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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. But doesn't that work look freaking awesome? WOW! We'll see where this takes us I guess - someone has to have the time to deal with testing all of the FM's of newly made planes and puting them into a mod-pack.... For now, the vanilla IL2 1946 is just fine for me....I still love flying on the full real servers.......
  2. Sorry, Chris - we're hijacking your thread.......... I've never used a 'gaming' mouse.
  3. Geez, no one's done this yet?
  4. I just got on Facebook, and he's on there regularly when he's in camp. I chat with him daily now, when our time zones are in synch. He's off on leave in a few days, going to Thailand.
  5. You can give an officer a map, or a set of binos, or a compass, but never any of the three in combination.
  6. Well we are all colonels Colonels can't use maps - they have batmen to figure out where they are for them.
  7. Don't sweat it - you'll be as good as us i no time! Just last Sunday, I had a cracking good sortie, taking down 2 Hellcats and a TBF Avenger in my AM62-21 (worst Zero in the game....), and then proceeded to get run over by our own carrier when I botched the landing. No worries!
  8. Slovenia is east of Italy, north west of Croatia. There - Canada's honour is preserved, but I'm a history major too......
  9. Sounds good, and you got a promotion to boot!
  10. Rifle is a modified C7A1 (Canada built M16A2, with full auto; no three round burst crap - we know how to limit our fire!)
  11. You'll often find some of us on Zekes or Spits, or another new server, Balance of Power..... They're 'full real' settings though....hope you are up to that..... We also tend to gravitate to each servers own TS server as well......
  12. The whole camp is over 1 km square....the Taliban "snipe" with recoiless rifles.....little worry about a 'regular' sniper. I'm also assuming that the shitter will be moved soon......
  13. Yeah, now we have 2 Crash's......gonna get confoosin'.......
  14. Here's some recent pics of my brother in Afghanistan...what a desolate place.... Derek's the one in the middle. [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2]
  15. Lt. Crash - do you fly nights? Cheers, Rattler/Peter
  16. Those teeny props look like the size of the one on the Me 163 Komet! No wonder it couldn't move!
  17. So..............how much for shipping to Alberta, and can I pick some up on the way through to Tofino???!!!
  18. Since you're new, Snacko, I'll enlighten you to the Dogz' position (if I may so humby do so....) rather than skip around the issue as the previous two posters have so bligthly ignored you...
  19. Ah, I see - the name is a bit different.... The Gamespy review is from 2002...... Click HERE for screenshots....
  20. Seems like some kind of fly-by-night deal. It's not reviewed by any of the gaming sites....
  21. Thanks, Dave. I went here, and got some Oxi Clean.
  22. When you first get an airbrush, get a couple of models that you don't actually care much about to practice on. It takes a bit to get used to at first. I have to remove all the paint off of my Me 109 to save it - hrmmmm....Oxi Clean apparently does the trick, but I haven't started yet.
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