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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Gents, you will need to patch HSFX 6.0 to version 6.01 - there is a hotfix patch downloadable from the vault.

    GET THE UPDATER. It will install to your Il-2 root folder & will want to update some Microsoft runtime functions. Let it. Then find the updater icon in your root Il-2 folder and run it. We are at the time of this post at version 6.015 and it might take some time depending on your connection to d/l 6.011, 6.012, 6.013 , 6.014 & 6.015.

    Thereafter check this thread: http://www.242sqn.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=30&sid=6eb1189668ab00dea7724e4fafb8dbe2 , probably once a week should do it, to make sure that you are up to date. As some of you have discovered, get too far behind and you'll lose a night's flying just catching up with updates. Better to do 'em one at a time.

  2. File Name: The Hardest Day

    File Submitter: DD_Fenrir

    File Submitted: 16 Sep 2012

    File Category: Missions

    A Co-op for Il-2 HSFX 6. Battle of Britain: 18th August 1940, 1400hrs... Major raids have wrought destruction at the famous RAF airfields of Biggin Hill & Kenley; it's been a gruelling morning with heavy losses for both sides. And yet even as the planes of Luftflotte 2 cross the French coast on the way home to their airfields, their comrades in Luftflotte 3 are taking to the air to strike the south coast of England. With the assests in place the Lufwaffe will engage RAF forces in the vicinity of their targets with a numerical superiority of 4-to-1... and they thought things were tough this morning...

    Click here to download this file

  3. Sunday is looking logistically like the preferred of the two, but if the weather makes Saturday the better option well logistics will just have to go out of the window!

    Current weather forecast look like it'll be cloudy with 10-15mph westerly winds on both days but given our climate of late, who bloody knows!

  4. Birthday?!?

    I thought Streak was hewn by the Gods from solid granite and that Jedi was the test tube product of Nazi doctors attemting to create the perfect human? Didn't relise they'd actually been born. Oh well. Learn something new everyday!

    Well belatedly I hope you had some very happy hours on the day my good fellows, I shall hoist a glass in your honour this very eve! S!

  5. Aw man....!

    I came dashing in here expecting to find a P-38 model and just get a blinkin' English Electric! :unsure:;):lol:

    Well despite my disappointment, very nicley done Delta; the finish is excellent, Silver paint is merciless in highlighting any flaws, marks or partial gluey thumbprints as I well know, so nice work! Shame about the drying incident, but I didn't spot the tail till you pointed it out and even then it's no ruiner.

    Just make sur the next one's got twin booms eh? ;)

  6. Welcome Stryker,

    As a long time Il-2 offliner (and to some regard still to this day) I can say without equivoction that the multi-player aspect of this sim takes a great game an takes it by a quantum leap into new levels of entertainment - and not just going up against a breather in a dogfight, tho I confess my pulse quickens far more when i know or suspect the other machine has an organic brain behind the stick; more the fact that the chaps round these parts are the finest collection of misfits, bounders and just plain idiots (of which I definitively count myself one) you are likely to find on the net. I challenge any other squad to have has much ribald laughter, 'oh crap!' moments and so many double-entendres packed into one evenings flying!

    I hope you have many happy flying hours to come with us and please forgive some of our more peculiar tendancies (of which there are many - Painless being one); for sure once you catch the bug from hanging round these parts you find it damn hard to keep away!

    Sincerest regards


  7. Whoot!

    Get DCS: World (1.2.0) here: http://www.digitalco...pos=137&lang=en

    then when you've installed that go get the finalised P-51 goodness here: http://www.digitalco...pos=136&lang=en

    Note the most awesome changes!:

    List of changes since last version:

    Exit simulation crash fixed.

    Canopy crank hung on slow machines. Now fixed.

    Removed odd, LOUD sound being emitted from the P-51.

    Installer description for "Simplified flight model" -> "Uses simplified flight dynamic calculations that also results in easier flight control" added.

    Missions updated.

    Added a crashed model for the P-51D.

    Updated P-51D splash screen.

    Added failures due to engine and oil system failures.

    Improvements to aircraft shake effect.

    Added trimmer shake.

    Slip ball frequency increased to account changes in aircraft shake.

    Cockpit gauges descriptions in LUA were made more readable.

    Load of the digital filter parameters from LUA was made more convenient.

    Adjusted Immortal damage Option.

    New damage areas added and existing damage of systems improved.

    Tail wheel swiveling tuned.

    Corrected textures of the Voodoo skin.

    Added adjustments to fuselage shaking by the propeller.

    Adjustment of exhaust animation, advanced timing, and the loss of power with retarded ignition have been added/adjusted.

    Adjusted the friction parameters of a free gear axis.

