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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. I read that yesterday, I'm not even sure how I found it, but was being rushed to leave the house, while reading it. Thanks for re-posting it.
  2. Yeh, I got this on email last week, been aiming to find it on YT, to share. Pretty funny.
  3. I don't know what to say? Squawk being able to type and shit like that?
  4. I have a dvix copy of it, It kept my attention, and I watch very few movies, anymore that do. I'll see if I can push it up somewhere for you.
  5. Speeds the otherday Now what I have today.
  6. Hell if it has the right spec, and input, Screw the TV and hook it up to the PC, and start the killing spree.
  7. Nice, they must have the rifles fixed not to eject, I didn't hear the Brass fall. And with that old rifle it should of, I wonder why the M1 is still in use for displays, after 60 some odd years, is it just that well balanced?
  8. Yeh, something has changed overnight.
  9. I've been having connection problems every where, my end, never noticed.
  10. Yep nice and simple. Sun Shinning 72 deg F outside, what a perfect day to have my Internet go down.
  11. Thanks It's nice out today, so I'm going to go out and check my own cabling myself now. It looks like rain tomorrow http://forecast.weat...gov/MapClick.ph ... 2=-92.9104
  12. Whats your IP so I can do the opposite direction, I just got that prog and used it on two different machines here. Same exact numbers, and I can transfer files to both machines back and forth not problems. I thought I could just ping each other and check against them over my router, but not with this prog anyway. So its either their Modem,cables in house or from the pole on out.
  13. So its fall off at my ISP? 12-215-0-33.client.mchsi.com Before it gets to me, correct?
  14. Thanks, I just suffered a time out, a bit ago right after I posted LOL
  15. They are coming tomorrow to look at my service. I told them speed check are fine, but you guys are saying I'm warping. So they are going to diagnosis it, and see if I've got a packet loss or something here local they can fix. If you get a chance Ping me and post any packet loss if you find it. I've been fighting this all morning just trying to post. everywhere I go I get time outs, been acting up for a couple weeks.
  16. 12% OC is pretty good, I've used a cheap Kingwin setup on my old older AMD machine, but this one is all air cooled. This Intel chip runs so cool I've yet to see the need, the Fan are fairly quiet.
  17. Just looked, I thought I recorded it, no luck.
  18. Nice Pic, should of known better than to give the Ruskie any freedom. So did it not come back on that pitch, or did you crash it?
  19. Yeh I know, just having fun with it. Well I had a pretty good feeling you were there, Painless had called out seeing you, and had lost eyes, He was in a P-38 so I knew you weren't on his six with his visibility. I knew if I bothered to yaw and look back it would just slow my mule down. So I just kept flying straight as fast as it could. Hoping one of the Cap guys would eventually find you again. Just goes to show, BG anyone gets killed in a low and slow Bomber type of operation. It doesn't matter who's in the seat, you fly a high percentage of these type of flights your going to get caught sooner or later. Being low, you have already given up your margin of error, (Altitude) for survival. Even High alt Level Bombing is pretty risky, if alone. Numbers of aircraft raise your chances, but at least if you are attacked, you still have the last resort of survival. BAIL OUT I was even still over the township, Snacko's ruthless killing spree, not only killed me, but plenty of civilians below. Freaking Nazi!!!! If you do, enjoy that new rank. I get killed all the time though, so you had better be ready to hook up most of the crew with it. Besides I need one, too I've shot Painless and OB down on occasion. hehehe Speaking of that we'd better hook them up with an Rank as well.
  20. OFFICIAL Posted Print SNACKO SHOT DOWN TOAD That was enough FAME and GLORY to satisfy him, without even getting you, you silly SOD.
  21. Well, this is what I'd do, to avoid the fighters seeing you. First and first most, I would wear a custom skin that blends in, No more goudy bright things. Save them for the parade. Second if flying with AI's Fly like they do, don't wonder away stay in formation. A human is quite easy to spot, and allot more fun to take down, so look like an AI. Sometime taking lead position will give you the advantage of being seen late, and the stragglers will catch the heat SOMETIMES I also will fly the entire map, to come in from the opposite direction, for just one good run, and have my momentum headed towards the house, and I never look back. Loitering to get more targets gets you killed unless your fighters control the area. I also do this same thing, but come in from just under contrail, and dive in for a bomb run pointed towards home. It depends on the aircraft of course. IL2 for previous, P-38 for example on the latter. I always fly something subdues though no matter the mission, even if I'm forced into a default skin. Hope that helps
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