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Everything posted by SkyPup

  1. Nice work, FT.
  2. Worth a look... http://www.planeandpilotmag.com/blog/marc-lee/2015/03/harrison-fords-accident-teaches-important-lessons.html#.VQdncY7F_Tp
  3. SkyPup

    Mig 15Bis

    Man, that looks pretty! So, how would you rate the flight model? If it's the usual DCS standard, I might have to try this.
  4. SkyPup

    Two For Jabo

    Cute....I'm having a flashback to 1966!
  5. Nice videos, Arthur, with gorgeous graphics. I love the Red Yak clip. So you'd recommend BoS?
  6. I agree with FT. I was one of those old school guys who had to be dragged away from XP, but quickly became a Win7 fan. It's a great OS. And yes, 64 bit is the way to go.
  7. SkyPup

    A Good Read

    Interesting read, thanks for posting!
  8. Cheers, M8!
  9. Happy b'day, mate
  10. On a Madrid layover last week, I visited the Museo del Aire, with its nice collection of aero-porn. Some real jewels there, including two Spanish-built 109s, one with a Hispano engine, the other with a Merlin.
  11. Picked up the Huey last year on sale and finally had time to try it. It's kicking my butt, as all helos do, but is a helluva lot of fun. I can do passable landings (usually within 1/4 mile of the intended spot) and even succeeded in a few autorotations without dying, though I suffered some compressed vertebrae.
  12. The "cold war" wasn't always cold! Four-Down.pdf
  13. Wow!
  14. Interesting history and some great footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2_Ze20ZLNg
  15. Nice vid on YouTube:
  16. SkyPup

    Irish Humor

    News item from Cork, Ireland:
  17. I don't think I've ever shared any family photos here, so here's one of the "kids". On the right is Solo, a six-year-old rescue dog and the best mutt we've ever had. We absolutely love this little guy. On the left is Molly the Amazing Wonder Dog and Chewer of Shoes and Wallets. Yes, she's a bit ornery. I should mention Mrs Pup (who can be ornery too) is a volunteer for an English Springer Spaniel rescue organization, so we've always had a den of springers. Though Mrs Pup and I weren't blessed with children, we find these critters to be good kid substitutes. They're great company, low maintenance, never argue and when one comes home pregnant, you can just sell the puppies!
  18. If you're wearing a kilt.....
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI4yoXyb1_M
  20. Finished and flew this model yesterday. Design is from 1938. I've modernized it with electric power and three channels of radio control. Build time was about 100 hours. Forum build thread here: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2026499 And a short video clip of Thursday's flight (best to view in full screen)
  21. Here's something different: http://www.flyingmag.com/pilots-places/pilots-adventures-more/my-weekend-kamikaze-pilot?page=0,0
  22. Mrs Pup recently got me hooked on the BBC Sherlock series. Any other addicts here?
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