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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by Painless

  1. Dave, are you ok with the “small coloured triangle” mod as many use already?As you know you can see it from miles away but no name or distance is shown. You also still have your plane only on the map so you don’t have to navigate. Also I would like to point out that flying more realistic settings or a more difficult sim like DCS is fun if that is what you like to do.
  2. @Colin, don’t worry about that mate, it was exciting to feel your bullets penetrating my slender fuselage as I floundered around not knowing what to do or say 🤣 I agree with Sidly whole heartedly, ( now there is a surprise). We have all been doing this for so long now that there is no reason why we should not be using more realistic advanced settings to challenge ourselves. If it’s easy it’s boring. We don’t need no “radar” or stinking name and distance icons 🤪 It is about everyone having some successful missions and some perhaps not so. Any rules should be by the Dogz for the Dogz.
  3. Looking forward soooo much to hearing you on TS when we are doing our 4th (20 seconds) restart Kelly ! 🤣
  4. Sabotage!! ?
  5. Hey Tonar, if you could have the Moscow, Stalingrad, Kuban and Bodenplatte modules you will be fine and dandy sir. Premium versions have extra stuff included well worth having. See Arthur’s post for discount prices.
  6. Painless


    Just thinking about 10% of Artage right now 😂
  7. Painless


    Hey Artage, I did not know that 90% of you live within 100 miles of the US ! No wonder they are worried about an invasion ! 🤪
  8. Painless


    I thought that was just a coop flight trace ? 😂
  9. I know what I am going to try this summer 🤓
  10. Tried that chip thing the other day and either.... chips have got bigger my nostrils have got smaller or.... my nostrils don’t get as moist as they used to ?
  11. Lucky for BG his 🥃 is single malt and free now 👍🏻
  12. Ha , I remember the FT “elbow” incident in my garden, the nearest Arjen has come to saying the “F” word...... 😤 Fantastic memories chaps, some of the best I will ever have me thinks 👍🏻🧐
  13. Rgr skip.
  14. Bloody hell that takes you back ! A Jedi and a Zooly 🤔 Must show that pic of me in the Spit to Siobhan to remind her that my face hasn’t always been in need of ironing !
  15. Tonar WTF ! Y’all come back now ya hear 👍🏻😎
  16. Friday and Saturday for me sirs, will talk to Sid about a room ......
  17. Hey Kelly you old dog you. Hope you manage to find time to fly with us again mate. Looking forward to having a long chat about who and what you have been doing these last few years sir . 😉
  18. How cool is that 😎 ?
  19. You are a clever bugger Mel ! Is that a “Tiger meet” paint job ?
  20. SRS update chaps....
  21. Is there any way our DCS server could have the Normandy map running on it Thursday during the day so anyone who is able could practice taxiing and circuits on the same airfield as in the mission together FT ?
  22. Will be there Tom, dress code ? ( Panama hat, slippers and driving gloves as usual ? )
  23. Excellent fun last night chaps, I was a bit surprised to find out it was a full on 443 mission rather than an in house DDz practice. Not sure where I got my wires crossed there ? My confusion continued as I stole FT’s aircraft and promptly bent his prop on landing, ( other than that things were textbook!) ”You can train monkeys to fly better than that” 🤪
  24. Excellent find Sidly, installed and working fine sir. We never flew 46 with the plane “radar” on so this is ideal 😁
  25. We are still here Jim ! I would like to be able to tell you that we no longer have multiple coop restarts........... 😳🤣
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