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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Cool find BluBear. I never played C&C, was more FPS guy. Wolfstein 3D, Doom 1 and 2, Quake 1 and 2 and Half Life. Now I found the sound tracks for all of them and it brings back memories Heavy metal stuff, haha.
  2. Sweper

    New Toy Mmm

    First pic's with my new toy. A sunny winter day, 6 below zero and blue sky. Had a nice walk around the harbour and in old town Falkenberg.
  3. Sweper

    New Toy Mmm

    Got a new toy today Nikon Coolpix A. "Pocketable" camera, 16mp with DX sensor. Found it on Ebay UK and the chap only wanted 300£ for it. When it was released back in 2013, it was more than twice that price. Nice walk around cam, only 300 grams instead of a heavy DSLR 1+kg depending on what optics attached. Oops! Think I need an adapter, lol.
  4. Thanks for the update Fen. I will have a deep look in to my concience and see if I have enough scruple to get into another sim.
  5. Haha, nice FT No probs with the guys, just put a smoke grenade inside Or light up a joint and close the windows Arthur, I didn't mean the guys or that particular car. It is more kind of smoking habits
  6. Happy new year to you too Dave! How was the helicopter fligth?
  7. Reminds me about a true story told by a friend who heard it from a chap who heard it... Anyway, here it comes: A lady bought a wardrobe from Ikea. When she arrives back home she assemble the wardrobe and place in a corner in the sleeping room. After a while a bus pass by on the street below, and from the vibrations the wardrobe falls to pieces. Amazed the lady re-assemble the wardrobe and put it back in the corner. After a while another bus pass and the wardrobe falls to pieces again. The lady get pissed and calls Ikea whereby Ikea send a carpenter to assist. The carpenter assemble the wardrobe, wait for another bus to drive by and notice the wardrobe fall to pices once again. Astounded the carpenter repairs the wardrobe put it back in the corner and says: I will now place myself in the wardrobe, hope that the the bus drives by again and see what happen. At this moment, the ladys husband arrives and notice the new wardobe. He opens the door and discover the carpenter inside. The carpenter is lost and speechless, but after a while he says to the husband: You may not belive it, but I am waiting for the bus!
  8. Yo! Me and you in I-16's yes. Me in a type 24 I think, it is that actual skin for it. Still got it.
  9. Sounds like a go mate. No lazy mechanic to warm up my engine while I sipping thea in the ready room? Oh well, I can sweat under the plexy hood for a while. They really have to put in a "scramble" voice mod too.
  10. You got it Bristol 170 would have been enough for a correct answer Your turn Sir!
  11. Come on chaps. Only the nose left!
  12. Yes! The latter is more common, I think. Well known manufacturor
  13. Happy Birthday Shark! Hope you are well and will be flying with us soon.
  14. Ok chaps. Here comes another hint. Same same but different.
  15. Thanks. A bit tricky it was. Darn inlets I didn't notice at first. Good one Aii.. here is an easy one. I have scratched off some paint from the fuslage to make the id'ing a bit more difficult. Did I say it is a fugly fugler!
  16. Sounds fun. Good idea. I will consider number 3. first and encourage my self to download the free version.
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