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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. There is an Arma ][ server is running, 'The Old Guards'. Running Warfare, the password is the same as our private TeamSpeak server
  2. Sounds good If you can look into how we can get these on the server Jedi I will quite happily give you access! There are some young 'uns who may be interested too, should we feel like we need to inflict ourselves.
  3. B16Enk

    Ts3 Server

    Hi. Should be OK now, I had neglected to set permissions correctly for the DD group. I was tired incompetent and drunk at the time. Still incompetent hence the strikeout
  4. I got us a license for TS3 so we can host multiple servers. We used to use the public server to recruit people into the Dogz, they then have the private server details. Whether or not you would want to run recruitment nights vs squad nights for RoF is over to you, but would be nice to see some fresh blood! Donations.. To be honest that would be nice, I have funded the server we are on and it is proving expensive. We have a good set up, in addition to the TS3 server we have a DF server for IL2, this web site of course, and I would like to try my hand at hosting RoF for us. I would need to sign up to get the files
  5. B16Enk

    Ts3 Server

    The TS3 Server on will sometime today be disabled Please resort to the new private server on: dangerdogz.com:9987 Password is the usual one for now (will be changed) Public server is on: dangerdogz.com:9988 Password: ubizoo You can ALWAYS find the definitive list and details here: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/1672-updated-teamspeak-servers/ I will add the Public server 'who's on' widget later today.
  6. I have updated the TS server thread in our private area. dangerdogz.com:9987 is the private server. dangerdogz.com:9988 is the public server with password set to ubizoo I had believed that the primary TS server was reserved for DD use only, which is why one with the ubizoo password was set up. What could be debated (again) now is whether or not we need to change the password on the private server, probably long overdue as this has been the same password since time immemorial!
  7. Please bear in mind our main TS server expires tomorrow. I will create a 2nd TS server for general public use (Ubi Coops for example).
  8. Not had one of those for months.. this year at least! Perhaps the auto update tool negates need for that?
  9. I have my router keep my IP updated with dyndns, there is also a windows app that can do the same. Perhaps this is why my servegame account remains?
  10. FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER. 8 years old. Hateful little bastard. Bites! FREE PUPPIES . ½ Cocker Spaniel , ½ sneaky neighbour's dog. FREE PUPPIES. Mother is a Kennel Club registered German Shepherd . Father is a Super Dog, able to leap tall fences in a single bound. COWS, CALVES : NEVER BRED. Also 1 gay bull for sale. JOINING NUDIST COLONY ! Must sell washer and dryer £100. WEDDING DRESS FOR SALE: Worn once by mistake. Call Stephanie. **** And the WINNER is... **** FOR SALE BY OWNER. Complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition, £200 or best offer. No longer needed, got married, wife knows everything.
  11. On a MAC... He'll need WINE and it'll drive you to something stronger!
  12. I know.. Microsoft for you! Was bloody frustrating until I worked out what was going on.. The new MS way where everything is considered to be malware
  13. Win 7 does funny stuff with anything that traps key strokes. TiR centre function, macro keys etc on Joysticks if using proprietary software. For example, until I did the 'Run as Administrator' fix for Track IR I was unable to use F9 to centre Tir, windows was blocking it as a suspicious act.. With my CH Control software I map buttons to keys, again I found this needed to be run as an administrator!
  14. Run all as administrator (create a shortcut and modify properties to enable this permanently).
  15. I did the deed and added Navy to the Dogz, he should post an intro soon
  16. B16Enk

    Salute To Bg

    Salute Jim! Our Patriarch who has assembled what can only be described as the best family possible, who continue to enjoy the camaraderie on line and offline in person. I too remember clearly when I was first invited to join the Danger Dogz in a session, and what an honour that was and remains to be today. My biggest regret is the paucity of time I have had recently (well for bloody ages if truth be told) to enjoy the wonderful gang of lads that we are. Your selfless hosting, great wit and cracking sense of judgement finding just the right guys has surely resulted in a permanent testimony that epitomises you and your values. So pleased that I too have had the honour of your company, and that of Helen's, and you are often in our thoughts and that of the kids too.
  17. Reseat ram and GPU then try again.
  18. I found this on page 1, using search term 'patch 4.10': http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/8533-patch-4101/page__p__90813__hl__patch+game__fromsearch__1#entry90813 Good news is v3.2 of the software is out. I'm backing up and testing the upgrade before I inflict treat you lot to it
  19. I see Painless pulled.. Nice work Swep! Some great pics there
  20. Nice seeing some good photos coming up! There is a limit of 20 per post, just so you know, and if you attach images to post (as opposed to image link from our gallery) there is a maximum post size of 80MB which is quite generous! Gallery images of course can be larger
  21. First vid here shows very clearly the elevator(s) being knocked off: Cambridge Evening News Definitely too hard a bank by the Skyraider.. Allegedly this happened too: Fokker Triplane nosed over
  22. Grab a copy of this: CPU Z Download Mainboard tab should tell you what we need to know.
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