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Everything posted by PropNut

  1. That is an issue, after you calibrate them you can check their position in the control panel of both IL-2 1946 and CLoD.
  2. It is for those cheapskates who just couldn't be bothered to pay a little more money for an English version of the game and purchased the Russian Version. But, if they can find a kind hearted soul who is willing to post the Maddox.dll out of their English version they too can have the menus in English rather than Cyrillic.
  3. Mounting them on the frame of the pit is a damn good idea. I like it!
  4. Sometimes I sort of wish they were three turn, but these ten turn work pretty well, a little more precise but it sometimes takes a lot of turning to get them centered again, lol.
  5. I built this for A.P. Hill the other day, need to drop it off to him next weekend on my way through his area (wife wants to visit Toronto). Thought I would share some pictures. The panel is using a Leo Bodnar BU0836X controller board for 8 axis and 36 toggle switches. I could have added four more toggles but I thought it was too crowded as it is. I could always send him another sub panel for the side with an additional four toggles to plug in. It is made of 1/4" Baltic Birch plywood (high density multi-ply) painted black with vinyl accents added (I have a 24" vinyl cutter if anyone needs anything cut out). The box is 1/2" and 3/4" cabinet grade birch plywood with birch edge-banding. I designed the axis mechanisms myself, they are the same type that I use in my roll-out drawers. They are using three 10-turn Bourn 10k pots for trims, and eight 3/4 turn 10k pots for anything else that A.P. wants to use.
  6. See? There you can say that you cannot judge a book by it's cover. Joebob in real life looks much smarter than he actually is!
  7. Absolutely, it is alot of fun to fly but there are still many bugs that keep it from becoming my daily flier. And of course it is half off at Get Games right now. http://www.getgamesgo.com/product/il-2-strumovik-cliffs-of-dover 17.49 B.P.
  8. I agree, the graphic issues are getting ironed out , IMO, but there is still a long way to go before this is a working sim to replace 1946 or even compete with it. Graphics are pretty, gameplay is getting better, multiplayer is still pretty rough.
  9. Hey Tom, at the bottom of the first post there is a link for the hotfix file: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=26761
  10. Ya know FT, I was thinking of something similar, but not related to stick position. I was thinking of a foot pedal control device. The other day I was thinking of ways to have more inputs and not take your hands off the controls. I designed (in my head) several sliders about 2"x3" accessible using your foot, as well as several larger buttons, also accessible using your feet.
  11. I like this latest beta patch (and mini patch). The colors, to me, are good. My frame-rate with shadows on and ultra high settings (1920x1200) is 30 (avg) and with shadows off they are 60 so flying the Hurri and Spit is a joy (don't know how to fly anything else yet). I went through the first several missions in the single player campaign this morning, no problems at all (well, I still have trouble warming up the Hurri correctly...several perforations after take-off but that is my fault, not the game's). I also spent an hour on a public server with 20 or so fellow pilots, no issues there at all. I am not going to say that this game is fixed completely, that would be silly and as you all know..I am never silly. But I do think I would be willing to spend more time flying online with any of my fellow Dogz if they are interested. Just my .02 (minus taxes and excise fees that would be worth about -.35) David
  12. Well you can't have one of Mine! The weekend is coming up and I only have three left!
  13. Well...they are kind of men but are also women..but they...er...umm....well they sorta....um...kinda....um.....
  14. Friar's Nuns are Transvestites?!!! There go most of my better fantasies......
  15. Here is a drawing of the dimensions for the Track Clip Pro (from TrackIR) so you can make one. This will work with both freetrack and TrackIR. untitled.bmp
  16. As BA said, yep, thats the one. But that one is expensive. Edit: There are cheaper ones on Ebay though. Most are 9.99 with free shipping or 1.99 shipping. And you will want to get a clip for it also (so it sits on your LCD monitor) like this one, they are cheap: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TV-Clip-Mount-Holder-Stand-PS3-Move-Eye-Camera-NEW-/250886447731?pt=UK_VideoGames_VideoGameAccessories_VideoGameAccessories_JN&hash=item3a69ff6273 David
  17. Jediteo and I were looking at Ebay.UK last night and the PS3 eye cam is even cheaper there then it is here. You should have no problems getting one cheap. You might also look at local game stores to see if they have one used for slightly more (but more convenient) than Ebay.
  18. BA, you need a minder my friend, Hope it all works out for you.
  19. I have been doing some experimentating with a PS3 Eye camera that I picked up from Ebay for 15.00 (came with the monitor clip so it will sit on top of LED monitors). This camera is one of the "bad" ones in that you cannot easily remove the IR filter as it sits between two focus lenses. So...I tried it without the removal of the IR filter. Much to my surprise it picked up the light from my home made Track Clip Pro. As a matter of fact it did so very well. It still picked up other light though, even with the threshold set very low but only once in a while when my bald spot reflected the track lighting. So....I put a piece of floppy disk film over the lens, set the FOV on the camera to closeup (you can do so by twisting the lens on the camera) and putting both gain and contrast sliders to the middle. The threshold slider I put in the middle also. I now have three nice large red dots with no other interference. PERFECT!! I set the stream settings to 640x480 @ 60fps, you can do 320x240 @125 but 60fps at a greater resolution seems to work better. Then of course you set the sensitivity and curves to your liking (profiles). Two computer sitting side by side, one using TrackIR5 the other using my new PS3 Eye Cam Freetrack Rig, no discernible difference in smoothness or tracking.....my likey! PS3 Eye Cam - 20.00 with shipping 940nm 5mm IR LEDs - .30 (bought a package of two dozen for about 2.00 on Ebay) Wires - junk drawer free USB cord - pulled from a junk USB device - Free Floppy disk film - used one that my wife had saved her dissertation data on from when she worked on her PhD (Woops!!!) FREE! 22ohm resistor - .01 from a miscellaneous pack purchased on Ebay for abou 1.50 Doctor bill for severely burned fingers from soldering iron - 2200.00 (kidding, I know how to burn myself for much less money). Total cost: 20.31
  20. Hey, I would like to try to fix it, would you mind if I took a swipe at it? I will PM you my address. David
  21. Very cool pictures Sweper. Thanks for sharing. The photos are very good quality.
  22. DoH! I didnt look to see if you had replied before I posted that last bit, sorry. Looks like you found the problem on your own! I am very glad to hear that everything is back up and running! David Edit: By the way, your 10 rules by Sailor Malan are based on Oswald Boelke's "Dicta Boelke", one of Germany's greatest WW1 fighter aces. He had only 8 rules but they are pretty much the same as those you have posted.
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