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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. Yep, if at all possible. MT The file I gave you is now, public. Guys, Here is a Mod for ROF, that I've been testing for Gozr. It places your head position in a more realistic place. Negating the broken neck and over extended views of TIR in the game. Causing the disorientation and discomfort of the 6dof views. The developers only included trackir in the game only. Since the beginning development the game it has been only optimized for a hat switch, per Viks himself. It's still in the stages of being adopted as official part of the game. But here is Gozr's link at his forum on it. http://www.gozr.net/iocl/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=1069 Anyone can use it, just follow his advise. Others and I didn't have to tweak his TIR but others may find that part useful. The older TIR software, won't duplicate these profiles exactly either. The luascripts thing is for in-case you have some special snap views programmed. As does the F10 key I beleive. I don't have any I'm straight up 6dof, so I didn't worry about backing it up. I mentioned to Gozr to explain these two things better on that post. He said he will. Be sure to give him some feedback, good or bad, he will appreciate it either way.
  2. Yep, I wish they would of just spent the money on dragging it out of reach of the water, and built a nice hanger over it. Then after few years of work they could of taken it out when it was ripe for the picking, Instead of trying so hard to get it. But The fear of others taking claim to it and their hard work, forced them to get greedy, and reckless. The whole time it was trying to take off I was saying your ladder is down DA No prefilight check list or securing items was performed. Why I wonder didn't they turn off the stupid generator once the Engines were running. Complete waste.
  3. Yep, I posted about it, yesterday It was heart wrenching to see it end up as FAIL. Since they had it out on the ice, what new parts were salvageable, sunk in the spring to the bottom of the lake. 4 rebuilt engines and Props and Wing components, were the only things left. But in that above thread BA as we were talking last night about , Sulky added a link on you tube about this B-29 and I see another Youtube on the and several other interesting links, I've yet to look at.I'm just now looking at them, I fell asleep on the couch right after the B-29 show.
  4. Howdy RoloD BG, should see this today, and get the ball rolling for ya. The will to laugh and a pulse is pretty all that's required to be a Dog.
  5. Ditto! BG is one of the few for sure.
  6. That's the beauty of a training chord, and extra control box. Once he has it up to altitude you can fly it around, and a flick of a switch he is in control, if need be.
  7. Nice catch Roger!!!!! Now FB had you been upfront in the first place, that you had been OCing and tweaking your settings. We all would of told you upfront to rest your CMOS. It's a lesson any OC learns sooner or later. LOL Now yo have to sheepishly tell the PC store your maneuver. It's also something nearly everybody fails to post upfront too.
  8. I told ya the best part about TS is not smelling each others Breath. I guess these two with field testing, figured it out to be true. Nice one! My wife hates it when I do that pose. Except I pull um up a bit tighter to show the yams.
  9. Nice collection BG thanks for sharing.
  10. Well bud can ya at least make the machine your posting from runTS. I'm stuck here with zooly by myself
  11. Silly twit, I got tired of you trying to shoot me down, so I snuck in wile you was away, and turned your screen around backwards. Kidding aside, that sucks. How old of a machine is it? Is it a local retailer, or are you going to have ship it off. Before I would ship it off I'd at least blow out the dirt, and unplug and replug everything back in. It may be nothing more than a loose connection. The thermal expansion inside after time, can separate a improperly plugged component from the factory. I had new builds fail in the past, So anymore when I upgrade I keep the old one around as a server for the printer,Teamspeak, Il2 and such. I had to fallback once in the last ten years to my old machine due to a bad mobo once, on the newest machine. When it's time to renew again I just rotate them down, and give away the oldest. Used to work quite well, most folks didn't have a PC or at least anything as advanced as my oldest. But now days, I suspect due to quad cores, my old one next shuffle will be dead weight for most people interests. Well good luck and see you on me six soon. Oh here is a nice link to understanding POST BEEPS http://www.computerhope.com/beep.htm
  12. I use regualr electrical cleaner. You can get it from a Radio Shack , and even auto part stores. It comes in a aerosol can, so you can spray pressured solvent into the pots without complete disassembly.
  13. T_O_A_D


    Nice job! Crying over the spilled milk
  14. Exactly. I didn't get nicked Toad the Chode by happenstance.
  15. It was me, I wasn't so surprised of what was happening to the sheep, as I was seeing a gun pointed at Painless's head to do it. Or was the gun being pointed to try and make him stop??? I'm still not quite sure who the lazy sod is sitting down for the maneuver JP???.
  16. T_O_A_D

    Pre Radar

    I've looked at that site before FB, and knew about the WW2 stuff, not the WW1. Have you spent any time actually going to the sites yourself? I'd think it would make a nice motorcycle ride, along the coast taking it in.
  17. Yep, never in my life did I think, the USA would be a good Country to be from. But anymore, I think being far from, might actually be a good thing.
  18. T_O_A_D


    Your In!!!! Just pick up your own poop! BG will be along soon, or after the airshow weekend, and make it official.
  19. Well due to this thread I set one up myself. I did it on a 32 bit and a 64 bit system. Mine is running toad465.servegame.org fly my guess is your router settings, but if your still just using local host, I don't beleive the router is even involved yet. You did save your admin text it pointed out to not pad correct? I've just shut it down a few times, and restarted it. no problems as of yet.
  20. The shirts Look great on ya guys!!!!!!!!
  21. He's Lucky it's not like my thing he'd of broke the rotors?
  22. Hope Friar is intently listening to someone, and not actually bored already. He has a look of a guy on a blind date, and not impressed with the looks of his catch. God these guys are ugly, bad breath feckers. Frutbat is Oh yes the smell I love smelling Beer. Jabo I wish this guy would just drink it??? Must I mention, I'm so very jealous.
  23. I can feel the excitement already in his post. Off to bed now.
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