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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. Hmm.. I didn't think of that when I turned this into a tutorial.. Oh well!
  2. New forum software being released on Tuesday 26th, then each of the apps we use are being updated on following Tuesdays!

  3. And of course you can mount the image as a virtual drive, to restore individual files/folders. eSATA cables are different Snacko, and the dual ports are odd. You don't happen to have a BIOS setting to turn eSATA on/off do you?
  4. Bloody hell Jim, take it easy and recover quick! We have a nasty flu like bug going round here, it has knocked me sideways and left fluid on my lungs too (but not to the same degree as you). Our NHS - 'You need a chest X-Ray in a month, in the meantime try these anti-biotics'. Really sucks when self-employed!
  5. Because the 'code' tag attempts to syntax colour text, in the forlorn belief that the poster will only use it to present php and/or other geeky code nuggets I sometimes wonder if it my eyes playing tricks on me too
  6. Now why does that not surprise me?
  7. LAN boot requires a bootp server, either a Linux box that will tftp a boot image or a Windows server configured to do the same. For your purposes a bootp server is over kill, and I would suggest using the Acronis boot tool, you will need to set a share up on your main PC. So long as Acronis supports the net books LAN device you will be able to upload an image to the share you created above, once you have mapped the drive. Not used Acronis this way personally but I have with Norton Ghost. By far the easiest and quickest method, however, is to boot off an Acronis bootable USB drive with a large USB drive also attached, and drop the image that way. Quicker than across a network with packet over head
  8. As you can see, we can show the awards one of two ways. Either in the Sig, and centred, or under the profile as it is now. Which do you prefer?
  9. 15 miles from Cambridge city center? 21 miles from Duxford?' Yeah, 'relatively close' ... to a Canadian maybe... ) ("1.44mi from city center" is Huntingdon city center me thinks...) Mind you, not to be criticizing here, just wanted to make clear what 'relatively' means! Camping is not a problem for me... You may have the wrong Map FT. The hotel JP posted link to is next to Cambridge Airport with is les than 3K from city centre. Huntingdon would be around 20 miles away, Duxford is 10.5 miles and 20 odd mins away
  10. B16Enk


    TS3 is Beta software.. Whilst what I said above is true, I did forget one thing.. The TS3 Server may not necessarily be updated, so when you get a message that there is an update for the client available this may not be compatible with the server. Rule of thumb is only update the client when attempts to connect to the server fail because of incompatibility.
  11. B16Enk


    Well it is a dedicated TS, run by DarkStarr LLC for us. We have no say in the upgrade cycle and have to accept each and every upgrade foisted upon us. Does anyone else have these issues, or experienced similar?
  12. Holiday Inn Cambridge LAKE VIEW, BRIDGE ROAD,CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND CB4 9PH £99.00 Down side is it is 15 Miles/20 mins from Duxford. 4 miles from me If we are still here in our current place we have room for caravans/tents etc.. And a pub next door, but not up to Red Lion standards.
  13. I have created a Tutorial for this: Awards System Tutorial Should it be required permission can be granted to an awards manager/committee to create/grant awards. Naturally awards need not be limited to just campaign stuff, we could have Top Gun medals, best host awards etc. etc..
  14. Fair point! I have 3 backups now. Part of the issue is our web site is now over 32GB with the vault and gallery, which as you can imagine is difficult to back up effectively. The host we are with deems we have too much data for the automated and control panel backup routines, so I have mirrored our data to two servers and Amazon storage!
  15. Loafing around with a post 'flu chest infection, and nasty anti-biotics

  16. I have added an Awards system to the board now, you should see an 'Awards' link on top menu. General idea being that Campaig ribbons etc can be added, and awarded to users, and these will show in Sigs and on profiles. For an example check any post made by GreyKnight, and you will see a centred Kuban Ribbon in his sig in addition to the ribbons he added himself. Moderators can award users, and create the awards in the ACP. Would be very helpful if you guys could add ribbon images to the newly created Awards Category in the Gallery. The urls can then be added to awards to associate the images, this way the caching system will cache the images and improve page load times. I have uploaded 3 ribbons today, the ideal format for the image name I suggest is: campaignname_ribbon.ext (ext being either jpg or png - latter is preferred). The above would be a ribbon, a medal would be George_Cross.png Hope you guys like this!
  17. I could have helped with the TouchBuddy site move This software is impressive, original developer live(s/d) in Cambridge 6 miles away! Is it still being developed by the same guy, saw mention of an iPAD version..
  18. You have TouchBuddy working with A10C Andy? Just downloading it now, finally got around to checking this out. Plus I'm giving Pinnacle Game Profiler a whirl, as it seems to work well with my CH/MSFFB2 setup!
  19. Cheers Andy! Being awkward I have a MSFFB2 stick coupled with a CH Pro throttle, Pro Pedals and Quadrant. What I'll do is take your link and see how to map the various controls, the MSFFB2 not having software to assign keys to is a bit naff. The Thrustmaster WartHog HOTAS is a bit wow, as is it's price!
  20. I succumbed and bought it. Training is not bad, a little buggy, and am working through it. The eye candy is good, populated areas look very realistic. Learning curve is steep though! Controller setup is still a PITA until you know what each thing does (which I don't but think I have pitch - roll and yaw sorted now ).
  21. Got to say Andy, I do like your sig! This DCS: A10C is looking pretty sweet too..
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