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1. DDz Quorum
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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Well, I personally like the new feature but appreciate that it has an issue; that the arming process is interrupted by contact with ground or water; not a problem if bombing from high alt but low level skip bombing fuses were of tail type fuses and shouldn't be "dudded" by first contact with sea/ground.

    There is a fix, howver, thanks to that dark magician of the mods, Zuti:


    I'm gonna give it a go....

  2. My apologies everyone, I am fully aware that Feb is nearly upon us and so far no calendar!

    The truth of the matter is, that for the past 3 weeks, every evening without fail I've been working

    till the small hours of the morning re-decorating my bathroom, not even had a chance to fire up IL2!

    However, now that job is done and real-life can go on hold for a little while, I hope to get it finished ready

    for d/l and hopefully sort out some printed ones.

    Watch this space!

    Yay! I get my friend back!

    Being jealous of a bathroom is a pretty sorry state to get into.

    Hope it went well bud, and knowing your meticulous eye for detail and craftsmanship it probably looks a peach.

    But for god's sake get your ass back in here, I've missed ya.

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