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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. I actually went and saw this last Monday with the wife for a late Valentines day. The best dam 3D I've ever seen, decent story line too. It was refreshing seeing a Modern movie not trashing the Hunt, and the use of the kill, as long as its respectful. Sigourney Weaver looks good in blue.
  2. But when I reply even with IE I get this
  3. This is going to go over like a lead balloon.
  4. So thats been the deal with it. I thought it was just still broke, well it is of sort if FF won't work with it. This the first time I've used IE in ages short Windows updates.
  5. This Slagg style is easier to see while typing and easy on the yes as well. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T ... orum-1.jpg
  6. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T ... dforum.jpg Although while typing in this text, I can hardly see it. Not sure if I care for that though. Changed my mind already, not going to use that style. I'm trying to find, how to turn off email notifications, on every post made???
  7. T_O_A_D

    saitek profiler

    If you can plug into another PC and see if it recognizes a new USB device. And then look for it in control panel joystick settings. If it works you have a problem with your gamer, if it doesn't work then its the device.
  8. T_O_A_D

    saitek profiler

    I'm at a loss, Windows should at least see it, as a so many button controller.
  9. T_O_A_D

    saitek profiler

    Does windows show the controller in Control panel?
  10. T_O_A_D

    saitek profiler

    You do have the drivers installed correct, and not just the SST software? If you do you may have to start it, via Start/programs/Siatek or something like that. I have mine starting on boot.
  11. Oh Jeeze! i wonder what armament is on that aircraft? Some of us need to go volunteer if they are flying Props for those missions. I could get into that little plane for sure. http://www.airliners.net/photo/583061/L/ Career move anyone?
  12. T_O_A_D

    saitek profiler

    Once the program is running it is in the task bar right click the icon, and you should get the choices your looking for.
  13. T_O_A_D

    saitek profiler

    Ok it's in the drop down box. [attachment=1] And I used the Vista 64 bit drivers for my Win7 install.
  14. Yep, One of the main reasons I embraced IL2 in the beginning, was to get away from the Fecking Mods of CFS and WW2 Fighters. At this point though, after 8 years, its hard not to enjoy and dress up the old rag for a fling.
  15. Yeh mine will let me get as far as picking it, and it will then tell me invalid size. But last week, mine was acceptable with Snacko's files. I had to toss his out due to conflics with our two machines thinking we were the same guy, but it let me see enough to learn a way to fix mine, and edit the files manually to get my PTT key working. Odd my avatar worked for him, but not me. And I know my avatar is within the size limits.
  16. Well I compared it to mine, and there are several differences. I put yours in my game folder and got the Pink area as well. But after flying this thing in the daylight, I've noticed Mine has some stacking of images, and large sections of clipping. [attachment=1] Extra struts [attachment=2] Clipping of wing and struts [attachment=3] Out side of the ride in rear [attachment=4] Mole riding [attachment=5] My config if you want to try it.
  17. T_O_A_D

    saitek profiler

  18. Texas A&M Final Exam Project. http://www.chilloutzone.de/files/player.swf?b=10&l=197&u=ILLUMllSOOAvIF//P_LxP92A42lCHCeeWCejXnHAS/c
  19. T_O_A_D

    saitek profiler

    Some where on the top bar of profiler is a button to direct it to the proper controller. I just started messing with the latest drivers from saitek, and I ran across that, trying to build a profile for my x45, Major PIA without the graphical GUI of the stick.
  20. Yeh, these I had lasted 7 years, but and they were $120 or so new. I'm going to try and look around awhile, for something used first before I break down and spend a large sum. And even then, it will be awhile before i can collect that kind of extra money. I see two dark spots on this mainboard, under a couple of diodes, (I think diodes) I'm thinking about getting some new ones and solder them in and see if I get lucky. Any one familiar with this? http://cgi.ebay.com/3000-Watt-Surround-Sound-Computer-PC-Laptop-Speakers-NB_W0QQitemZ400101467771QQcmdZViewItemQQptZPCA_Speakers?hash=item5d27e7e67b http://cgi.ebay.com/Frisby-5-1-Surround-Sound-Computer-PC-Laptop-Speakers_W0QQitemZ400102232356QQcmdZViewItemQQptZPCA_Speakers?hash=item5d27f39124 So far I haven't found to many revues, probably cheap.
  21. Ok, well I just shared my game folder and played it across the network on this old machine. and it worked perfectly, nothing odd in the swordfish. Its a single 1950pro but I'm pretty sure its has the 7.1 CAT's [attachment=1] Back in the day, Quazi and Coastie siad the 7.1's were the best for these cards, and not to go any newer. I know for a fact the 8.1's looked better, but they killed my fps so I dropped back. I'd sooner think it's a problem with the install of the aircraft in the game though. Or heat/dirty pin in socket, but those usually effect more than one thing.
  22. your using the ATi 1950 correct? If so I can test on my old machine.
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