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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Well, it seems it is already published: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117274/board/nest/147044038?ref_=tt_bd_4 http://www.foundthatfilm.co.uk/epages/es133404.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/es133404/Products/%22Over%20Here%20Dvd%22
  2. Cool! (well it is not, it is a bloody hot day here, again) I'm not gonna miss those trees Well done FT. Sent from my android
  3. Arn't you Britt's supposed to have it on left side?? Sent from my android
  4. Back in business http://www.dailydot.com/lifestyle/wwii-veteran-first-spitfire-flight/
  5. Me think recording a track or three (in game) to have a clue what the heck we are doing? Each plane has an icon, right. Corrsponding to who is flying which plane. Like, Painstaking Painless flying a Tiffy seen from the outside, then inside in the cocpit and then his ugly mug in real life.
  6. Or Sid the Git burping so loud that I thought it was me...
  7. Found this, as (one of those annoying ad´s at the start of the vid), on Youtube when watching music videos. Cool stuff! https://www.youtube.com/user/HAFUVideo
  8. Maybe I am able to join too. Get to know tomorrow.
  9. Nice read FT. Have missed this. You´re going back to your roots, kind´a (haw haw..) Like the story I told you earlier it is easy to forget what your parents (and their dads and mom´s) had to go through. Kinds of wierd that your allied and friends had to bomb the crap out of their friend´s cities to be able to shake hands again. Sort of. Arthur, isn´t it at your place they dig out 2.000 pounders from under the streets once in a while?
  10. Hellöw Arthur, will sure do. Do I have knobbly knees? Does Dolly P sleep on her back?
  11. Pooka dear. I'm home, safe and sound, as mentioned by our own Friar above. No mishaps except a dead automobile which delayed arrival at home for about an hour. I made updates almost daily on a site called Facebook, where I also uploaded photos from places I found intresting. Weather was warm and sunny at daytime, a bit chilly when the sun dissapeared. Next day, or same morning actually, I had my first day at my new job, a bit nackered but happy to have something to do, earn some money again.
  12. Another "lucky" pilote. From yesterday. http://allthingsaero.com/airshows/article-jim-tobul-survives-landing-incident-at-pdk
  13. Happy Birthday from Sunny island
  14. That F4U looks just brilliant. Nice done!
  15. Nice Pup. Maybe you shouold fly a couple G-11 missions with us before the real thing
  16. Yea agree. Sad though G**gle took over Youtube and included ads ads and more ads . Here is the correct link to Phaté: https://www.youtube.com/user/britishpathe
  17. Brittish Pathé have uploaded 85.000 vids, the entire arcive, on Youtube which is about 3.500 hours of footage between 1896 to 1976 of historical events such as WW1 and WW2. http://variety.com/2014/digital/news/british-pathe-uploads-entire-85000-film-archive-to-youtube-in-hd-1201159599/
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