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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Arthur

  1. SkyPup, what are your systems specs? My specs are core2duo running at 3ghz, 4gig of ddr3 ram and an nvidia gtx460. These are my CLoD video settings; With this I get a smoothish game with this performance; If you have an nvidia card, I also enable fxaa in the nvidia control panel. Oh yeah, get rid of the (useless) mirror on Hurri and Spit for an extra 10-15fps!!
  2. Apparently I am in 93% agreement with Jill Stein!
  3. Monitor tested and working!!
  4. A series of before and after shots using this utility. From the ATAG server, midday judging by the position of the sun. Off line single player mission @17.30
  5. Lol, yeah, what Streak says!!!
  6. I've been experimenting with this today; http://forum.1cpubli...ead.php?t=32255 Had some really interesting results too. No problem to use online either and easily switchable. Go to page eleven to compare settings and page twelve to see Les's post for easy download and install.
  7. This GoPro head-cam business just gets more and more orgasmic. For your delectation; In-cockpit Mossie with Spitfire and Vampire accompaniment. Yes, yes, YES! Edit; when I got to 4' 40" started wondering "is there anything bad about NewZealand?"
  8. Judging by that approach and landing, notwithstanding the fact he's probably done it a couple of thousand times, would seem to me an indication of er....sacs being all present and correct. The designer stubble, robo-cop shades and fingerless mitts could -possibly- be construed as an unhealthy interest in pocket billiards. Anyway, got any big fat aeroplane vid's guv'?
  9. The most pointless piece of clothing ever invented! Lol, very true but useful for clawing at ones buttocks on a cold and frosty morning. Edit; nothing wrong with moobs if your of a suitable age to carry 'em orf. Mine represent a considerable personal investment in beer and takeaway curry.
  10. Happy birthday Rog!! Hope you have a great day m8 and yes, just to repeat; thankyou very much for all your hard work and effort for the Dangerdogz. S! And happy birthday too to AP. Hope to see you in the virtual skies again soon and Mr. Zooly and er....Higgy, where ever he's gone. Snacko, what a fantastic cake.
  11. I was thinking more of the fingerless mittens.
  12. Don't know how to embed vimeo but check out this guys descent and landing. http://vimeo.com/51737114 Edit; Oh look, it does it itself. Very nice. Also, fashion tips for Bongodriver?
  13. £2.7 million? Just checking down the back of the sofa................................................................................
  14. Agree. The latest 300. series drivers have this FXAA business which I've enabled through the Nvidia control panel. It's not the same as having proper anti-ailiasing running in the game but it does make a worthwhile difference. Helps a great deal in RoF too when you enable post-effects.
  15. That's very decent of you Mick. However, I'm pretty sure Colin is a man of honour and would insist that a few of the Sisters come round and BenDover for you at the very least. After all, it's a great little card.
  16. Bloody hell! Do me a favour; force Friar to buy your old 460 off you - should please the wife - then I can force him to accept my spare copy of CLoD which has had his name on it this past year....and a bit. It's a win-win situation!
  17. Yep, that's the latest and greatest. With the RC1 patch you've got at the moment you won't be able to start the RAF stuff from cold on the ground! They fixed that and more with RC2. Don't install it onto the RC1 patch though. Do the verify integrity of game files with Steam to get you back to the official version and then install the new patch. Have fun
  18. Painless, I fly 'em both on a regular basis. More regular than IL2 1946 really. I believe our systems are near identical; Intel E8400 @ 3ghz , 4gigs DDR3 memory and an Nvidia 460GTX card on Win 7 64bit and they both run very acceptably for me. You can download the demo of RoF for free and I think CLoD can be obtained for a pittance if you have a hunt around. Worth the effort.
  19. Barnaby, is the force feedback box ticked in your game settings? If it is, try disabling it, then restart the game. You should then have the stick working using the default spring setting. See how that feels in game. This is how I use my stick. Also, there is a sensor on the stick below the trigger. When you have your hand round the stick this sensor is covered and the stick behaves normally (stiff and erect) if you hold the stick with just a couple of fingers the sensor is uncovered and the force feedback/default spring stops working and you get the floppy effect.
  20. Will be when I've put sproggo in bed. Though I've lost my voice slightly....too much shouting yesterday morning!
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