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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. That's wrong, Those are just the processes they do, just thinking on how to keep us with blue balls. There is at least a whole other page or two of that for other things. And to think all that to say no in a mili second. The odd thing is one would think as often as they say NO, our species would of went extinct. But it back fires on them, Saying NO, only lets us stock pile more amo and hit them with a full load when its YES!!!!!!
  2. Thanks, Kimo pretty much as I figured.

  3. spring and cool the exhaust. Is there any adjustment, have you seen any of them fail, and cause lower water flow through the upper section of the block and heads?

    Thanks Todd

  4. plunger thing on the right side lower block under the ignition pacs.

    My best guess is it controls the water flow into the exhaust ports to keep them cool. I have no information on it in my aftermarket manual.

    Can you confirm this, and let me know ust what and how it works.

    I assume the spring rleases plunger once the water pump reaces a certain pressuer to overcome the s...

  5. hey Kimo I helped a friend yesterday and instructed him on changing his water pump on an old XR2 150 its slightly older version of my XR4

    All that went well, and it works just fine now. We had to replace the upper and lower pump housings due to them being melted, from a previous owner. But since he had no clue he had attempted this himself bfore hand, and he removed a diaphram spring plung...

  6. I'm glad it turned out good. A truck is replaceable. So how far out ahead do you have to setup your lane drop for the crews, and doesn't your company have attenuator trucks for this, instead of your truck? Here she would of been liable for a minimum of a $10,000 fine for the mistake, and possible manslaughter if she would of killed any of you.
  7. Site is messed up, too many dogs humping it, must of killed his bandwidth. LOL
  8. Well it sure reads like they shot their self in the foot letting him test it. I'd stay away from it for now for sure.
  9. Thanks all. Well so far. I narrowly avoided my Revue, by having a Dentist appointment this morning. I did that on purpose, I had a feeling it would show up a month late. And I didn't want it on my Birthday, getting old pisses me off enough, without some dam Revue, telling me things are just fine, no raise ,no better shift anytime in the near future. Just now got home winding down with some forums, and a beer. Then sleep, and off to work again. I guess were expecting some major storms this afternoon and evening, Might even get Tornado's. That would just be icing on the cake.
  10. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    Well it took me awhile but I dug in my bin of old parts and got the old AMD 1900+ running, I only have one stick 256 of ddr400 It runs 4.08 just fine, but 4.09 crashes, so Ram may just be the deal with 4.09.
  11. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    This is very odd, I have some old smaller machines in the garage, I'll see if any of them work, and I'll load it on there, and test. I used to host the 4.08 and older on an old AMD 800mhz machine years ago, then upgrade to a AMD 1900+ both had anywhere from 256 to 512 memory, win2000, and XPpro My guess if anything your missing java or the version you have is corrupt or something. Oh and you didn't waist my time, I've been aiming to get it going again anyway, on my old gamer AMD 3700+ 2 gig of Ram I still need to figure out a few things on the new FBDj thing, and get my ISP to fix my connection, but once that's done, then I should be able to host quite often.
  12. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    Thanks guys Ok then, that's good news, that means if Cannon got the files he should be able to get up the dogs server up and going 4.09m. as for the toad thing, I can't ever keep that thing going, I always replay to the emails and it says its been updated, I guess I don't host enough or something. Fruitbat, did the server run smooth, I think my phone call to the ISP threatening to get out of my Contract got me some action yesterday. My speeds are up but I'm still not convinced on the packet loss thing. BG if your reading this ping plot me again would ya.
  13. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    I looked at server, been gone most of the day, no one has joined it. Has anyone tried, and failed? You don't have to play, just let me know if it lets you in and spawn.
  14. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    Cool I finally got FBDj working, their instructions are vague at best, had to get on their forums and search for the last few days, till I finally found the small tidbit, not included in the manual.
  15. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    Ok I'm awake again, and I have it uploaded, and downloaded to another PC and it works. It's even hosting at the moment, I'm able to join on my internal network ip, so check it out, and let me know. 4.09m toad.servegame.com:21000 it looks like my connection is alive at the moment too. Once daylight comes around and folks start using it , it won't be though.
  16. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    Ok all four are active! Get em while their hot. Let me know if you get them, that goes for any of you, if you take the notion to grab them for posterity or something. I'd like to know if they are working, and if they extract and run the server as it should.
  17. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    I've been up 24 hours now, And even though I have a steady connection its still slow on my end getting them back down. Give it a go and see, I hope they work. http://www.filedropper.com/il2dedicated409mpart1 http://www.filedropper.com/il2dedicated409mpart2 http://www.filedropper.com/il2dedicated409mpart3 http://www.filedropper.com/il2dedicated409mpart4 I'm just as beaten over the new FBDj, I have it all working, short loading the frik'n missions LOL
  18. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    I've got half of it uploaded, the rest is going up still. So once it up and I download it and test to make sure it works after uploading it, I'll post the links. I just went to wally world and picked up a usb wireless adapter, and I'm nicking me neighbors DSL connection,
  19. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    I'll look to get the info, Monday. If I happen to have the bandwidth, I'll just zip it up and upload the complete install, of 4.09m version DFS I actually have it running now as a Modded 2.01 server, and am trying to get FBDj to work with it. I have FBDj seeing it, and affecting the icon settings, but I'm at a loss at the moment on why it won't load missions via FBDj. I used to host one years ago with the original FBD it was a 1v1 server that would roll the mission aft red or blue had two wins. And you had to land successfully on your side of the base after the fight to claim the win. Each mission had only one plane type, and once it was won it would roll another plane type, it kept things interesting. I also have one mission with all types available but then it took a judge to keep things fair. It worked a treat. with a spectator base and all. FBDj has the power to control the load outs this excites me. But untill my ISP pulls their head out of there Arse, its null and void. I'm sitting here at work on their free wifi, and the thought crossed my mind. That's a pretty good connection for wifi, If only home connection was this good, and better agian.
  20. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    Ok, I have the 4.09m dedicated working. So it is possible, I'll open the port, but I doubt my connection is stable, its still broken. But your welcome to try and join. toad.servergame.com or Just read this thread, to build it. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/49310655/m/3981084945?r=3141017945#3141017945 I already had a 4.08 built, so I just had to locate the 4.09 file I posted above. Most important is to use the files ending with "m" I found a thread doubletap started about making it a modded server, So I'm going to look into that now. http://ultrapack.il2war.com/index.php/topic,2011.msg21445.html#msg21445 EDIT: I took it down, my bandwidth is barely letting me post at the moment.
  21. T_O_A_D

    Df Server Problem

    I just found the official 4.09 dedicated server files. http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=3762
  22. LOL I've read that joke several times, I had no idea it was on film?
  23. Yeh, but I'm not available on weekends, I'm only here now due to my dam neighbor waking me up mowing.
  24. Turn on zuti and replay them. You will find Zuti missions that are recorded, will not play in stock versions of game.
  25. Sort of odd to have built all those homes, and only now managing to hit a hot spot. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_dc_munitions_dig
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