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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. if only i could of been there, to take all the glory whores down. Save BG
  2. Only problem I've had with the past gallery's we've had, is when we change forums, if I didn't host the picture elsewhere, I lost it. Thanks Fruitbat, on the screens and the mod tips I wish my ISP would get my connectin fixed, If I have time, I'll try and fly today, but it if still warps, as I'm sure it will. I'll not stay.
  3. Mercury outboards, do you boat?

    I own an 87 model 150 mercury, on my old bass boat

  4. They should, I posted it on the front page with several of his links right from his own forum.
  5. Let Trout hose you? Let??? Hmmm.... not how i recall it bro. I recall it all ending spetacularly is a free-for-all TOAD bar-b-que! Ya, your mistake there... Ya got track??
  6. That was neat, I only saw 3 women, No wonder SF is the Gay Bay . Even then the numbers were out of balance. hehehe You sure don't see people dressed up like that anymore, to think all those dark suits, and dresses, that I saw, and no air conditioning, Pee yew!
  7. Yes Fruitbat is correct, I use it now. It's over at AAA. http://www.allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=20082&highlight=icon+remover Found it a few weeks ago, myself. Just make sure it has a - in front of its name, when flying with tags, ore you will be handicapped. it removes them all the time, not just in ntrk's I found this out the hard way, and let trout hose me.
  8. Wow what smoke mod is that. Do you use it online, or just for screen shots?
  9. One of my old flying buddies is sold on it, and always has been a Jet fan. I have FC and the original. I got FC off of Ebay on the cheap. I never truly put any effort in the game, too complicated. With proper group I might be convinced. Some of his post, on it since its release the other day. http://www.gozr.net/iocl/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1029 http://www.gozr.net/iocl/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1026 http://www.gozr.net/iocl/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1034 http://www.gozr.net/iocl/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1031 http://www.gozr.net/iocl/viewforum.php?f=5
  10. Yeh what he said, but then of course your investment will be much higher, but you'll have a kick ass keyboard, with lighted keys for playing at night.
  11. Just thought I'd post these two links on said subject. http://forums.extremeoverclocking.com/showthread.php?t=137886 http://www.motherboards.org/articles/guides/1487_6.html
  12. Now that you mention it, Yes maybe Draft: Design: 34’ – 9.00” @ 54,889 Tons MISSISSIPPI RIVER 45' Deep Draft Crossings Channel Depth Status http://www.mvn.usace.army.mil/ops/odt/deepdra.htm That's the Lock and Dam, so if the main channel was being maintained to that (entirely not sure if it is) the yes just barely. Just think how cool that sucker would look under the Arch.
  13. I like the clean cut one, Question, When I hit Reply it always wants to Quote. an adjustment possibly?
  14. That's my Boat. I still wish they'd of moored her at St. Louis in the Mississippi, instead of Pearl. More of us could see her if she was Mainland. I understand the argument of having the beginning and the end in the same place though too. But she would corrode alot slower in Fresh water than Salt though too.
  15. Well I lost connection yesterday wilts flying. And haven't had connection till today. It ended up being something major that shut down a large group of us so I'm told. And today its intermittent. They ISP has been called several times. They say that problem is fixed. So they are coming in the morning again.
  16. What? New sig or what is the Image? Ah I see it, after I quoted you and was able to see the link, and manually went to it. http://www.sanitarium.net/pics/speed_limit.jpg
  17. At times like you JO can overwhelm your time, it's best to JO only, during the peak times of it. Years ago, when I first got hooked into this, it was every waken moment outside of work. Nearly got stupid over it, just ask the wife. Much more, and I think she might of been my Ex by now. Now I fly Tue, and occasionally Thurs afternoons, while she is at work. And only after she is asleep or entertaining herself with the Phone and family, do I squeeze some more time in. So maybe 6 to 8 hours a week, I have no more JO classes to do, well there is some bomber courses now, I can take. But other than those, they'll have to make new and more, do get me heavily involved again.
  18. Sorry I have to work the weekends, or I'd be there.
  19. Make that 9, I had one of his you didn't. How to land on a Carrier Just waiting approval, i guess we can't set them ourselves anymore? I have another, but it was an early attempt of his, that had no voice over, and really isn't much.
  20. This is going to interfere with flying today! Total BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I read that yesterday, I'm not even sure how I found it, but was being rushed to leave the house, while reading it. Thanks for re-posting it.
  22. Yeh, I got this on email last week, been aiming to find it on YT, to share. Pretty funny.
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