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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Mayhem

  1. Ok that got just a little annoying after the 500th DA DA DA DA DA DA DA!
  2. Oh this sounds fantastic. Can't wait to see the results. Now instead of 2 fps over London I will get a whopping 4!
  3. I downloaded the Russian version then converted it to English. Before converting it to English all the threads I read said to enter "AntiEpilepcy = 0" Under the [bOB] section to disable the freak out filter. Funny thing is after converting the entry "EpilepsyFilter=0" magically appeared in my conf.ini under the [bOB] section. Don't know which one is actually working so I left them both in there. A couple of other tidbits: VAC=1 if I am not mistaken this stands for Valve Anti Cheat in case anyone is interested. ;ProcessorAffintiyMask=15 I'm sure everyone knows what this is from the original, take away semicolon to enable it. Doesn't effect single core processors you can use this to determine which core or cores the game will run on. Here are the settings =1 - core 0 =2 - core 1 =3 - core 0+1 =4 - core 2 =5 - core 0+2 =6 - core 1+2 =7 - core 0+1+2 =8 - core 3 =9 - core 0 + 3 =10 - core 1 + 3 =11 - core 0 + 2 + 3 =12 - core 2 + 3 =13 - core 0 + 2 + 3 =14 - core 1 + 2 + 3 =15 - core 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 So 15 would make the game run on all 4 core of your processor. ShadowMapSize=5 Under the [core] section I have seen a few posted conf.ini file where people have turned this down to 4 or 3. I don't know how much of an effect this has on performance but you might want to try it out. MSAA=0 Multisampling Antialiasing setting. I believe the max setting for this is 4 which corresponds to X8 in game.
  4. Will run certain Windows apps using the WINE emulator package. Ubuntu, or any Debian based OS for that matter, is very stable and works well. To tell you the truth I'd rather run Ubuntu 64 then Win7 except for the fact that 7 runs ALL the Windows games and not just some of them. When it comes to Linux the different distros are really just collections of apps, after all Linux is Linux. Ubuntu just happens to be user friendly and a good entry level Linux which is why many new users are attracted to it. After using it for a while though you may find yourself swerving toward a Linux distros that are more suited to your particular taste and needs. Debian is an excellent distro that Ubuntu and many others are based off of. Any Debian based distro such as Ubuntu can usually run the same apps. Debian just doesn't come with all the nice polished shiny bits like Ubuntu straight out of the box but that is the great thing about Linux, it is infinitely customizable. You can make Debian look and feel just like Ubuntu or either one just like Mac's OSX. You can add as much as you want or strip down to just what you need which makes Linux great for appliances like hardware firewalls, automation controls, media servers whatever. Puppy, Mint, PCOSlinux are some other nice distros as well. Redhat just happens to be a commercially sold package of apps for Linux (or distro) that are not free but the Linux kernel itself is free and claimed always will be. Puppy Linux is especially nice cause it will fit on a 256MB thumb drive and contains all the apps you need for system recovery, hacking or just personal use. The nice thing about system recovery with Linux is that it's not susceptible to viruses targeting Windows. You can customize it however you want and then burn your custom install to a pen drive and take it with you anywhere. Boot a machine off it like at the library for instance and you have your own personal OS on the go. Remove it and reboot the machine and as long as you haven't changed or removed any files on the computer no one will ever know you were there. You can do this with Ubuntu as well I believe.Ubuntu will also run as an application under Windows if you'd like. You can run it from the CD you burned it too and check it out without ever installing it on your machine and when your done all is back to normal. There is also a very nice VMware for Ubuntu. The learning curve for some Linux distros can be a bit step but check it out its well worth the time.
  5. I think we need a thread and maybe even sticky it containing everyone's conf.ini files along with system spec. This way we can keep track of what's working for people and giving the best look vs. performance and whatnot.
  6. I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!................I can stop anytime.
  7. Yeah, just poking fun, I'll see if I can scrape up my Steam ID so I can annoy you all in multiple formats.
  8. Why did you have to post this? Now I've gone and set myself on fire while running down the street naked singing it!
  9. Sounds good to me. I have been frequenting the Hyperlobby scene lately just to get in some quick and intense furballs with some breathers. Skies of Valor and Warclouds are both pretty good servers I've joined a few times. There is a Dangerdogz group on Steam but apparently it is invite only and they are only handing out invites to select people as I never got one. I have steam load automatically when Winblows starts so I can see which of my so called "friends" is online even before all this COD nonsense. It's pretty light weight and doesn't seem to bog my system down. As I'm not always hanging around in TS when I'm online it might be a good idea to jump on the bandwagon so we can all shoot each other quick PMs without being in a full blown chat room. I should be on tomorrow night (Saturday) after the Ubizoo. Speaking of which, I don't remember if you said the time was out of your schedule but it would be great if you could fly the zoo with us starting at about 2:30 pm EST. If not I'll be hanging out afterward from about 6 pm EST till whenever so if you get online well hook up for sure. I'm sure a few other lurkers will pop in throughout the night. Looking forward to helping you learn all my bad habits and uncanny ability to drive people insane with my mindless babbling. P.S. I only wrote this to get my post count up.
  10. Oh, awesome I didn't even know that, thanks. Yeah my kid took over my Minecraft account and now it's all he thinks about.
  11. Minecraft 1.4 is out now with tamable wolves.
  12. Mayhem

    Aces High

    That video is blocked Trooper, I put up a nice alternative. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A4Ll-l9y48&feature=fvst
  13. Hum, funny how the OSes detected the drives with the sam letters. Can't you go into the administrative tools go to disk management and assign whatever drive letter you want there? When I dual boot XP and Win 7 they both saw their relative boot drives as C: I guess 2 Win 7 installs see it differently.
  14. I don't see why as it's on the same machine. As long as you have your little licensing badge on the case you should be good. I would have no problem on my conscious doing this. If it is illegal its an overstepping of boundaries if you ask me but basically companies can do whatever they want now days and get away with it.
  15. This is crazy. So this is just a result of a poorly implemented last minute stop gap and hopefully will be addressed properly in time. Wonder what the laws on this are in the US and Canada? Apparently other games are either getting around this or fixing this properly without breaking functionality. Unless this is something brand new because of some changes in the laws that previously release games like Just Cause 2 can be Grandfathered out of. I've been playing some recently release games and they run just fine. The legal systems suck. Everyone without epilepsy is being inconvenienced because of this. I know having a disability is very inconvenient especially for the stricken. I mean my social and mental disabilities inconvenience you guys all the time and causes me great dismay. Used to be you could just pop up a disclaimer and problem solved. Hopefully as Todd stated there is an easy way to disable this. Any word on the concern that Steam will be required to run the game and whether or not modding will be doable?
  16. I was waiting for the airplanes! Where are the flippin' airplanes???
  17. Ok so who's going to send me a copy from over the pond. Seriously, I will paypal someone the money for the game and shipping. Just hoping the activation doesn't pull something funky with a IP originating in the US but I doubt it. So who's gonna help the Yanks out? After all we've helped y'all out enough.
  18. I just did a dual boot XP and 7 install. I had my old XP on one drive and just cleared off one of my other drives and installed 7 to it. 7 did all the work automatically . Just install 7 and it will pick up the XP install and create a boot menu giving you the option to boot in 7 or other windows versions. No fuss at all.
  19. Mayhem

    Hey Guys

    Hey Dino, nice to hear from you finally. I was starting to ask where you had been all this time. Good to have you back.
  20. OK, yes you should have no problem doing this. The first Win 7 install will install on the drive of choice and see that drive as the C: drive when in that first OS. Once you have that done install the second time. Win 7 install should see the first install and ask you what you want to do. Tell it to make a new install and not overwrite the first install on the second hard drive. This second install will see the drive it is installed on as the C: drive and the other drive with the first install as D: and vise versa for the first installation. When you say need a fast system for the games I am assuming you are talking about disabling all not essential process like drive indexing and the like. Have you ever looked at a program called Game Booster? http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html Also might consider getting a small (300GB or so) Third high RPM, high cache drive just for your multiple IL-2 installs and other sims. You may be able to set the gaming install up with a RAID 0 on 2 high RPM, high cache drives and have a third drive for your work install. Or get 4 drives and set up a RAID 0 on the gaming install and a data protecting RAID 5 on the work install. Just throwing ideas out there.
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