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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Great video, Glenn! I was lol!!! Where's your speech as the best man, dude? I want to hear that one!!
  2. RIP, X-45. Now, there's fewer of us left - only Dave and I, I believe...
  3. You're a class act, Glenn. We'll see you soon, I'm sure!
  4. Very nice weathering, Chet. Great job.
  5. Isn't the definition also an example itself? Why do lexiconographers do such silly things?? Also, why is monosyllabic such a polysyllabic word when it describes something so small??? I hate language arts....
  6. Thank the Lord! A Canadian medic was killed today, but it wasn't my brother. http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2008/05/0 ... istan.html Actually, he's from Natalie's medical unit in Edmonton. God bless his family.....
  7. That's very much like the Revell kit I'm doing. Now that I have spraying down, I'm going to strip the Tamiya enamel off (using Oxi Clean), and re-do it totally. I completely bunged up the paint, which is why I haven't posted any progress on it for some time. I'll let you know how the paint stripping goes..... Rattler. PS - you'll notice in that website what he did with the fuel line, just as I did on mine with the clear sprue, Knight.
  8. Rattler

    Better IQ

    As far as I can tell, what that does is change the max dist. you can go away from your camera location (I have that setting of 50000 right now as well, and I'm guessing that the other increases the speed at which you can move away from that location? The 50000 max distance is nice, but awkward at times: you can lose your bearings quickly.... I don't think that it actually increases your graphics.
  9. Amazing how a nice coat of paint brings a model to life.....nice work!
  10. Nice one, Chet. I wonder if Danny is Tagert......
  11. That's sick! Nice ideas though....I like the instrument panel idea......
  12. Ok, that leaves me, Kelly, Adrian, Carl, Mick, Jim, Colin, and Mike for the next SEOW then..... Dibs on Mick for my flight leader! Dibs!!!!
  13. Great job, mate. Nice to see the Dogz get some hardware now and then. Makes me wonder how I'd fare in JO.........hmmmmmm, someday. Can't afford to dedicate the time right now.
  14. For the fuel line on the upper right of the cockpit in my 1/32 G-4, I cut out the section of clear pipe, and glued in a section of clear stretched sprue. Might not work as well in your scale, but it's an idea....
  15. I'd love to get into that some day, but I'm afraid that it'd take away from IL2. I'll get a RC plane some day... Bought a couple of gliders on Saturday to chuck around the local school playground - the boys love it! The Air Hog powered gliders are awesome too....
  16. Please tell me that you're kidding....
  17. Lookin' good, bud - lots of work in that one!
  18. No idea yet, mate. My suggestion is to Google it, as a start...
  19. Great to hear from you, Kevin. See you in COOP's!
  20. WOW that was a FINE shot - he must have been 300-500m away! And a 90 degree deflection to boot!
  21. @Delta - I've seen people do that under the base coat too. I'm just starting at this airbrush thing, and the panel lines look quite nice as is, so I'm leaving it. @GreyKnight - like I said, I'm a beginner at airbrushing, even though I've made 100's of models. I'm not going to weather this one - it's Painless' Spit in 1945, so it must be in pristine condition, right? @Tonar - ummmmm, no! Though my boys are tempted!
  22. Ok, pretty much done. Ignore the smudge on the spinner, the unpainted rubber on the tail wheel, and the unpainted exhaust. The canopy also needs work (it's sitting unglued.) I hope you enjoy. [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2] [attachthumb=3] [boy that canopy looks awful! Granted, it has no Future Wax coats, and I have some tape residue on it - next time, I'm using an express mask.)
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