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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Yes GK, they very much have. If there is any wind in the mission you'll find that a takeoff facing roughly into it will be substantially easier; crosswind limit on a/c of this era is around the 10m/s mark, so reduce the difficulty as much as you can by aligning on a runway that gives you the least crosswind component.


    If no wind then all I can suggest is keep trying; once past walking speed I tend to dance on the rudders rather than attempt steady compensating input - you really have to pre-empt the a/c before a swing takes hold.


    Also don't forget that at low speed-high power combinations you'll need to lift the right wing with aileron, steadily decreasing aileron input as you reach higher speeds. If you have a left hand crosswind this will be doubly difficult as the wind will try to lift you left wing compounding your troubles.

  2. After a productive session with Jabo t'other night I'm happy to do some private one-on-one tuition to those who need it.... oooh matron!


    Seriously, though I will happily walk through the following:


    1. Minimum Controls & assignments to get you flying and fighting

    2. GFX settings to maximise your games performance

    3, Startup and preflight checks

    4. Ground handling, Takeoff and Landing characteristics

    5. Complex Engine Management or 'how to have fun without blowing up your engine'

    6. Compass & Direction Indicator setting, aka 'where the hell am I and where the deuce am I going?!?!'


    My experience mostly lies in the RAF fighters, but if you want to book some 109 or bomber time I will brief myself thoroughly before and answer as best I can.

  3. Thanks everyone for attending and giving it a go - for those who suffered bad luck early on, I can only commiserate and say we will run this again sometime this year so there will be another chance to fly it.


    FT I will upload the mission for your perusal; I can only assume that some - hopefully most - of the issues were due to the mis-matched HSFX versions.


    Good work Fruity for the nav and the bang on bombing by the Mossie boys - and thanks to the Tiffy chaps for their efforts in keeping the Hun off our backs.

  4. Hello chaps. We're still on for this tonight for those interested parties.


    Response has been a little less then expected so we're a little thin on numbers but this can be easily compensated for with some 11th hour Mission Editor shenanigans!


    Artie, if you could confirm which you would prefer to fly - Mossies need pilots but I can cut down the flight numbers as necessary. Be good to have Typhoon flights led by breathers but not crucial so it depends entirely on what you're in the mood for old bean. 


    Here then is the roster as of 1200hours:




    Mosquito FB.VI


    487 Sqn; Callsign: DYPEG

    Red Section


    1.   Fruitbat   EG-R

    2.   Jabo        EG-C

    3.      --          EG-H


    Yellow Section


    1.   Sid           EG-Q

    2.   Crash       EG-J

    3.     --            EG-T



    464 Sqn; Callsign: CANON

    Red Section


    1.    Fenrir      EG-F

    2.       --          SB-T

    3.       --          SB-U


    Yellow Section


    1.  BluBear     SB-F

    2.  Artie          SB-A

    3.      --           SB-V



    Mosquito B.IV


    140 Wing PR Flight


    1.  FT         140 Wing B.IV -O



    Typhoon Mk.Ib (Late)


    174 Sqn; Callsign: CAJOLE

    Red Section


    1.   Sweper               Choose skin: "Typhoon-RAFpreoverlord-generic" with markings ON

    2.      --            As above

    3.      --            As above

    4.      --            As above


    Yellow Section


    1.  Tolwyn       Choose skin: "Typhoon-RAFpreoverlord-generic" with markings ON

    2.      --           As above

    3.      --           As above

    4.      --           As above


    Green Section


    1.   Funflak      Choose skin: "Typhoon-RAFpreoverlord-generic" with markings ON

    2.     --             As above

    3.     --             As above

    4.     --             As above
  5. Hello chaps!


    As the post title announces, on Tuesday the 18th February it will be the 70th Anniversary of this remarkable - if controversial - mission.


    In commemoration I would like to host once again our DangerDogz Co-op that attempts to replicate this signature Operation. Ideally we need 12 Mosquito pilots to fly the raid, and up to 12 further pilots to fly as escorts in the Typhoons.


    I would be aiming for a 2030 GMT start but would consider pushing back a bit later as I realise it's a week night/afternoon and some may find it difficult to attend.


    Mission details and full briefing are here: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/11106-operation-renovate/


    This is a good chance for those that missed out on the last occasion and to fill some of the empty seats, or for those that enjoyed it so much previously to relive the ultra-low, high speed action!


    Please respond in this thread with your wish to attend and what you'd like to fly, If you are comfortable with the low level full switch nav settings that will be in place and feel confident(ish) of leading the first Mosquito group or any of the succeeding flights (slightly easier) then please do volunteer for those positions.


    The floor is yours gents.



  6. I think that's a safe assumption GK. They min-patched the 1.2.7 beta on Christmas eve and I have to say it's looking great & running very well! Still some issues for FFB users but not nearly as troublesome as before.

  7. Yup. It's a royal PITA but once you have them done you can save the profiles... until they add a control functionality which throws out the references to the .lua file and you have to start from scratch. One of the ED sims less user friendly features alas, but you get used to it. It's the default automatic assignment of every axis on every controller needed to be deleted that I find quite irksome...  

  8. Sorry to hear that Rox. Best of luck with your hunt for a new stick.


    Any Tiffie boys happy to move to a Mossie?


    Or Jabo would you be OK to lead Yellow section? You'll follow my Red flight to target, just break away to the North when you're reach the river-road intersection on the run in, then turn in and hit the western guardroom as per briefing.

  9. Simples chaps - the same applies to Chinese aircraft as with knock-off Chinese goods: if it looks like a Rolex/Nike/Starbucks but isn't, it's the Chinese knockoff version. Ergo, if it looks like a Russian combat aircraft but isn't...


    Enough politicking!


    New quiz subject!






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