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1. DDz Quorum
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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Whoot!

    And thats my final statement on the matter. :D

    As for short block Griffon, indeed, exactly the same difference as between the Merlin in the Mk V vs. the Mk IX, so it is with the Griffons of the XII and XIV - the two stage supercharger and more to the point the necessary intercooler all add to the powerplants length.

  2. Couple of things thrown in the vault for you fellows to sniff at;

    1) a collection of skins that will fit the new 3d model of the UP 3.0 A6M Zero, a variety of sub-variants catered for, here: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/541-zeros-for-up3/

    2) my mission replicating the debut Spitfire mission from Malta, and, as a bonus, all of Kristorfs excellent Spitfire Vc Malta skins plus a Bf109F-4 and Hurricane MkIIa skin here: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/542-malta-pack/

    3) two of Poltava's excellent Bodenplatte missions, tweaked by yours truly and found - with skins too - here: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/543-bodenplatte-pack/

    4) Hawkinge? Spitfire Mk XIIs? Must be that cracking hit-and run raider intercept mission! Skins included too! Here: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/544-hawkinge-scramble-pack/

    More goodies en route... S!

  3. From an innocuous Ubizoo post to caterwallin at some drunken fellow geeks in a Cambridge hotel, Jim I hold you entirely responsible!

    Thankyou for responding to my tentative questions on SEOW those years back.

    Thankyou for your gregarious attitude to the timid interloper. :icon_redface:

    Thankyou for asking "So when you gonna put 'DD' in front of your name and get rid of theat bloody [bD], Fen?!" :laughing7:

    Thankyou for your hours and hours of hosting for all of our pleasure. :flying:

    Thanks for the laughs and the introduction to a company of fellows whom I feel privileged to know. :notworthy:

    Thanks for the endless times I've stayed up a bit too late just shooting the breeze. :blahblah:

    Thanks for reminding a cynical young man that there are still gentlemen out there with heart, courage and determination. It's an example I shall endeavour to emulate.

    Jim it's been an honour and a pleasure. My warmest and sincerest regards to you, Sir.



  4. My only concession to the Spad pilot is that it might be that BBD was hidden behind his canopy framing until the last moment and he was looking the wrong way when it appeared. Can happen. Lord knows I've lost enough bandits and friendlies behind the framing even with 6DoF.

  5. Finally! ;):laughing7:

    Do have a wander round and by all means help yourself to a :sheep1::tongue8:

    ... but look out for Mr Painless; if he spots you at it he can get a tad... well... territorial.

    Welcome to the pound Melly ol' china. You'll always never regret it!

  6. As the title says we have two spare slots for the Big Week SEOW campaign currently being run by 22GCT and involving a host of European squads.

    The Gist is long range bomber escort to Western Germany; we'll be flying the P-38J Lightning in some form or other on 2Hr + long missions, no icons, no map icons, no map path and no externals.

    Despite the daunting timescale and the difficulty settings I can assure you the missions proceed quickly with plenty of navigation, formation flying and anxious sky scanning, plus a healthy bit of banter from Jedi and myself. Missions are tense, at moments even downright scary but rewarding and exhilarating to boot. So far the DD official score is 10 e/a destroyed in the air and 2 on the ground, but unofficially Rox and Jedi can claim a further 4 kills on a/c they've forced into spins or to overstress and break up. We've had a couple of unfortunate disconnects thanks to the occasional network issue, but none of us have died or been brought down by the enemies guns... yet!

    The next mssion is tonight at 2130 CET. There are some minor additions you'll need to add to JGSME if you wish to join but are readily available small files and easily activated. I'll be on comms in the DD primary till 15 mins before SEOW mission start, so any volunteers or interested parties come find me there.

    Please join us, if only to keep me from being the only person having to listen to Jedi! :laughing7:

  7. My family And myself are going, it was just decided by the wife due to brace of Spitfires that just flew over my house.

    Well, looks like I'm going Sunday old bean... forgot which day you said you'd be going, but if it's Sunday we'll have to organise a rendezvous. :icon_cool:

  8. It's his manner of imparting the information that so impresses; concise without sterility; elegant use of vocabulary without resorting to verbiosity; a touch of dry and slightly wry humour but subtly couched; and of course the tiniest hint of condescension which is nullified by the affable air of a professor addressing his favoured student.

    He'll either become a professor of history or a Bond villain. I'm leaning towards the latter.

  9. So, yet another reinstall of windows after I found my nachine completely hijacked. Ghey.

    Opened an email from ebay of all things and suddenly this damn malware urging me to install 'Win 7 Anti-Vrus' pops up and suddenly blocks all programs and won't let me even run Windows Security to get rid of it. Short version; i'm effectively locked out of all my programs until I sign up with their highly suspicious Av software for a mere $30.

    Fuckers. If I discover which POS company write this software I'll hunt em down and burn their place of business to the ground along with any of their sorry ass excuses for human beings who happen to be in the premises at the time. Aaaargh!

  10. by Skiddly: That worked for me last night :thumbsu: First time I've had issues like that.

    No worries matey. As I think Jedi pointed out, UP3 uses a whole new set of DLL files for grafix (as i understand it) doing things very differently from the stock and even previously modded versions of the game, I believe in an effort to make the most of some of the eyecandy available - I've noticed lighting and texture changes from between UP3 and even 4.101 ModAct; whilst the UP3 has some excellently smooth frame rates even over stock 4.101, I suspect those DLLs have ramped up the RAM attributed to graphics processes - or something similar - which means you run out of it much quicker, and the big maps, especially now with 'Perfect Map Textures' on as default - I'd prefer that as a selectable in JGSME btw - means we're eating up our RAM allowance quite smartly in UP3.

    But bear in mind I have absolutley no qualifications to comment on this! Lol!

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