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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Blairgowrie

  1. Thank you General Stewart sir. Interesting information.
  2. Thanks a million guys or was that 67 I heard someone say Funny thing is there is also another Danger Dogz who has a birthday
  3. Welcome Clayp m8. Delighted you dropped in to say hello to this mangy bunch of Dogz. You know what they say about lying down with Dogz? Scratch, scratch.
  4. If he likes you he sends you a slightly used Belgium chocolate.
  5. Still me Rog.
  6. Wouldn't surprise me with all the other leaks they have had. Of course how could anyone else fly it.
  7. Hi Nick, Glad to hear you are ok m8. I had an APB out for you. Do you have a new email address? The ones I send you get bounced or are you just trying to tell me something?
  8. Great work lads and special congrats to Pooka for being Top Dog in the class. You bring honour to the squad gents.
  9. We only were able to fly one of the coops last night (Factory Raid) and unfortunately I had to terminate the mission early because of lack of contact after 20 minutes. I don't want to shorten the waypoints and screw up the timing. I'll try running some more of them myself and leave the map icons on to see where contact will be made before I run them again for the full group.
  10. Yes, it is safe to go ahead and delete all but make sure you don't delete such things as DUPLICATE files or COOKIES or you may not be able to switch between 4.04m or 4.05m or get in to your bank account on line. You are safe to delete all the things I have previously listed.
  11. Now you got me started I can't stop.
  12. I usually run only the boxes listed for REGISTRY, UNNECESSARY, CLEAR FILES,CLEAR HISTORY, MRU After you press FIND, the programe will find all the files you want to delete. Then select DELETE ALL, then CLOSE and move to the next area you want to clean. Simple programe and easy to use. I have had it for several years now. BG
  13. I run Easy Cleaner once a week when I do Adware and Spybot, disc cleanup and defrag. I defrag about 6 times one after the other until the defrag just takes a couple of seconds. You can get Easy Cleaner here: http://personal.inet.fi/business/toniarts/ecleane.htm I'll post a couple of screenies for you.
  14. I have converted all the missions from single player to coops and will run a few of them today Saturday, Dec 2 and tomorrow Sunday, the 3rd. I know Jude would like to have some feedback from you all so I thought this might be a good place to post it. A few of us flew the first mission in the series yesterday, Air Start Bomb Factory and it was excellent.
  15. I hope Quazi doesn't see this thread or you will be in for a lesson on registry cleaners that will blow your mind (and perhaps your computer too LOL).
  16. Love that counter revolving prop on the Fairey Gannet. What an ugly bird she was.
  17. One of our group, who shall remain nameless, enjoys a Pimms now and then. You will soon recognize who he is. He wears a pink dress and speaks with a New Yoink accent.
  18. Welcome m8. See you found your way in ok. Not sure why your sig is not appearing. Looks ok on your profile but maybe B16Enk can help us out. Vacillator is our newest DD from the UK. He saw a post I made about FS Autostart on UBI Zoo and asked me to send him the patch. I have always found his posts to be sensible and filled with humour
  19. I think I agree with you sged. All those new planes and no Spit 1V, Typhoon, late model Tempest or
  20. Run for the bloody hills lads. Doubletap is full of love.
  21. Hi Jude, Can I possibly host them on line for the guys to fly? If not count me in as a tester.
  22. That's a very funny one Dave. For those of you who weren't there Dave damaged the controls in my 25lb Spitty.
  23. Wise decision VT.
  24. For all you guys in the USA. You can pre-order from go gamers for release Dec 10. http://www.gogamer.com/viewproduct.htm? ... Id=7274576
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