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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Mayhem

  1. Just reposting this from Delta7. I figure we should start trying to keep these things in the sticky thread. COd just went from 10fps to 40.
  2. Wow, complete with buwet holes and everything. I'm surprised that the government hadn't restored one for nationalistic purposes. Bye the way, did you see all the ribbons on that guys jacket. P.S. FT, everyone knows that the Mig 21 was what really helped the French win the BOB.
  3. After a few pints you really won't care too much where they came from anyways.
  4. Yeah, fantastic video I hadn't seen before. That was exactly what I thought too Arthur when I saw that DR1. I don't think they climb that fast in ROF, but he's probably flying into a headwind which would explain a lot. Did you notice those shots of engine starts, love those rotary engines and did you see how fast he had to get his hand out of the way. All taken with a grain of salt of course because those old films don't always represent time accurately. The rails for reloading the Lewis gun are genius. I'll tell you what else, those boy were some crazy ass seat of your pants flyers. You've got to be either brave or crazy to be pulling some of those moves in those wooden crates. I know what it's like though, it looks insane from the ground, but once you get up there the pure ecstasy and trill kind of take over your brain. I bet they had a blast practicing or just messing around. Now its another story if someone is shooting at you.
  5. Pretty planes! Me want touch, me want fly!!!
  6. If you're burning out LEDs you are probably overvoltaging them. I would suggest a larger resistor. When I first made mine I was running my LEDs at the max rating which was totally unnecessary and just puts more wear and tare on them. I now run them about half or two thirds the rated voltage and my batteries last several months of hardcore flight simming. I believe the life expectancy of IR LED is not quite as high as normal visible spectrum kinds but the rating are assessed at max voltage correct me if I am wrong. Running them at a lower voltage then rated has no ill effect and will make your lights last a long time. I'm thinking in the order of 10 years or more. This is what I am using right here. Deal Extreme 3 bucks for 20 and they work great. They have a wide spread so there is no need to file them flat. Free shipping too and while the site might look a little shifty, I can assure you they are legit as I have ordered many parts for projects from them and always been satisfied. I even ordered a steering servo with metal gears for my Nitro stadium truggy. It was cheap, free shipping and it works great with a lot of torque. This site is a little know goldmine. I recommend checking out the DIY project section of the site. They have replacement parts for Sony Playstation 2, cell phones and a whole bunch of that stuff. Its funny too cause the parts are shipped straight from China, Bangkok if I remember correctly. You know they say in China R&D stands for 'receive and duplicate'. I have found many parts for name-brand items where it seems the factory that the originating company farmed the production out to, had left over units or had stamped out too many, so they just resell them with or without the name-brand labeling. For instant they sell network card antenna not sold as under any brand name but when you get them they have D-Link stamped on the them. Another thing is the Gameboys SPs knock offs they sell. They have the same Nintendo casing but the units contained bootlegged games on a built in mem card or you can by cards with several games already on them. If you look around the DIY section you will also probably notice heat sinks and fans for name-brand video cards like Sapphire and Leadtek. I always get a kick out of it when I run across something of that nature. Its definitely a great site if you're looking to for project parts for say a robot or whatever. P.S. Like this here. Where else are you going to find one of these this cheap. This would be great for making RC foamy 3D airplanes. You can also find the Lipo battery packs, ESC, receivers and mini servos all really inexpensively on this site. Go buy a few dollars worth of foam and start designing your own RC aircraft. 2.4Ghz Transmitter and propeller not included. Well I found this Transmitter, it's for a car or boat but it comes with the receiver. Still an great deal. All that craps made is China anyways. When I bought my Nitro Truggy there was a range issue on the Cirrus receiver which is supposed to be a decent brand. I opened it up found half the solder joints inside done by hand by someone with no ability whatsoever. One of the legs of the output amplifier transistor wasn't soldered in all the way, so I fixed it and it's great now. The point is all that crap is made in China anyways so I wouldn't worry about the quality so much. I'm sorry, am I babbling again???
  7. Love it. If you like doing things yourself and don't mind tinkering it is a fun project. With the right camera and settings it works perfectly and hasn't let me down yet. The camera and head device you choose goes a long way towards the results you will achieve. I use a Microsoft Lifecam VX1000 which works very well. As far as the head device I would recommend a cap rather then a clip. I've tried both and the hat is much more accurate, not that the clip wasn't good, but a hat or visor is superior in my experience and make the setup a bit easier. Overall, I spent around $24 US making mine and have been using it for several years now with few problems. TrackIR has a few issues occasionally too from what I've heard. I think the newer version of TrackIR have less little issues then the older versions. Either solution will work well, it really depends on how you feel and if you like or feel comfortable making it yourself or just go the super easy route and buy TrackIR.
