Hi Guys.
Quick heads up for you all:
IPB are releasing the latest version of our forum software on Tuesday, applying some bug fixes and enhancements that prepare the system for further updates.
I am planning on updating the software Wednesday, providing there are no known compatibility issues with any of our add-ons.
Down time should be minimal for a few minutes.
Addons will be temporarily disabled during the upgrade, Gallery, Downloads, Turorials, Member Map etc..
The upgrade paves the way for a new Gallery that is much easier to use and feature rich, Downloads is also going to be updated.
I will also finally be able to create a new Web page set, replacing the home page and re-instating the rosters and Chapel pages etc.
These are scheduled for release, one at a time, each Tuesday leading up to Christmas.
The order has not yet been published though!
In the meantime I have just applied a mod that has added an 'Up' button to the default skin for those that use it: