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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Shoreham & Eastbourne are usually a firm definite for me - I'd also, after Kevs posting in the video section, like the chance to see Dan Griffith throw The Spirit of Kent Spitfire around at Manston with my own eyes! And the Mayday first show of the year at Dx is always a great way to kick off the airshow season!

  2. When?

    Not sure, was thinking soon but actually might hold out for the next HSFX patch to fix the Mossies; either that or we take it out of Expert Mode.... Thoughts?

    Home Bases en route...?

    I'm torn on this issue - sure I'd like to give the option to those who for whatever reason canot make the start-time but really want to have a go, however I think for the sheer tension and racking up the challenge factor, perhaps we leave them out. Currently I'm 60/40 in favour of not having spawn points en route.

  3. Hello Chaps.

    New Mission announcement.

    Operation RENOVATE.



    12-18x Mosquito FBVI Pilots

    8-12x Typhoon MkIB late Pilots

    The mission objective is the breaching of walls and buildings at Amiens Prison to allow the escape of Resistance fighters awaiting execution.

    Weather will be poor or rain/snow depending on peoples tastes. Proposed wind 9mph @ 035° - if we can figure out how to land! This is subject to further tests.

    Low level manual navigating & precision bombing. We'll be at under 100ft all the way - and that includes the Tiffie escort too.

    Mosquito cruising speed at 4x 500lb bomb load = ~250mph @ 70% power & pitch.

    Headings and distance of legs corrected for 9mph wind from 035:

    North Weald to Henley - 256°, 33.6 miles (257° corrected for wind, 254mph GS) 7:56 mins

    Henley to Littlehampton - 158°, 35.7 miles (157° corrected, 253mph GS) 8:28 mins

    Littlehampton to Tocqueville-sur-mer - 122°, 69.5 miles (121° corrected, 249mph GS) 16:45 mins

    Tocqueville-sur-mer to Senarpont - 106°, 14.3 miles (105° corrected, 248mph GS) 3:27 mins

    Senarpont to Bourdon - 65°, 12.4 miles (64° corrected, 246 mph) 3 mins

    Bourdon to 1 mile S of Doullen - 58°, 20.9 miles (57° corrected, 246 mph) 5:07 mins

    Doullen to B'court - 161°, 8.1 miles (160° corrected, 253 mph) 1:55 mins

    B'court to Albert - 256°, 7.7 miles (257° corrected, 254 mph) 1:49 mins

    Albert to TARGET - 235°, 5.7 miles (236° corrected, 254 mph) 1:21 mins

    TARGET to Senarpont - 260°, 19.6 miles (261° corrected, 253 mph) 4:39 mins

    Senarpont to Tocqueville - 286°, 14.4 miles (287° corrected, 251 mph) 3:26 mins

    Tocqueville to Hastings - 328°, 44.3 miles (329° corrected, 248 mph) 10:43 mins

    Hastings to North Weald - 339°, 40.6 miles (340° corrected, 248 mph) 9:49 mins

    Intel suggests enemy air activity likely to be low given the crummy weather, but there are several units of JG26 dispersed throughout the area. Try not to wander over their airfields; there's a fair few not far off the route.

    The route has been chosen to avoid known flak hotspots and also to throw Jerry off the scent of our intentions.







  4. I am always up for some stick time in DCS world Snack!

    Ready to lend a hand at any point to any one who's got questions/gripes/headaches/brickwallitis with regrads to this sim, tho bear in mind I'm still working stuff out too! Got the A-10C, F-15C and P-51D pretty well covered tho the Russki birds are still elements I have yet to get familiar with.

    Happy to host DCS training sessions when time permits.

  5. Colin! Happy bloomin' Birthday you top eclesiastical dog you! Seems only yesterday we were celebrating your last and cringing laughing admiring of your fancy foot-work upon the dance floor. :headbang:

    I notice we weren't invited to your birthday celebrations this year.... though considering what Sid, Jabo, Kev & I got up to last time, well, I can't blame you. :sheep1::3some::riot::nono::confused3:

  6. Bought it.

    So, the FC3 Eagle -

    3d pit is oooh....!

    Speed is aaaaah... !

    New landing physics is hmmm... not in there yet!

    But aside from that and a regular (but not everytime) CTD when trying to change selected weapon - okaaaayy....! - and non rotating wheels on ground roll, it's a blast. You got to expect this from a Beta release. P51D and even A-10C were chock full of such niggles in early (and even late stage) betas.

    Not tried anything else but the F-15 yet. Will advise when I have.

    And yes Arthur. Dived under a nice little girder bridge @ 650knts earlier. Wish I'd got a pic.

  7. Gents, you will need to patch HSFX 6.0 to version 6.01 - there is a hotfix patch downloadable from the vault.

    GET THE UPDATER. It will install to your Il-2 root folder & will want to update some Microsoft runtime functions. Let it. Then find the updater icon in your root Il-2 folder and run it. We are at the time of this post at version 6.015 and it might take some time depending on your connection to d/l 6.011, 6.012, 6.013 , 6.014 & 6.015.

    Thereafter check this thread: http://www.242sqn.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=30&sid=6eb1189668ab00dea7724e4fafb8dbe2 , probably once a week should do it, to make sure that you are up to date. As some of you have discovered, get too far behind and you'll lose a night's flying just catching up with updates. Better to do 'em one at a time.

  8. File Name: The Hardest Day

    File Submitter: DD_Fenrir

    File Submitted: 16 Sep 2012

    File Category: Missions

    A Co-op for Il-2 HSFX 6. Battle of Britain: 18th August 1940, 1400hrs... Major raids have wrought destruction at the famous RAF airfields of Biggin Hill & Kenley; it's been a gruelling morning with heavy losses for both sides. And yet even as the planes of Luftflotte 2 cross the French coast on the way home to their airfields, their comrades in Luftflotte 3 are taking to the air to strike the south coast of England. With the assests in place the Lufwaffe will engage RAF forces in the vicinity of their targets with a numerical superiority of 4-to-1... and they thought things were tough this morning...

    Click here to download this file

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