  8. I saw one of these a couple of years ago at the Winston-Salem Airshow. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_T-28_Trojan I think I remember reading somewhere that a T-28 was the first American plane (single engine or something like that) shot down in Vietnam.
  9. Hey all, just to let you know, the game Portal is free to download on Steam until the 20th. It's not a demo, it's the full version and you will retain ownership after the 20th to my understanding. Pretty awesome if you ask me.
  10. Practically speechless, what is going on with P-51s lately. Glad to hear the Dogz in attendance are fine but OMG the poor folks that got killed and injured.
  11. Amen to that brother! I did have the feeling that a complete overhaul of CLOD was immanent. I got the feeling early on that much of the game was thrown together with many bandages of sorts just to get a workable program that could be released and that in the end, much of CLOD would be seriously reworked. That said, looks like they are making good progress is short measure. It's definitely playable for me and looking and running better now too. I'm actually enjoying the suspense of seeing what the lineage of patches are doing. AA still looks to be crappy at distance but I have more confidence now that they will iron it out. Haven't tried driver AA since the latest patch but I will see if it has a better effect.
  12. Of course you can fly them!!!
  13. If anyone could upload the latest English maddox.dll do the vault it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  14. Maddox.dll anyone? Maybe we should have a sticky for the latest version for easy of access. Thanks to everyone providing it.
  15. Looks like they just added a Skyraider to the lineup, though I don't think it will be flying in formation with the P-51s. I can't confirm if the pilot will be French or not.
  16. Negative on that Snacko, the skin themselves must be downloaded and installed via torrent from the official ROF skin packs available on the official ROF site. Both historical and "Fun" skins must be approved by the ROF community for use in the games 'mod OFF' or 'protected' mode which most servers use to prevent wacky looking skins from ruining the look of the game. Basically when ROF is updated they add approved skins identifiers to the code. If someone is using a skin downloaded in an official ROF approved skin pack and you have also downloaded and installed that same official skin pack, you will see that player wearing their skin. If you have not downloaded the official skin pack containing that skin, you will see them wearing a default skin. The skin itself is not transmitted at any time when playing online. Only an identifier or pointer of what skin you or anyone else is using from an official pack is transmitted. Like I said, if you haven't downloaded that skin pack manually you won't see the skin. If a server supports 'mod ON' mode you CAN use any unofficial skin you want, and if anyone else in that server has installed that same unofficial skin they will see it. ROF however wants to maintain a level of quality control in the 'mode OFF' or what they call 'protected' mode, in which case you must be using a officially aopproved skin. Many server require 'mod OFF' (protected) mode or they won't let you connect. Even and if you TRY to select a unapproved skin when your ROF settings are set to 'mod off' mode ROF will not allow you to pick it or even view it in the hanger. Even when making skins, if you want to see how they look in game you have to set ROF to 'mode off' unprotected mode. Then if you later want to join one of the more populated servers online, you have to remember to switch your settings back to 'mode on' mode. I'm not sure how it works in ROF in offline mode as I never use it hardly but it definitely applies to online mode. Hope that helps explain that clearly. The whole scheme of the system makes it a bit of a pain to skin for ROF as each skin requires a description text file and screen shots that must be in a precise format as well as the skin conforming to certain brightness and contrast levels. All your files including screenshots must be put into a poll topic on the ROF skinning forums which doesn't allow you to upload anything directly so everything has to be hosted externally. Once you've gone through it all once however, it makes the whole process less painful the second time around.
  17. Well, a little good news for me given current occurrences. Just found out the local airshow is next month and there will be an F4U there. Also a B2, P-51 and F104 Starfighters, how freakin' kool is that?! http://www.wsairshow.com/performers/
  18. Ah, isn't modern technology wonderful.
  19. Mayhem

    The Hero Flight

    I can see this developing into something like the legend of 'The Flying Dutchman'. Know to be seen flying the wing of those who are unfortunate enough to get separated from their flight. So goes The Legend of the Flying Scotsman.
  20. Hey all, As Rise of Flight needs skins to be official approved by community vote, myself and the rest of the ROF flyers would appreciate it if we could get as many of our fellow Dogz to Vote on a new Dangerdogz Rise of Flight Skin pack, that MadTrooper and myself have put a lot of work into, as possible. Please register at the Rise of Flight forums if you haven't already and vote on the poll topic here http://riseofflight.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=219&t=23160 . Once again thanks to all of you for all the hours of great flying and hijinks. Each skin has a dedication to our late patriarch BG on the tail section, so even if you don't like Rise of Flight you may want to vote just as a tribute. It would be great if we could show our strength and totally knock the poll out of the park. More skin packs will come soon, just speak with MadTrooper or myself if you would like help with a skin for ROF. ,Mayhem
  21. Gone but not forgotten by any of us and especially the greatest host in the sky.
  22. Yeah, I'd be interested for sure. Love TF2.
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