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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. You are right Jabo. Those above are F-16s I think. Now I am a bit confused. What the heck was I searching when I spotted those pic's? Gaahh..! Edit: I think I found it! It is a AIDC F-CK-1A. One of them IS a F-16, the other one is a IDF
  2. Agree Jabo but Fen is a sneaky bastong and when I wasn't 100% convinced because of the shape of the nose, it was the only one out there I could fine. So I stumbled over this. Look at the backgorund. Edit: one more similar background
  3. The closest guess right now is the Japanese Mitsubishi F-2? Maybe not...
  4. Royal Thai Air Force F-16?
  5. CA 4 Woomera is right. Fen matey you're up next. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAC_Woomera
  6. No and yes Only two were built. The one on the pic is apparently the prototype. It was actually competeing with the Brittish manufactor.
  7. Ok chaps. I like to have this thread rolling. Very few aircraft were built. I will be back soon with another hint.
  8. No and no. It was a multi role aircraft. Not many built.
  9. Well, no. It is not from the four biggest airforces "hint" "hint".
  10. Actually it is not that fugly
  11. The answer is: try again ol' chap.
  12. Thanks Bongo. Tough Fugler it was. A new Fugler down below. Quiz is on!
  13. Think I got it now, in the last minute before I fall asleep. Hurel-Dubois HD 34 Fugler
  14. It could be as simple as a Boeing. B-17 or maybe a 299?
  15. I was thinking french too. But no go, and I have gone through a lot
  16. Yes Bongo it is. You are honored to continue da quiz. Nice, isn't she
  17. Ok Bongo, you´d probably got it To alla others:
  18. Ok my name is not FT. Until he decides what to put up, here we go:
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