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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Sweper


    From the album: Boring museeum pics

  2. Sweper


    From the album: Boring museeum pics

  3. Sweper


    From the album: Boring museeum pics

  4. Happy Birthday (in advance) Brando!
  5. Swedish photgrapher exploring abandoned mines. Awsome pics, I say. Check this out: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjoc/sets/72157625691586961/detail
  6. Swedish photgrapher exploring abandoned mines. Awsome pics, I say. Check this out:
  7. Yea, finally! I´ve waited for this thread for a long time. I´m in.
  8. Salute Friar I fully Agree! (I´m not a pointwhore and a killstealer!) Moahahah..
  9. Very nice Rox! Thanks for posting.
  10. Utmost charming story lads! Thanks for sharing
  11. "Climbs like a home sick angel" One for Fen
  12. Yes, it seems to be the same type of mission that contains the same errors. But not every time. For instance the folder: "#LLT M2010" only contains 4 missions, the first one fails (F4F-3 crash into hangars on take off), but the other three are ok. Well, wouldn´t fly them anyway since it is pitch dark. None of the Guadalcanal are working, same type of error. Same with the [benghalli] and [China]. Maybe take it ower TS, easier to explain, and not so much to write?!
  13. Welcome to the home of the Dangerdogz Whacker!
  14. ~S~ FT! Not your fault mate (even if you are a GIT). Today I cycled through all missions in folder: "#1 [10-78] Coop" And found that 25 of them are ok, 5 of them I put a question mark in front due to strange (minor things) happend, which I think could be corrected pretty easy (like increase the carrier speed from 20 km/h to 30 km/h so the ai F4u wount ditch on take off). And 13 missions that have more significant errors like planes crashing in the woods, falling down on the runway out of the blue sky, "Blue screen maps" etc. etc. Also checked 06 Khalkhin Gol (24). Most of them are I-16, I-153 v.s. Ki-21 D3A and other Japanese planes, and all 20 or so missions seem to work. Also made som "spot checks in" he other folders and every one I tried worked. But they were to many to do a complete check so I called it after a while. Cheers
  15. Be carful though, balancing your Spit on that liqour glass. Don´t recommend stronger then 80 proof - it can melt the plastic, and the paint of course!
  16. Beautiful photo Kev. Samsung mobile/camera?
  17. Nice one BB. (I was able to watch it even though I don´t have FB). Firing the guns made this beautiful P-51 (BBD look alike) rock even though it was strapped. Wonder how it would behave in the air.
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