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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Status Replies posted by Crash

  1. is going to re-install windoze again. Deep joy ;)

    1. Crash


      It wont post now :( I installed 7 and it ran elite and Clod yesterday Grrrr

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. was a bit bored today so took the rig to pieces and cleaned everything in nice, soapy water (ok, maybe not quite), installed it all back in a new case with new fans, cables & LEDs so I can see where to plug things in, re-worked my standard build iso to include a few exra programs and reinstalled the lot - takes about 30 minutes now. I'll get the controllers sorted in due course - but it's been a nice day.

    1. Crash


      At the end of next week I will be stripping my rig down, cleaning and then popping in the 780 Ti and 4k monitor :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. is now stripping out his simpit ready to update to his new improved version.

    1. Crash


      Its mostly finished and I will try to get some photos up this weekend.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Joystick on amazon UK:235 Euros.Same joystick on amazon US:185 euros.WHY?!?

  5. Joystick on amazon UK:235 Euros.Same joystick on amazon US:185 euros.WHY?!?

  6. Has now installed and tested his new 5.1 soundcard and is very pleased :)

  7. is waiting for the BOS d/l link....Aargh

    1. Crash


      Probably available Monday night Jabo

  8. is busily disassembling the Swichbox Mk2 in preparation to start...Switchbox Mk3!

  9. Has now grafted his X52 Handle onto his MS FFB Sidewinder and all the buttons work. Next job is to reorganise the old throttle and joystick bases into their new home.

  10. Has now grafted his X52 Handle onto his MS FFB Sidewinder and all the buttons work. Next job is to reorganise the old throttle and joystick bases into their new home.

    1. Crash


      I will test it tonight and post some pics if its a success.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Has now grafted his X52 Handle onto his MS FFB Sidewinder and all the buttons work. Next job is to reorganise the old throttle and joystick bases into their new home.

    1. Crash


      I will post some up in my modded 940 throttle thread. the Saitek throttle and the base of the X52 look a bit sorry for themselves at the moment :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Our letting agents - that's Sandersons, btw everybody - are charging us for the 'priviledge' of renewing our contract, a princely sum of £60 - no itemised costing mind. Must take very qualified people to click a tick box on a computer! But, wait! - it get's better; "the landlady would like some photos of works recently done on the house. Would we mind taking the pictures and emailing them, thanks?" Extracting the urine - i think so! Why don't I just come down and type up your reports for you...

    1. Crash


      Why not charge them £60 for "admin" :)

  13. Wondering why the system always shows me logged in invisibly.. mmm cookies?

  14. is having thoughts about getting the G940 out of the loft and doing the mods on it.

    1. Crash


      Leo board now here. Might put some buttons on the left hand throttle

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. is having thoughts about getting the G940 out of the loft and doing the mods on it.

  16. is having thoughts about getting the G940 out of the loft and doing the mods on it.

    1. Crash


      Its now out of the loft and I have a feeling that bits will be ordered soon

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Just realised I'm working when Leg Ends is on, so f*&king pissed off now

  18. is re installing 4.101 & 4.11 due to issues with co-ops.

  19. is feeing suitably patriotic...

  20. will have to get some missions ready this week. Just got the broadband upgraded so I will be able to host soon.

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