    Crash at {RCtrl+J} from P-51D cockpit has been fixed.

    Unlimited weapons for HVAR missiles now works.

    Possible cold start crash is fixed.

    Adjusted start-up sequence to be more accurate. See manuals.

    Canopy glass adjusted.

    Flight and Quick Start manuals updated.

    Cockpit model updated.

    Added new P-51D skins.

    Different helmets depending on skin.

    Adjusted trimmers for FFB at low speed, FFB shaking at stall, reworked of physics of free gear.

    Air start controls were in the wrong position. Fixed.

    Fixed animation pointers update for the canopy crank handle.

    Fixed coolant indicator animation.

    Sudden switch on landing light when it start in the air is fixed.

    Added WWII era helmets.

    USAF 485rd FS livery fixed.

    Radio frequencies are now restored after return to the ME.

    K-14 and gauge panel shaking has been tuned.

    New volumes for actuators.

    New textures for engine damage model.

    The taxi light cone collision with wing has been fixed.

    Gauge panel suspension has been tuned.

    Oxygen system did not deplete - no Hypoxia possible. Fixed.

    The hinge moment influencing to roll rate and rudder has been fixed.

    Cockpit shaking at post-stall condition has been added.

    The artificial damper for a taxi has been added.

    The taxi light animation in LODs has been corrected.

    HVAR position on the hard points is fixed.

    "SALVO" lever will not return to its original position when reloading. Fixed.

    Float fuel sensor has been fixed.

    Gunsight range throttle handle was moving erratically when operating from joystick axis. Fixed.

    Fixed tooltip typos.

    Improved propeller disk.

    Engine stops when external tanks are dropped.

    Fixed that when the battery is drained, all electrical systems (except starter), are still functional.

    Removed Bomb racks and hardpoints when the Civil Aircraft box is checked in the ME.

    Landing gear eight wheel rolls too fast compared to left wheel. Fixed.

    From a runway start, Mustang's landing light pointed straight down. Fixed.

    Oxygen system flow rates at altitude implemented.

    Possible client exploding during cold start fixed.

    The headgear-depending-on-skin and the ability to lose the hardpoints are bits of eyecandy that made me grin, but it's the presence of FFB that's really got my juices flowing! Whoot!

  8. Amazing story Rog, thanks for posting!

    Some oddities though - if on ops over Tunis, North Africa (as the date quoted and the markings on the Fort would agree) I doubt they were flying back to England! Probably more likely Algeria. Also the P-51 escorts seems unlikely; I think the only Mustang variant operational in North Africa with the USAAF at least was the A-36A, a dive bomber. Not impossible though. P-40s would be a more likely IMHO.

  9. Name: Lockheed P-38G-10 (1943)

    Date Added: 23 June 2012 - 20:57 PM

    Owner: DD_Fenrir

    Short Description: Designed by the renowned Clarence Kelly the innovative P-38 was originally conceived as a long range bomber interceptor. Powered by two Allison V-1710-51/55 V-12 powerplants and run in conjunction with improved General Electric B-13 turbo-superchargers the P-38G-10 was one of the fastest Allied fighters at altitude during it's operational tenure. The -10 was not only was a formidable interceptor but with hardpoints now capable of carrying up to 1600lb bombs or, for the first time, fitted with M10 'Bazooka' tubes (wiring looms having been installed in modified and strengthened wings for this new load carrying capability) could now punch well above it's weight in the ground attack role.Fast and surprisingly manoueverable for it's size - thanks to counter rotating props that minimized torque - and with a heavy forward firepower complemented by excellent forward visibility the P-38s had only two real drawbacks; the first was an aerodynamic flaw inherent to the design that made the aroplane susceptible to compressability earlier than many contemporary fighters. Later marks would have dive flaps to counter this phenomenon. The 2nd was the poor high altitude performance and reliability in the ETO where a combination of climatic conditions (particularly cold & damp), engine coolant system not upgraded with the engines sufficently to cope with the extra heat developed, poor aircrew and groundcrew training on best management & maintainence of the powerplants & a related lack of ultimate ceiling as a result of all these factors took their toll on the apparent usefulness of the machine in that theatre. However, in the Mediterranean and particularly in the PTO the -38 was in much demand and when flown to it's strengths a formidable and dangerous opponent.

    View Aircraft

  10. By Eck lad, you're not wrong! Even now it's fun just doing the start-up, moseying over to the runway and after the inevitably hairy takeoff, having a good ol' barnstorm! And the satisfcation of landing the bugger - should you survive your inevitably low flying antics - is immense.

    Oh, and a free Su-25T too for those of you who have a penchent for Soviet jet attack aircraft... Aren't we lucky boys?




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