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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Arrr... I think I found it. Short tucano? Yeees!?
  2. Looks like something agent 007 flew. Similar to a BD-5. But the tail fin differs a bit. Some sort of mini jet?
  3. Bloody hell, this one was difficult. Do you mean homebulit or homemade with "home" It is small it is. "Little"?
  4. I throw in: Lockheed 12A Electra Junior
  5. Good one Blubear. I was thinking of the same thing some months ago. The force again?
  6. Nice. Hope you and your wife had a pleasant week in the UK Ovy. Don´t understand "details" Friar. Beer is a natural part of it. Details for me, is more specific as: what happend after the beer in a dark alley in Soho
  7. Uploaded a skinpack to the vault for this mission. If Fenrir didn´t have one before? http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/735-mosquito-mkvi/
  8. That was awsome. The P-51 seems so "easy" to fly. Steady as a rock in the air. Wonder what that lever to the right and under the throttle is used for? What concerens me is he didn´t look for bogies very much.
  9. The one who´s hiding behind the big guy?
  10. Sorry that I have not answered yet, but time has moved a lot since first post and the SEOW did start again, om sundays. Anyway. I pick a JU-52, have already downloaded a Lufthansa skin for her, or, a Fi* Storch to dance around with on the runway and have fun. Have not decided yet. BTW, can you put in 15 knots head wind so I can fly backwards?
  11. Happy Birthday Brando!
  12. One happy Jeremy, lol. Good music too.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MZGPz4a2mCA
  14. Found some more pic's. This time from Yeovilton Air Fleet museeum witch we visited on a hot monday afternoon. More pic's on Flickr: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjHixiVL
  15. Then of course we were in Kent were we saw a big castle, the sea, Dover, the sea and some fellow Dogz. See them all on Flickr: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjH5Fw26
  16. Dogz at Dogzford and some misc pic´s from Cambridge and a briefing. More pic´s here: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjH6fyDE
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