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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by gec

  1. Howdy guys, any of you that flew in Qualifications happen to have a track of the 2v2 with Raptor Toad vs Eagle Gec when Raptor and I was given a 15 point penalty for not flying the right direction?

    I've almost got a complete set of all the events, now short that one.

    I'd love to get them, so I can archive them, and share the whole set here.

    i think i have them. but got them from Vaca. that means that u can dl them from hes ftp also. i'l check and let u know m8.

    btw it was a pleasure fighting against u. hell of a pilot.

  2. lol guys yes, you are right :)

    but no-ip service is the same thing as dyndns service. ;) also if u have changing IP (this is the main reason why would u need such a service) u can download a tool (that is provided by both of the service providers) that will keep track of changes to your outside IP and register it automatically.

    to be more specific:

    1. go and create account (no-ip or dyndns does not matter i think no-ip is simpler)

    2. if u r using no-ip go to hosts/redirects and add a host

    3. go to download a client and pick your client

    4. set the client up and u r ready to go.

  3. hard to say m8 :( i do not see any reason why would windows installation make a difference between 408 and 409. i think it must be something else. probably the best way would be that me or Roger or enyone else who knows what he is doing, connect to your computer remotely and see what is happening.

  4. i would go and uninstall and then reinstall the sound card driver. also check that u have correct speaker configuration. hollow sound can come if u have 5.1 setup but only 2 speakers. also it seams that simple sounds are not making problems (like .mid) but the multichannel do. maybe could be problem with installed codec pack.

  5. right now i'm in testing windows 7 beta public release. my test machine is @ work so no game testing but this is next on my to do list. first i need to get my self a new hdd.

    for what i've seen till now win7 looks great, feels great and way faster then vista. maybe even fast as winxp.

  6. Try this:

    right mouse button on the folder -> sharing and security. click security tad, click Advanced, Owner tab. In the Change owner to area pick your username, tick the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects. OK, OK.

    off course all that is possible only if u have administrative rights on your computer.


  7. ty BG.

    i did try all of the weather types in the drop down list but neither gives me so dens clouds how we had in that SEOW mission. u really should have been there BG to see that. The clouds where on 500 m and almost totally cowering the map u could not see the ground from above the clouds.

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