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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. RIP George. Thanks for the laughs! Good night hippy dippy weatherman!
  2. Nah. Classes are done. I'm just doing marking and report cards. Grad is Friday, then we're off to BC. I have nothing else to do but keep the place clean of trolls and spammers. Bloody messy that bundle of pipes is..... The scary part is that he's mostly correct, but he presents it REALLY poorly!!
  3. Sorry to burst your bubble, guys - I hate this sort of Internet shennanigans, so I googled a little and found this.... http://www.shootonline.com/go/news-view ... tners.html Advertising bucks at work.......
  4. Nice pics, Andrew! That Spit is MAGNIFICENT!
  5. I suppose that this should be me then....
  6. We're getting a much better start than was expected. I hope that they can hold this positive attitude into the next round. My girls' HS team (I'm assistant coach) plays in the finals tournament today.
  7. I thought that this would be you, Fireman, or is it too obvious.....
  8. Hi Kev! Nice to see you as a C-5 trash hauler....
  9. The article lists a 2005 last udate, but the business links point to 11 June 2008 articles.......what's up @ the BBC?
  10. Yup. I'm as Dutch as they get here in Canada, without immigrating - both my parents come from The Netherlands. I'm a Van Nistelrooy/Robbens/Davids fan..... They've got some great skill players.
  11. So, was Van Nistelrooy offside, or not? Go Holland!!
  12. i cann consider meeself briliant now....
  13. What military aircraft are you? My Results: F-15 Eagle You are an F-15.
  14. That's awesome technology - looks fantastic for mechanical sims.....Mike could go virtual fishing!
  15. Fantastic, Snacko! What a pilot (pair of pilots, even!) That sucker must have quite the thrust/weight ratio - lots of excess power, and really strong control authority. What a plane!
  16. Holy cow, that's funny! Box office.......rofl!!!! And they look like teenagers to me too......I'd say that they were born after the plane was made, but that's too obvious. I think that they were born after the tires were made!
  17. Don't worry, Snacko. It's just a discussion. And if anyone gets some useful information out of it, all the better!
  18. Well then, there's NO REASON for me to get 6DOF then!!!!
  19. If you show up around 1-2 pm MDT, you'll usually find a few guys, if not more. It use to be quite a do, but fell into disuse recently. I was on, but my PSU packed in - the fan broke, got stuck in the wire guard, and began to overheat. It heated the dust in the machine, so I was able to shut down before any further damage occured.
  20. Ah, Kelly, you s h i t disturber...
  21. Right. Who's going to control that function? There's no way you should be able to mav around like that in a cockpit, and the reflector sight is still visible with your head stuck against the glass? I don't like that....I just want to be able to lean a LITTLE to see around the armour on the Tempest, and sit up a BIT in the FW 190 to see the sight better, not that nonsense!
  22. Good luck, Bucky! You too, Dave! We'll see you when we see you then.
  23. Those who do use the mods, like the 352nd, I'm sure, have a group of people who are making things as simple as possible to switch back and forth.
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