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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. I have it, but am to dumb or not allowed to get inside the dam things.
  2. Only way to fly the not so friendly real sky's Very Lucky, t o have engineered it into the system.
  3. T_O_A_D


    I did get teh Sea Fury added into those missions for ya though
  4. Yep, Think I'll get one too, It just might get me to get out the old R/C planes again. I don't have a Helo, they scare the hell out of me. Fricken R/C Samari, but a few friends do. They learned to hover by short stringing the thing to a Picnic table just long enough to hover, but not long enough to tip the rotors low enough to hit the table. A 5 gallon Bucket full of water would suffice for the table also. Just add some sort of rings to it for the ropes.
  5. Happy B-day you guys! And Many More
  6. I must point out, that he is the one responsible for me being here, and ending your missions early. . Hey Trib, our relationship is nothing at all like BA and Snakco's
  7. Only problem is the world Ends December 21, 2012 Sorry about our luck, were stuck with him till the end.
  8. Only problem with Texas is its' Hot, sometimes so hot you can't tell if your barrels are getting too warm.
  9. File Name: T_O_A_D's 1v1 server maps File Submitter: T_O_A_D File Submitted: 11 Aug 2010 File Category: Missions I have two sets in here. 1v1_OPS_server.mis for 4.09m Vanilla, and 1v1_MOPS_server.mis set for the UP.2 Modded Game version. OPS = Open Plane Set MOPS = Modded Open Plane Set I have not added any aircraft to them other than what comes with the installers. If you open either of them in FMB you will loose this section, in the .mis file [bornPlace] 2 500 13465 16798 1 500 13345 16984 1 3000 12738 24005 2 3000 12742 10012 3 3000 27685 27198 This section controls the view of the Base locations on the Map. With out it, clicking on the RED/BLUE spawn points on the airfield can be a PIA. So just copy paste this section back in correctly placed, after you save in Mission builder via notepad. In the Vanilla version I have clouds set to 2 but in the Modded Version I had to settle for clouds 1 due to spawn locations being totally fogged out and causing disorientation of the Blue players on initial spawn. I wasn't able to affect both sides equally, thus the reason for the adjustment. Once downloaded, Extract the T_O_A_D folder into your C:Program FilesUbisoftIL-2 Sturmovik 1946MissionsNetdogfight Or where ever you choose. Enjoy ! T_O_A_D Click here to download this file
  10. Well that was entertaining! Even with the type of critters involved. Dang effects were top notch too. Thanks
  11. Around here that is known as a Common Garden Spider, see them all the time. Lovely find at night in the woods, and your face is in the middle of its web. Had one build a web from my Truck to the House just last week. I watched it hang on to the side as I hit 70 mph on the Interstate, it finally let go after several minutes.
  12. John Deere green! I'm not familiar withe the other machine, German made? I've got Cousins, were I Hunt that Farm 3000 acres, always interesting to watch. If it wasn't a 3 hour drive, I'd go help myself, that far away takes a bit of planning and cash to make the trip. I've thought about videoing some of my test drives, in the nicer Trucks I've worked on, but I work nights.
  13. Man is he having an experience. It's pretty but it sure never moves me that much. been seeing quite a few this year. Always from the car or work.
  14. Nice, that sucker is big.
  15. I just woke up dreaming of it! Of course I think about it during work too. I keep a USB drive of video's handy for a fix during break or get in YOUtube, or even this forum and others on my breaks and lunch. Totally ate up with it. If I'd of put this much effort into making money the last 10 years, I'd probably own an aircraft or at the very least licensed pilot by now.
  16. Yep Bucky mine are on way. Was truly sorry to hear the news when you told us on coms.
  17. JP if you can, and have time, can you take a look at just how far away you can actually be from it and still read the 115. I'm curious, been tweaking my icon settings to compensate for the game not being real life visuals. Like possibly be there when it taxi's and find out the length of the airfield, and distance from your standing point, to its location on the field.
  18. Real nice stuff JP Nice Wingtips too, I haven't seen them since my Grandad passed away. I've only been in one WW2 type At-6 and its rudders and controls were very easy to move on the ground. The stick was still fairly light in normal flight. But the rudder tighten right up once in the air. And during a loop it took probably 30+ pounds of pressure on the toes to keep the loop level. I would think with a Corsairs large rudder it would aswell.
  19. Same last name as mine, distant cousin from over there.? I just don't get it though, He would trade that job for one of ours??? Pffffft!
  20. Nice looking fish Tonar. Now I'm Hungry.
  21. Sorry to hear of your loss.
  22. http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/fisherman-makes-world-record-catch-20984569 It looks like its died though.
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