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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Nice vid Fen. They did´nt have the guts to fly under the bridge though - sissies!
  2. My button box. Shuts all engines: off, jettison canopy, jettison myself: bailing. All you need
  3. Nooo.. Barnaby/Mark= Bark of course! Or maybe not...
  4. Sweper


    What a bunch of cool blokes. Nick looks a bit thinner, me think. And Colin hasnt been fed for a long time. But wait! You look much yonger too.
  5. Welcome to the Dogz Barn! Hope you will enjoy the show, but since you like sheep, it will suite you perfect. Jolly good! Cheers
  6. Some ol´goodies for some change. Mikael Carlson flying the A/Bleriot XI. He is also known flying the Fokker Dr.1 tri-plane at Duxford, among others. Check his other vids here: http://www.aerodrome.se/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KFLPFXyWy84#!
  7. Thanks and good show FT! New thinking and exploitation of this old game is always welcome. I wonder how many "hidden" features we still have not discovered yet? I was late and spawned about the coast line and had no trouble to find the target - without mini map path. Coust lines and rivers are big help! And of course somebody tell you what the target is and where
  8. Me like concept too. Why not, if there is lots of water to fly over, put out carriers along the rout. Or if flying over land, air fields from where we spawn if late or shot down. I like Kevs idéa, that you have to navigate a bit to find and join up with the lot again.
  9. Lets move to the blue side for a moment. Can´t remember this is the engine sound I hear in IL-2?
  10. Sweper

    Boring museeum pics

    Tanks from Bovington, lots of aero planes from Hendon, and a couple of pics from Manston RAF museeum.
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