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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. According to his profile Norway, but this sure looks USA Midwest Farm country to me. Old white Farm house, and a John Deere in the field.
  2. I like snow, I prefer it way over the ice mix we usually get. This global warming has dumped snow twice now on us here this year.
  3. Your still up? I was just on comms looking for flyers. If you have had no other, then I can understand, why you feel the way you do. Oh by the way, I just tried searching UBI for old post of us, no luck, were you trout back then?
  4. I thought he he trying to show off he was classy Opera singer for a second. But alas it was just her playing the meat whistle.
  5. Wow, I have one of the older versions, but couldn't get into it.
  6. What a name Nimrod, with a bobus nose, and swollen ass LOL http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/3228/flyingpens2.jp Can it actually get worse, Walter Matthau comes to mind. http://savepic.org/11283.jpg Oh my aching head, mixing drinks is not good! http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/4277/beluga1.jpg This one looks like it was shot down by the Millennium Falcon http://cdn-www.airliners.net/aviation-photos/photos/4/5/5/0957554.jpg Tell me can you see up my nose? http://blogs.abcnews.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/06/11/the_aircraft_th_mn.jpg Ok enough! Some of these are definitely in the Bracket, "If I could, I wonder if I should?"
  7. I know, it was the one that gave it enough merit to share.
  8. The economy is so bad that I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.
  9. I need to drag out my ham radio tapes and brush up on my code, I used to copy 13+ words a minute at one time.
  10. Enjoy! http://www.asb.tv/videos/view.php?v=a888c11q&a=feature It even has a pencil
  11. Well its allot closer to one than the crap we have now, off od way points. IIRC and ADF was able to turn to the frequency with the dial then fly to the tone. But none the less this is exciting!!!!!
  12. I beleive its your User Folder. But not entirely sure. I basically have never flown Single player Campaigns, and never worried to keep what I've done. That and possibly the DGEN folder.
  13. Jeeze a little feller like that on such an Amazon Women, would be like a fly buzzing around her in bed
  14. Nice camera work, quite a history it has.
  15. I've only had a problem so far with Win7 while using TS3, and TSO I haven't messed with my Saitek pro-filer, or VAC yet though. All my games were already on a separate drive, the ones needing registry keys I just reloaded, into the Win7 drive Program files x86, then deleted the install folders. Then made ne short cut to the desktop from my original installs in the separate drive. I also have found that you can drag your application folders from Fire fox, FSX and other things into your roaming folder of Win7 and have all the settings you had from XP up and active.
  16. I won't see it till it's DVD or later.
  17. Man all you sticks getting new controllers, is going to make things a bit tougher out there for Pete and I.
  18. Freaking felt naked without it. Lost it Tues, shortly after flying. My provider lost it nearly nation wide so they told me.
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