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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by Fireman

  1. I have mine set at the following:

    275 mg

    225 cannon

    As far as when to press the trigger.......

    generally speaking I only open up when my target fills the reticle (dead 6 shots) and give 1-2 plane lengths lead when lead targeting......same with snap shooting.

    With those convergencies, you should do significant damage if you hold firing until the reticle is filled (which is usually pretty close .05-.30 range.....anything farther out than that is just a spray and pray and waste of ammo....even if you get hits they usually are not enough to finish an opponent.)

    This works for me........

  2. Well done gents..........

    (sorry to hear some of you never saw any bandits...........but at least the comms were good and you didnt abandon any flights plans to jump in on the action)

    I'm really looking forward to playing in the next 3 missions.........(It's really hard to just sit back and wait for the results each Sunday while at work.....lol)

    Again, job well done.

  3. Then BG shows up fresh from the surgeons knife saying he'd been clearing snow that morning with one hand !!

    Must be his Scottish heritage, tough old bird or what !!! LOL ~S~ Sir .

    Tough bird, my ass! The Scottish part is he can't bear to hire someone else to do it!

    you guys seem to forget that alcohol numbs the senses.........

  4. OK...load seemed to go fine.........

    Replaced conf.ini file and users folders...........seems to be fine

    Replaced Il2fb.exe (no DVD Crack).....seems to be fine.

    Gonna hold off on the patch until the final one is released......

    Just tried to land the lerch.....what a joke....dropped out of the sky like a stone....could be why I hate helos....

  5. 46 is now in my greedy little hands!

    Now I shall rule this world with an iron fist with my specialty jets!

    Tremble before my power mere '46-less North Americans, or feel my wrath.

    Sooooooo, Jensen...where exactly do you live?

  6. cant squeeze blood from a stone....poor guy behind the counter cant give me what he doesnt have.............trust me I tried.

    Went (and called) several EB stores in my area this morning....no luck....not even on any "coming soon" lists.

    I guess I'm just gonna have to beg one of our UK mates here to do the deed for me.

  7. Well,

    I went to an EB store and no luck.....the poor bugger iin the store couldn't even look it up on his system (crashed) so I just left.

    By the time I got home the other EB store that is within driving distance couldn't tell me either because they had just shut the system down for the evening (I called from home).

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