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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by Painless

  1. ~S~ Kling, awesome track M8 ! Talking about flying "out of your comfort zone" I think we have quite a few very good T and B flyer's in the K9's but very few equally good B and Z experts. This leads me to believe that most folks "comfort zone" is to get stuck in and see what happens. You , Ace and a couple of others seem to be the only ones who have the discipline to watch and wait for that low risk kill. That track shows that you can T and B with the best of us when thats what is required but not many of us ,(myself included) have the patience to B and Z well consistently. My own "out of comfort zone" experience was practicing with Pete, (Rattler) for the 2 vs 2 in P40Ms funnily enough, purely because of the no icons settings we were using That , rather than aircraft type seemed to effect the way I flew ,(got the crap shot out of me LOL). They used to say , and probably sill do, "first man to spot the enemy survives" Anyway, these are the ramblings of a very tired little soldier, (two busy night shifts), so please excuse M8. Hope all is still funky in Norway, cheers ,
  2. ~S~ and welcome Greenstreaks sir, looking forward to seeing you fly with these magnificent men in their flying machines. Thought for the day ...... "a Dog is as a Dog does" ... as my moma used to say ! LMAO You were warned ! LOL ~S~ Painbless.
  3. ~S~ Chaps, always nice to see happy little faces, (well almost always !! LOL) BA ....... now you look almost exactly as I imagined you would, expression and all M8 !!! LMAO Excellent dental work BTW
  4. ~S~ sir, the man you need to speak to is BG,(Blairgowry) he's our Dad / Uncle/Auntie , the big cheese etc. We will need pictorial ID and a deposit from each of you of $50 US. Please send the money to "BanK of Painless" Cell 4A,HM Prison Kingstone , Portsmouth. England TY ..... oh and don't mention the deposit thing to any of the others , they think it crude to talk cash OK LMAO ~S~ Painless
  5. ~S~ LMAO !! :) ~S~ Ribless
  6. ~S~ Chris, Take it from me M8 , the only way to truly understand women is to get inside their.............................................................heads ! LOL ~S~ Shameless
  7. ~S~ Psycho you old dog breath !!! lol Hurry up and come back we miss ya !! ~S~ Brainless
  8. ~S~ JP, alot better graphics than the old CFS but as you say, not as good as our beloved sim ! Roll on BOB visuals !! ~S~ Painless
  9. ~S~ Carlos, you deserve a medal for that sortie old bean !! Jolly good show ~S~ Painless
  10. ~S~ Nightwarrior, welcome to a multi national bunch of "loons" A word of advice sir.......remember no one here can even spell "sensibble"
  11. ~S~ Chaps , from what I hear and what iv'e seen so far, young Emil is no where near being a newb LOL I think we have a young "Micheal Shumacher" type in our midst
  12. ~S~ IL46_Pilot, Welcome to a truly unique experience. A finer more diverse collection of characters you will not find.........at least not on any planet in our solar system !!
  13. ~S~ Rattler, you ol' snake in the grass !!! LMAO ~S~ Painless
  14. ~S~ Kling, looks like you had a bloody good sortie M8. Only seconds away from clearing CGs six... bad luck. ~S~ Painless
  15. ~S~ Saw the film last night.
  16. ~S~ BG, if you go into Profile/ Edit / Tracking, you will literally "see" if there is any light interference M8. Also from our coversation last night it might be that you are too close to your Track IR unit? It sends out a cone which of course will be narrower the closer you are to it . I think thats correct, can anyone confirm ? Cheers, ~S~ Painless
  17. ~S~BG, that is one nice piece of practical art. Its easy to see how much work has gone into it for sure. Talented lady that Mrs BG ! LOl ~S~ Paneless
  18. ~S~ QuickDraw, thanks for thinking of us sir. As has been said we have dragged ourselves up to v4.08m to avoid having multiple icons /patches and multi switchers on our desktops LOL A few of us still have v4.04 as a separate install ("Complete addition" single disk). Maybe we could join you on 4.04 for an informal flight or two and spread the word amongst your guys on how good v4.08m is ?? Maybee see you in the virtual skies sir. ~S~ Painless
  19. ~S~ DT , as it happens I got a part as an "extra" in the film..... remember the large lady (peekaboo thong) with the markedly different sized
  20. ~S~ Dave, nice job M8 ! You managed to get your decals sorted then ! lol We need a K9s airbrush which we can all hire from time to time
  21. ~S~ A big thanks to you Rog for dealing with it!! ~S~ Painless
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