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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. I did not check the status of the first one, but I deleted all queued "documents" in the list. Then I tried to print a words document, and it worked fine. Tried again to print a document from an internet site, by right clicking, and nothing happend except it remained in the queue list. I deleted it again, but still no go. The first queued was a map print-out from google maps, me think. Second and third too. Then I tried something else that did not have a print option embedded, but no luck. Another question. How do I use the Ctrl-Alt-Delete command in Vista? I like to se what is running.
  2. Yes I know, but it is not my printer (HP something) or pc, lol. I borrowed it from a neighbour and printed my hotel booking from a internet site (easyJet) and it worked in both color and greytone on my pc. So I am fine. My neighbour has a laptop with Vista and it does print word documents and such, but not from any internet sites. The printer clearly shows its precence in the tool list below and I can configure it in Proparties and all that stuff. But it just wont play with their pc on internet sites. When I looked into propartys it had qued about 8 documents from different internet sites that it refused to print. It is a USB thingy and I tried to change ports but no difference. And yes, it did work recently but just quit the other day... Any suggestions?
  3. Wooha! My google search: "twin engined aircraft fuel tank wingtip" gave me the right answer after a while. I´ll be back soon with a new one.
  4. Wait, two bladed prop. Piper PA-30?
  5. yea, I miss you too mate. At least you visit us to say hello. I meant Pooka, have not seen him for a long time. Whatsup?
  6. Yes it is. Where have you been mate? We are all missing you at coops.
  7. Nice done Jabo! Thought I would lead you in wrong direction showing the rear prop
  8. Quite right Dave. But not the right answer
  9. Hah.. A bit lucky there. After searching my usuly treasure chest, wich normally contains the usual aircraft, I searched pre war fighters/aircraft, or such. Just took me half a day this time . Twat is tis?
  10. Could it be a Martin-Baker M.B. 2?
  11. One of the fugliest I´ve seen, so far. Pantless, a link please
  12. I think Bongo tries to fool us a bit. Despite the b/w photo the tail looks more modern than on a ww2 us plane. They had a fatter design with a much more rounded tail. I have tried all search criteras from wide to narrow, but this on beats me. If I would guess it is a proto type 1947-1950-ish Country? Not a slightest idéa
  13. Nice to hear that Marc is doing well. He is the true hero. Doing stuff that we could only dream about. My two weeks of working experience was at a local offset printing facility. The owner was an alcoholic, nice fumes in there too, and I got payed a whopping 20:- for drowling over his beautiful-blond-short-skirt-tight-jumper-blond-sexy assistant. Well worth it
  14. Search app? Vas iss das?
  15. Nice! Lots of clouds over Dutchland
  16. Fugly duck with velded tail. What on earth is going on? Search app on hold, overloaded.
  17. I confirm mate Actually found this photo on a swedish fb-site (where I´m a member) "Flygplansfotograferna" where one of the members did see it live and took a photo of it (yes I stole it from there). So I investigated a bit more and found the very same site as Bongo did.
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