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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. The button you press to post a reply, mate!
  2. Ok, it's like this... In the reply screen, under the 'underline' button, there is a button called 'insert Hyperlink' - it looks like a picture of the world. Click on it, type (or paste, because you've already copied the URL from your web browser,) the URL in, then the next step directs you to type in the words to click on to direct the reader to the URL. Viola!! Like so...
  3. I saw one of the guys from a Brasilian squadron on Spits vs 109's last night doing that little "stutter lag" flying...little pauses in flight as he went along in his 110. Still blew his a$$ out of the sky - he left right after that...
  4. Awesome job, Carl! Thanks for the effort that you put into these.
  5. Rattler

    anti virus hell

    I use AVG free...no problems here. Hope that you get satisfaction from Symantec, Andrew, and good luck! You'll need it.... [edit - actually, my ISP has a great anti-virus suite for free, Shaw Secure 2.0, based on F-Secure architecture. The AVG free are on the 2 laptops.]
  6. I'll have to get one of these then... [attachimg=1]
  7. Damn gas guzzlers? I drive a 37 mpg Toyota! (That's 6.4 L/100km for you, GK) And we came up with the time zone deal in the first place, so we get to be the ones who set the 'what-not', see?!
  8. It would work if you had one clock by your computer showing this time, or your own comuter's time (but that would cause so many other problems.....forget it!) I'll put a little alarm clock by my computer set to GMT, and see if it helps. When do you guys do to Daylight Savings, anyway? End of the month? This weekend then?
  9. Sure, you can sit in the gunner position of my B-25
  10. Roger that, mate. For what it's worth, I've been landing at 100 knots IAS, ad keeping my "point of aim" focussed on the bow of the carrier. It seems to keep me in a good approach angle and speed.
  11. Rattler

    Posting Links

    Type your message, and cut and paste your URL in the message itself, like so, http://www.google.ca/ or, use the insert hyperlink button in the reply screen (under the bold, underscore, and italics buttons), and follow its directions...like so Click here to Google... Hope this helps.
  12. I might be able to give you a hand too tomorrow, Bucky, if you want. I just went practicing on the Seafire today, and landed 4 out of 5 (first one hit the stern - rusty....) What trouble are you having exactly? edit - if you're already getting help with Mick, then disregard if you wish... Cheers
  13. Cargo travels by ship, yet a shipment can travel by car.....
  14. I have MOH Pacific, and love it. It did not review well, however - people found the camouflage colors of the Japanese (realistically so) too hard to spot. I liked the squad orders system. The best part is that the whole game is designed around an epic storytelling style. If you like history, and cinematic storytelling in a FPS, you'll like it Kelly. Heck, for $10, you can't go wrong, can you?!
  15. This is what some of my mates worked on in the last 5-8 years or so... [attachthumb=1] The guy on the right is a good friend - got a bit messed up 2 years ago in Afghanistan (serious PTSD), and the one in the middle is my brother's Bison Amb. driver presently - can drive anything with wheels or tracks. Write
  16. I'd have to agree with BA. Long(er) barrel 76mm gun - definitely not a 34-76a version....
  17. That was also another quote of one of my nco buddies - perchance was your father a serviceman?
  18. I remember watching the local CTV news back in the 80's.
  19. You must spend your entire morning checking up on Ebaum's World, John! Those are priceless! I didn't know that Superman was in Brokeback Mountain......
  20. I've always heard that quote from sr. nco's in the army - they told us that we newbs couldn't figure our asses from holes in the ground, and that they could always whip us because they had old age and treachery on their side.
  21. Ok, now I'm torn between Madzia and the P-47 for #1 desktop......
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