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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Rattler

    WW Posters

    Thanks, Dagger. I'm downloading them now. I'm teaching Nationalism in Social Studies this year, and I'm sure that some of these will look good on the bulletin board. Cheers! National Socialism in Studies this year?
  2. http://www.warbirdsofprey.org/modules.p ... 8&start=18
  3. Rattler

    TS down?

    Yup. Pooka, Quasi and I are there now.
  4. Snowbirds final pass...
  5. Some teasers...(they're prety big shots - might be better to save and view them; I'll need to reduce the size next time....) DH Vampire [attachthumb=1][attachthumb=2] Avenger from HMCS Magnificent [attachthumb=#3][attachthumb=4] Snowbirds (CT-114 Tutor trainers) [attachthumb=5][attachthumb=6]
  6. Took the famiy to a free airshow today. Got lots of good pics and video. I'll post later. Saw the Snowbirds, a beautiful static RCN Avenger from the HMCS Magnificent, and several really good aerobats. Natalie and I also talked to a gentleman beside us during the latter part of the show who was a Hampden torpedo bomber wireless operator/rear gunner from Victoria, stationed in northern Scotland in WW2. Nice gent!
  7. I wouldn't fly without rudder pedals anymore. They're not more important than Track IR, though.
  8. At least it wasn't Rudolph's.........
  9. That's been you how many times, oh Bonger of the City of Cows?
  10. Congrats, dude! The three of you will be very happy, I'm sure!
  11. Do other DVD's still work? It may be the DVD's and not the drive...
  12. Ahem. There's NO BEER in even ONE shot, guys! Are you truly Dogz, or poutine munchers? You two just decided to go home, didn't you?! Ah Kelly, and I shared a drink with you..... Nice shots, Mick! See any Allied armour over there? German?
  13. Good info, Dagger. Interesting to see it from the "Evil Empire's" perspective.
  14. Never heard of them, but then that answers why your post didn't seem right to me! Didn't mean to be a smart a$$, by the way, Streaks.
  15. Just to be a shit disturber, I wonder if the tracer ammo flies in a slightly higher arc like they do in real life? Hmmmmmmmm...... Just a wierd UFI thought....
  16. You can read it from IL2 compare, using the fan plot. It is the symmetrical line you would draw at the highest part of that curve. i.e.: [attachthumb=1]
  17. Salute to Spain: at least it wasn't the Boche! Go figure: Internet right here out in the boonies..... Campground [attachthumb=1] Golden, BC - 36 deg. Celcius today... [attachthumb=2] Paragliding and hangliding resort, too! [attachthumb=3] [attachthumb=4] (sorry about the size: I`m on the wife`s laptop, and I don`t have image software on it!)
  18. Yep, it was a sad day. I saw that plane fly up here, past my window in an office tower in Edmonton. It flew with a B-17, and they shook our windows! The Spade is a pretty plane......
  19. Pretty much all new cameras have those settings. Aperture priority, shutter priority, full manual, but most people just use the Program mode, where the camera does all the settings. Shutter priority is the one that Carl is trying to get people to use at airshows, otherwise the camera freezes the prop dead, and it looks like someone threw a model up in the air and snapped a photo. They're all really nice photos, guys. Slowing the shutter down is just a suggestion to get a bit of blur in the prop, which has a nicer effect. Aperture priority is another thing altogether - it sets your depth of field. Carl can probably explain it better, as I don't remember which f-stop limits the depth of field, and which one keeps as much of the background in focus as possible: IIRC, (correct me if I'm wrong, Carl or anyone else) the larger f-stop, such as f-22, causes the background to remain in focus, while a lower f-stop, say f-1.8, causes your subject to remain in focus while the background gets blurred?
  20. Tv (shutter speed priority mode) is easy - just turn your dial to it, set your shutter speed to the desired speed, in this case 1/250, and the camera will still do all of the rest.
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