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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. That BT tower just invites a missile strike.
  2. Well Gec already has his answer to how. As for debate on the why. Not the original reason for this thread, but since it's derailed. Well for me it isn't fun to be sneaking around and found by the same guy every time, no matter the variation of routes I take. When it happens over and over it, is obvious they are taking advantage of the outside views. I host with outside views only for friendlies. and only if landed or dead. So if you want to look around by all means, once you have filled the above criteria. as for the dead part, I hope it was me that obliged ya LOL I also allow ground padlock, only for the guys that just can't find them, for a multitude of reasons, from skill to poor eyesight, it still needs to be fun. Another reason I host with custom tags. 1200 meters (most machines render profile well enough to recognize at 1400 meters before tags shows up.) for plane types friend and foe. 300 meters for friendly pilot name. This allows people to learn proper aircraft profiles. And helps with the team work, seeing each others names. As for head tracking, there are plenty of ways to get your self into some sort of rig. From normal purchase to custom building one. Several Dogz have done the latter with great success.
  3. Yeh FF show your basement living room and your work shop. your t-38 and your ducted fan F-16 Yeh FF show your basement living room and your work shop. your t-38 and your ducted fan F-16
  4. Nice job guys! Thanks for the plug. The server wouldn't be as much fun as it is if not for our Mission builders also. Salute men! I took the liberty to edited the threads to have a continue link at the bottom of your post M8. Your more than welcome to re-post this on the server's General discussion forum alo.
  5. BG and Helen your on my Prayer list too.
  6. Nice, I think the painful tooth helped him focus on the the better shots, and less distracted from the pretty girls or something, to cause camera swing LOL
  7. You put your big nose in, You fold your big wings back, You flip your plane about, You do the Hokey Pokey, and you turn your self around That's whats its all about.
  8. And a little bit about its pilot. R.I.P http://www.eaa.org/n...-10-21_p-39.asp
  9. I just woke up. And skimming the forum, and see this, and start thinking . What are they going on about pigs for. So I looked, And decided to fix this thread, and remove all confusion from my mind, at least till I wake up.
  10. BG I'm not sure how or what, it will take, to have something done in the States. http://www.mpri.org/ These people are doing some serious miracles. But, if its spread to other parts, other than the Prostate, I'm not sure if it's still an option.
  11. Well, I see why you would not want to get off that, if its working. And the cancer is still at bey correct, they have check the white cell count and all that I'm assuming.
  12. Friar I won't be there due to work, but today Fruitbat and Painless were flying and I couldn't join, kept locking up at 90% on humans. I even grabbed the mission from FB via TS and not able to host it either. I did a restore/update even. Is there something in the mission that might cause a stock UP2.01 not to work with it? If not no worries. I probably have something corrupt in the game itself, and will need to rebuild it again. EDIT: FB and I figured it out, it was my 00_1GB_CLIENT_Executable Being enabled. So I'm now running the Exe_512MB_6DOFTiR
  13. Well good news, Take care till your all better BG.
  14. Take a look at this sight! http://www.flyingheritage.com/TemplateMain.aspx?contentId=63 I just spent an hour reading all kinds of tidbit, some I actually didn't know. They also have a Facebook if your into that.
  15. Not sure how I missed this thread. Happy Belated B-day Swep! Sort of serves ya right getting the tooth ache. Trying to sneak off with out us, and having some fun though. Just kidding, you know. Get well and continue on your relaxation/vacation. And hurry on back this war isn't over you know.
  16. If you can come up with some more pictures and a bit more detail of the nose arts, and colors I've got a real nice template for the B-25.
  17. Jack must of been working last week. http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/7719-old-666/ Its a good story.
  18. Anybody up for poll, on changing his name to TreeRat
  19. Nice, I've seen this sort of before.
  20. Been seeing this quite often on our TS for the last couple of weeks. I'm not loosing Internet connection, and I'm able to join any other TS I want, during the outage. Others can verify it.
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