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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. I think it was Snacko that mentioned the Micro FFB on Ebay today. I just almost won it. Made two bids in the last seconds. Up too $75.01 and got out bidded in the last 3 seconds. Poop!!!! Well if it was one of you, Enjoy it LOL
  2. I've never bothered with the lights, I made my reflectors balls, more here http://forums.ubi.com/eve/ubb.x?q=Y&a=tpc&s=400102&f=49310655&m=15310285&p=1
  3. Nope, got the regular shot earlier this year, then I heard the H1N1 was actually loosing its strength due to a short shelf life of the vaccine. So never got it. been wrestling sore sinus for a few days, taking Echinasia , Golden seal, cloriseptic spray to ease the pain.
  4. The easiest way to go from CFS to IL2 is to make your IL2 keyboard controls match what you had in CFS. That's what I did over 8 years ago. Now with that said, and from experience. If you have a Joystick that has a pro-filer, and are using it in CFS then leave the IL2 controls as stock as possible, and make the pro-filer manipulate the IL2 commands to resemble your CFS stuff. Head sets, well depends on your location, and available stuff at your local retailers, unless you order Online. I'm using a set of Platonic at the moment, they work well, but the mic boom has to be taped into position to hold still. I got three years out of an EDimensional set. and before that just some cheap 20 dollar logitecs worked well, but kids were too rough on them, back then. Kids are gone, and off to college, so I could probably get by cheap again. Dang it Zooly, you got me Pining for a new pair now. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826158082 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826158075 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826158069
  5. Your in the right place. Dr. These guys, host on Tue, Thur, This time of day, with mostly Brits on. And Wed nights for sure 7pm EST Plus plenty of impromptu times through out the week. Once BG gets in and give you the TS info you will find plenty of pilots to spend time with.
  6. I'm using a factory overclocked 260GTX from EVGA and it runs IL2 like melted butter, and ROF full setting, with FPS in the 30's + NVIDIA System Information report created on: 01/13/2010 14:23:32 System name: MUSTANG [Display] Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU
  7. I used to join in with my old job, but this one keeps from the HH time slot.
  8. Watch out for this one, if he's still running with his buddies from the old days, Meshach, and Abednego, he's got a co pilot for sure. Welcome to the pound Shadrach
  9. IL2 FFB is lame at best. I've tried a multitude of tweaked FFB files for the game. I fly IL2 with it turned off in the game. I still have a solid feel of the stick, and aiming is precise. When trying ffb, I used files turning gun shake all but off. I couldn't see letting that wear out my stick. What forced me to drop FFb all together is the fact that once you alt tab out, for any reason you loose FFB entirely till you restart the game, a real PIA, and not worth the trouble. I'm using FFB in ROF and alt tabbing has no effect on it, hopefully SOW will be able to manage this as well.
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_australia_shipwreck_filmed;_ylt=Ai.e2prjHbx7dU914DiJr_HlWMcF
  11. Well up till this story I always enjoyed the memory of once on the lake while fishing. I saw a friend of mine in his bass boat so I pulled up to him in mine, to find Him and his teenage son fishing. The son had Duct tape across his mouth.
  12. Nice job, I saw Myth busters build a sail boat with the stuff the other day and it works great too.
  13. First you will need to know your Machines Internal IP This works for Win 2000/XP I'm not sure just yet on Vista or Win7 on this internal ip stuff. So if you know, please post, and I'll edit this thread. You can use the "run" cmd as follows Go to Start -> Run and type in cmd. CMD This will open a DOS window. Type the command ipconfig and look for your internal ip of your machine. If you want all the info, about your machines network numbers you can type ipconfig /all. you'll see something in the order of. More on that here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipconfig The ip address is the internal ip assigned by the router for that pc the other pc's will have a different ip ending where xxx=102 on pc 1 then xxx=103 on pc 2 Make sure the port 21000 udp is assigned to the correct ip address. Your external ip can be found by typing into your web browser. http://www.whatismyip.com/ For router info look at this thread. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/49310655/m/314103891?r=863109982#863109982
  14. http://www.animatronics.org/strangers/strangers.htm
  15. The boy almost looks scared to death of what ever is left of the camera? Just starting to snow
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