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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. I think you nailed it Mr BluBear. You Brit geeks
  2. Nice one. Good work Jabo.
  3. Bloody hell bongo. You nailed it again. Asking for an aircraft, ask bongopedia
  4. Hah, hard work payed off. Mirrored or not. Another what plane is this wing tip question.
  5. 7 GMT? We hardly start a warm up dogfight map prior to 8 GMT, and co-ops even later. Almost at 8:30-9 GMT some times. The idéa of starting off with you guys at the end of a co-op night sounds ok with me. I am getting old and tired quite early so no guaranties from me
  6. I´d really like to be one of these idiots. Selling my photos to the newspapers all around the world
  7. Bouncy bouncy. I don´t know if this one has been up earlier, found it when searching German aircraft. Looks more like a successful landing by me in any coop http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2253449/Plane-spotting-enthusiasts-come-inches-death-military-aircraft-misses-runway.html
  8. Finally. Was not that easy, lol. That rounded stabilizer was a bit odd. Percival P-66 Pembroke
  9. Bang on Sir! A Sk 61. I am impressed Your turn bongo!
  10. Cool! Not the easiest to find "out there". Looking forward to that mate Now a quite difficult one. Took the picture my self at a nearby museeum. Good luck
  11. Your life isn't meaningless mate! No, indeed it is not, it's just as meaningful as ours! Ok ok, miserable then.
  12. Think I found it Northrop YC-125C
  13. Well, my only quess right now it could be some recarnation of a PBY. A flying boat for sure. Or maybe not.
  14. Crikey - this is a tough one. I´ll find it, be sure. (I have alreday searched on Google for two hours, gah) Thanks for the kick-start, re-starting this eminent thread again. I really need a challange in my meaningless life to fill up the dull days between my working days.
  15. Me thinking??? Well, sounds fine with me. If I am still awake by then. Tactics?
  16. Bloody heck. These fans are huge! Tested and approved.
  17. Welcome to the Dogz Surly! We are a well organized squad of professional pilots, flying in tight formations, willing to obey orders from the highest rank in a wink.
  18. Happy Birthday you ol' beardy bean! I wish you a nice day among drunken friends:)
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