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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. That's how so many older men think alike. Once that hair pulls backwards down their neck, to their shoulders, and further down. Their frontal lobes can send out unimpeded old man thoughts among themselves. Sort of like how Dolphins communicate with echo's.
  2. I had a Premonition about Duxford today. I struggling though who's Future I'm witnessing. Painless possibly. Wasted guy.wmv
  3. Hope ya had a good one up north!
  4. Poor Dog, Didn't hear 20 Seconds for sure. Been there with you guys before. Yep Deer, are not tame by no means. Due to auto accidents they are acctually classified as the most dangerous north American animal.
  5. Nice! I wish I was connected with that type of work.
  6. http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/93804?fp=1
  7. Yeh, I read up on that awhile back. If I had an aquarium I'd try it with some of my older stuff, and just let it be a print server, and a night light.
  8. Hey you SOB! Stay away from my Biach!!!!!
  9. This sale Ends July 2nd I just got mine up to speed with the latest release, myself. http://riseofflight.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?p=129804#p129804
  10. T_O_A_D

    Pre Radar

    Nice I didn't know about these either. I could use on now, according to the wife.
  11. Yep a bit of a hosing for sure.
  12. I really don' t have a clue, but rumours about have had me steer clear of it. But my Dad keeps asking me, and I keep telling him to just play IL2 and wait for SOW. Well now this post, so I'm actually looking now. Well you buy it, and other addons from here. http://yuplay.com/story.php?title=Wings-Prey-9 Their contact info is located hear and in the USA http://www.airwargame.com/eng/community/ No matter the language choice. Makes me think it has nothing to do with any of the old school Flight sim makers. (has any of them changed their name recently, Short NEOQB to 777 for Rise of Flight )? They are listed on sever forums, twitters, and such. http://www.airwargame.com/eng/community/ Ah I see it is like ROF , you want more planes you have to purchase them, not at all a Oleg mentality, at least not Historically. http://www.airwargame.com/eng/updates/ After researching I I remember why I shelved the idea. Just like Warbirds the game looks and feels too much like a long term expense. Oleg spoiled me.
  13. Thanks for getting back and posting your flavor of paste. I've still got a tube or two of the old Artic Silver, and at the rate of my building these days, I may have them for several more years LOL But here is a revue, a pretty dam good one too. http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/coolers/display/thermal-interface-roundup.html I don't completely agree with their conclusion. though about your paste. Because if its none conductive and only runs a degree or two from the top dogs, I'd say it's perfect for a newbie, or shaky hands, and older eyes that many of us are inflicted with as out ages keep creeping in on us.
  14. And the title of this thread, had me thinking of Butt Cream
  15. A working joystick for sure. But you don't need a $300.00 one. I have an X-45 that was $70.00 when it was new like 8 years ago. I still use its throttle, and the stick as a button bay. And Ch pedals, plus an older TIR3 pro Oh, not bragging, but I've won Joint ops Top gun two years running with older cheaper equipment. I fly with a Microsoft force feedback stick USB version. The last one I bought used off ebay, for less than $50.00 shipped, just grabbed one for my Dad last week for $36.00 shipped, the same way. My first one lasted 8 years of heavy use, But beyond that, if you already have a working stick, I'd buy TrackIr. Once you use it, and get accustom to it, if your one of the people that has to get used it. You will not enjoy any other simulation with out its support. Guaranteed!!!!
  16. @ that temp, I'd of wanted nothing more, and probably wouldn't ate all of that. Room temp liquid is better for you, in extreme heat anyway isn't it? Not as much fun for sure, but it seams I've read that before.
  17. I'll ponder the thought, I come here to hide LOL Will it associate our forum names with our real names. My biggest grip with FB is people requesting Friendship with their real name, Like Who the Hell are you I always think. So I have to come up with some witty reply and quiz them till I figure it out..
  18. Not counting us then B16Enk???

    1. B16Enk


      No you guys are all friends!

  19. 1 1/2 seconds or less to get them pervert right.
  20. Why can't I quote anymore I wonder. But BG the answer is here. http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/tutorials/article/1-enable-ts3-display-on-g15-keyboard/
  21. T_O_A_D


    Coolness! Speaking of wobbly, I have in the past after way to many hours IL2ing, due to track IR and aggressive flying, had my eyes, even once closed pulsating, from rapid focasing at moving targets. At least that what I think caused it.
  22. $70 US or so, last I looked. Well worth it if you play in the Dark, Not so sure it would be needed in your playtime hours BG.
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