut scenes are extremely dated but other than that it's actually pretty good. Bundled with Patricians III which is an old but fun economy sim for the price of $2.71 US, it worth it for Darkstar One alone. Sales on for the next 28 hours so if you like this sort of thing its a steal. I've been thoroughly enjoying it. http://store.steampowered.com/sub/2327/?snr=1_4_4__106_6
  13. Mayhem

    Soviet Storm

    Tried copying the direct link as well but vids still didn't show for some reason just the link. That always worked for me before, not sure why it wasn't this time.
  14. Just ran across this and thought all you WWII buffs out there might like it. Apologies if you've all see it before, I've only watch the first few minutes but looks good. Videos don't seem to be embedding, not sure why. Anyways, enjoy my friends. And some more Russian stuff, if you want the english subtitles you have to click the 'CC' in the youtube progress bar at the bottom of the vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwGBbMRd40I
  15. What's this? Fruifbat banned for il2 forums. The ubi or bannana? Its got to be bannana. Ummmmmmm bananna...
  16. Sure do, its right in between the sarcasm and facetiousness. Though I was hoping some of mine would rub off on TOAD for free.
  17. I usually order my stuff from Jameco. There are also some good deals on switches, particularly these or these. I've used them a few times. Probably the best place I've found joystick/mouse replacement parts like tact and micro switches . It's also where I get my IR LEDs from . 2.93 with free shipping for 20 is a bit hard to beat. Straight out of China, they are perfectly legit. The shipping's a little slow but it is free after all. Oh and don't tell anyone bye the way. Its been my little secret Chinese connection. I wouldn't want everyone buying up all the good parts. They also have some really cool stuff like this and this. Just look browse the site for a while and you'll find all sorts of things. Jameco Toggle Switches More Toggle Switches Tact Switches IR LEDs P.S. On a side note, if anyone needs or is looking to upgrade their soldering station, I would highly recommend this one.
  18. Yep, installed without delay. I just removed some of my, obsolete installs. Clean 4.10.1 and UP3 got the boot with the exceptions of some missions and skins. Like 4.12 a lot, some of the new effects are nice details.
  19. Just bought the Blackshark 2 upgrade yesterday. I decided to get Flaming Cliff 3 as well for $29.99. Eagle Dynamics is apparently planning on releasing individual modules of reworked FC3 aircraft. Seems they'll now be available free to FC3 owners which previously wasn't the case. Hopefully getting FC3 at the sale price will pay off later. Apart from that, someone need to fly these planes and add some flavor for all the A-10c fliers. If all us DCS fliers could get together with a mix of these aircraft it would make for some interesting missions.
  20. Not to take anything away from this chickaboo, but while thinking of awesome guitar players this guy is amazing too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PgPfmBI5Gg
  21. The game torchlight is free on gog.com for today only. http://www.gog.com/gamecard/torchlight
  22. Well, the DLC that adds Americans is totally awesome. M1 Garands, M1 carbines, 30cal mg, P47, Sherman tanks......give me goose bumps. Its great, I just wish more people played it. Its a real shame that such a great mil sim goes to waste. I have a bit of Arma 2 mission building experience so I could put it to use. The problem is, the sale if over now and I'm afraid that DLC won't appeal nearly as much with the higher price tag. Thing is, for me at least, its a must have. I don't mind doing some German vs. Russians but US vs the Nazis it where its at. Too bad there aren't any UK forces, though I haven't checked, perhaps there is a mod for it.
  23. Sorry to bump my own thread but I just got done pounding the defenses at Omaha beach in a P-47 and I must say it was quite good. This game really has some potential if you could get a sizable group to take interest in it. Still, the single player aspect and mission builder are worth a look. Anyone who has Iron Front.... ah hem..FB... you'll probably want to get the DLC for $3.70 USD.
  24. http://store.steampowered.com/app/91330/ I'm considering getting the D-Day DLC if anyone is going to be playing this.
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