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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Pretty cool. http://idealistrevolution.blogspot.in/2013/04/30-abandoned-places-that-look-truly.html I used to work here in the 70th by the way. http://www.jornmark.se/places_intro.aspx?placeid=116&lang=
  2. Sweper

    New Toy Mmm

    Very nice Arthur! Blue sky and blue water, how often does that happen? Beatuiful coast. Jurassic coast, funny name. Is it due to lots of nursery homes in that specific area? Close to Bovington tank museeum where we visited last summer.
  3. Another Kim story: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/borowitzreport/2013/04/north-korean-missile-test-delayed-by-windows-8.html
  4. Well, he claimed he made hole in one on each and every hole, 18 strokes in total, he´ll soon be back from that trip with sheers from his loyal people. With photo evidence.
  5. Ok, now you have to take care of me for one week mates Booked my flight tickets today and I will arrive at Stansted on thursday july 11 at 7:15 pm Back home friday july 19 from Stansted at 3:15 pm Cheers
  6. Sweper


    Salute Zooly. No need to apologise. I know the pain since I had surgery three (3!) times for just that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impingement_syndrome I hope you get it sorted soon mate.
  7. Nice Find SkyPup! Nice photos too.
  8. I want to book my flight ticket soon. Any suggestions of activity after Duxford yet? I think last year was a blast, and I´ll do it again.
  9. Sweper

    New Toy Mmm

    Nice pics Arthur, thanks for sharing history.
  10. Nice find Arthur. Does it work on stuck butt plugs?
  11. Agree. How stupid, I´m pet-rified
  12. Have a good recovery Faustnik!
  13. Sweper

    New Toy Mmm

    You come a long way using RAW. I use the free version for Nikon and it let me adjust EV 4 steps! (-2 to +2), lift shadows, adjust highlights, contrast, colors, color balance etc. etc. All that without "destroing" the photo like editing a JPEG. One could almost get the same effects as if using HDR (of course without the extreme HDR effects and photo mapping). Did a quick editing of one of my photos from Duxford. Original photo in RAW, a bit dark so I adjusted the EV up a bit trying not to blow out the highlights. F4U frame still dark so I lifted the shadows 50%. Added a tad contrast to get a shinier look on the air frame and also a tad reduced highlights to tone down the brighest clouds. Before: After: I also tried Photomatix free version long time ago. It was before they put a watermark on the edited photo. I tried to do a so called fake HDR i.e. taking one photo (with my old 5MP Sony W-1), made three copys in PSP, where one copy is -1 EV, one 0, the third +1 EV. Merged them in Photomatix and let the program do its job. Works pretty well, but the best way, the "correct" way, is to capture three or more photos in the camera, make the adjustments in the camera (-1 0 +1). Of course you have to have the camera on a tripod so the photos are aligned from start. Photos below was editied in Photomatix free version back in 2008 (photos was captured earlier than that) with fake HDR which resluted in:
  14. ...and Marvin Gaye´s "Lets get it on" as the icing on the cake
  15. Sweper

    winter evening 2

    Thanks Nick! Shot in raw and in the raw-processor (Viewnx2) I adjusted color balance a tiny bit, lifted the shadows and then converted to srgb. In PSP I resized and sharpened the pic and saved it as a jpeg. That´s all I think.
  16. Sweper

    winter evening 2

    Yea..it was a bit frosty
  17. Good show Rox! A road movie Were you invited to a private birthday party?
  18. Sweper

    winter evening 1

    From the album: Photos

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