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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. Yeh I took two items to the USPS at the same time, One I had boxed already and tagged. The other one I put in a box that they supply (My Mobo) I had a tag for it, and gave it to the clerk, and he said he didn't need it. Apparently he thought both packages were going to the same place. I should of looked at what he put on the box myself before I left.
  2. Nice BG, thanks for hogging the lens, with all those gals so near by.
  3. Was ya trying to say something Skypup? Just added a few of my Ugly mug in our Gallery. You should see that thing up close FB. I wish I could get better pictures in there.
  4. T_O_A_D

    Pre Stealth

    From the album: Toad

    © © DangerDogz.com

  5. T_O_A_D

    My Favorite Jet

    From the album: Toad

    © © DangerDogz.com

  6. From the album: Toad

    © © DangerDogz.com

  7. Well I was informed today that either the USPS or myself managed to send the motherboard to the wrong dam place. So now I'm trying to get it recovered.
  8. Nothing of any real quality ion the photo's, but here's a peak. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Aircraft%20Pics/Dayton%20Ohio%20ASAF%20Museum/ http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Aircraft%20Pics/Dayton%20Ohio%20ASAF%20Museum/WW1/ http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Aircraft%20Pics/Dayton%20Ohio%20ASAF%20Museum/Memphis%20Belle%202007/ http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Aircraft%20Pics/Dayton%20Ohio%20ASAF%20Museum/Memphis%20Belle%202007/2010/ http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Aircraft%20Pics/Dayton%20Ohio%20ASAF%20Museum/Swoose/
  9. LOL I have no idea what were talking about.

  10. Dam, I would of expected a WM to take off your head at that speed.
  11. Did you notice that line I colored from that page? These kits unfortunately are not available yet, but as all Cougars are still under warranty, this shouldn't be an issue (at least not yet) Is that true, if so Possibly Thustmaster will fix your Gimbals
  12. I'll post this for gec mostly, but it might be good info for others in the future. http://cougar.flyfoxy.com/warranty_parts.php
  13. How ya been?

    I haven't seen ya for a few days.

    Did ya read my Gaming PC died?

  14. Yep pretty neat aren't they? The truckers and all the New trucks have them, now days. We have one set up in the shop to rebroadcast and we tune our radios on our tool boxes to it. I like the comedy channels, us techs get a kick out of it late at night. if i get bored with what everyone else is listening too, I have a laptop in my tool box and I just tune in something on it from the web, and rebroadcast it on a mini Fm transmitter so my Stereo on my box can receive it and play it louder than everyone else s radio.
  15. Neat saw some new footage for me anyway. Can't understand a bit of the words though
  16. I just saw this on TV but much shorter, and actually better in the shorter version. None the less. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bevJr3Ra84Q
  17. Happy-Day Gary Your lucky a bunch of us aren't in town like we were for Bear's
  18. Yeh, got my RMA # a bit ago. Dang weather, has tore up some stuff, and my ISP can't keep the connection going. There has been reports of 16inches of rain and flash flooding, here for last two days. And its after 5pm, so I can't mail it off before the holiday weekend.
  19. This morning, when moving it around and disconnecting USB chords it booted itself. Windows loaded. So I shut it down and tried to reboot it, It would not,. Makes me think something has come loose on the MOBO or its circuitry. Just checked the PSU voltages, it appears good, Testing it unhooked from mobo and other devices. There are no lights. So far any amount of movement and wiggling has no effect. I tried hot wiring the PSU as constant power, and it lights up other devises, but not the mobo or anything plugged into it. IE CPU/GPU I'm going to contact NewEgg, and go from there.
  20. I'm out for the count, for awhile. I'm posting from the older machine at the moment. I shut mine down earlier tonight, and now it won't boot. No beeps, or lights. Reset CMOS no luck, I'll pull the battery later, ( Vid card covers it up.) I am able to make PSU fire up disconnected from the mobo, and all the HD's, fans spool up, short the ones plugged into the mobo. I have also bypassed the case switch, and jumped the pins on the mobo to act as a momentary switch. I haven't checked the voltages on the PSU yet. As for now, I'm not going to take anymore of it apart, till I cool off. Once I confirm the PSU is working, I'll send for an RMA on the Mobo Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
  21. Good deal! I wanted to do that, but am realizing it probably won't happen. I tried the military route, but due to football in HS I messed up my left knee and they turned me down. So no GI bill. I'm glad some of the money from us Taxpayers is going in the right place. Keep us updated. Oh, and the GI bill isn't exactly free. You sign up at the risk of being killed for your country. Not all of them get to take advantage of the GI bill, Sadly.
  22. Nice, He used the bucket to pull himself back out of trouble. I'm glad he was there to save the day. Those experience operators learn those tricks by screwing up too ya know. I've seen pics of the guy and his backhoe, climbing into a coal car on a train, with only his machine and its attachments to do it? http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v517/Archdean/Backhoe%20photos/?action=view&current=926b6ccd.pbw How bout this. http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=18781
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