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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. Not at all. The AutoUpdater only updates an existing 6.01 so CheckMods is fabulous, it will quite literally update any install FT and I discussed the possibility of it checking to see how many files needed updating, and pulling compressed alternatives if a threshold was reached. This would save on bandwidth and speed the process up.
  2. OK just refreshed my memory of how we did this. I need to update the script to use the data from the new forums, this was based on the old software (SMF) so will need to do some research. In the meantime if any others need to use/test we will have to manually add access.
  3. Well, especially for you, CheckMods exists.Try the new version, it's still in a test state, but as you are already kinda lost, you got nothing to loose... Link to CheckMods 1.7 Just let it point at a defective installation of IL2, you can even try an old copy of UP3 ;-) (Others better not use it yet!) I had better check how it authorises users FT. Can't remember how we did it, I recall there was a cron job that updated the IPs that were allowed to access the directory. As I have not implemented that since we should be OK for now
  4. Happy birthday mate!! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  5. Just had to say good bye to an old friend. RIP Decca 1999 - 2012 Sleep well buddy.

  6. In the Admin CP click on 'Manage Applications and Modules' and the list that then shows is a draggable list, top - left hand side of menu bar, bottom = right. Drag items up or down to order them.
  7. All you need if you want the whole drive backed up: http://drivesnapshot.de/en/index.htm Works 100% until 30 days has elapsed, then it will only mount or recover. You can create an exact image of the drive, and then open the image (mount it) as a folder and copy what you need from it. When a replacement drive comes you can then restore the image to the new drive (if it comes with one) and all we be as it was.
  8. Sadly the automated welcome message has discovered it's cheap tacky heritage, and decided to go on strike for more pay. Didn't have the heart to tell it that a 20% increase on nothing still means nothing.. Welcome to the pound Whacker, feels like you have been here for a while already! I especially like the novel use of the 'Hanger' and the humorous stats you have given each one!
  9. Laughing my arse of here. Should have saved this for April 1st Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  10. PM system fail So I manually created the welcome PM that the system should have sent, will raise a bug report for it too.
  11. And welcome to the pound Stryker. If all worked as it should have done you will have got a PM welcoming you, along with links to some useful sections on the boards here
  12. Wow.. You lucky sods And you managed to get it to stop raining too!!
  13. Damn that sounds painful, and too realistic.. We are the 'clients' aren't we?
  14. It states minimum age is 18 Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  15. Hmm.. Payday Friday.. Guess I'll be making a purchase that day
  16. Nope not JP, was I testing a new add-on for people who want to join the Dogz. Wanted to see how it laid it all out in a post
  17. What brought you here to apply for membership of the DangerDogz Squadron?Please provide some details of how you came to know of us, and what is is about us that makes you want to become a member. A: Heard that sheep were involved, and now my Court order has been lifted I feel I have something to offer. Can you provide names of existing members who can vouch for you?Please provide name(s) of existing members who would be willing to vouch for you, not a requirement though! A: Me.I can vouch for myself no problem Tell us a little about yourself, humour encouraged A: I have some well worn wellies, some slight splitting now evident at the front but nothing catastrophic yet, might actually be beneficial.. Do you have TeamSpeak 3? A: Yes What version of IL2 do you have? A: All the above What other simulators or games do you enjoy? A: Got a 4 x D Cell monster.. Oh.. Simulators, thought that was stimulators..Anything that involves explosives, air or ground is good.. Do you like sheep? A: I plead the Fifth View full application
  18. Wow. That is quite some skilled driving going on there...
  19. A Special B-17 & Her Crew In 1943 A mid-air collision on February 1, 1943, between a B-17 and a German fighter over the Tunis dock area, became the subject of one of the most famous photographs of World War II. An enemy fighter attacking a 97th Bomb Group formation went out of control, probably with a wounded pilot then continued its crashing descent into the rear of the fuselage of a Fortress named All American, piloted by Lt. Kendrick R. Bragg, of the 414th Bomb Squadron. When it struck, the fighter broke apart, but left some pieces in the B-17. The left horizontal stabilizer of the Fortress and left elevator were completely torn away. The two right engines were out and one on the left had a serious oil pump leak. The vertical fin and the rudder had been damaged, the fuselage had been cut almost completely through connected only at two small parts of the frame and the radios, electrical and oxygen systems were damaged. There was also a hole in the top that was over 16 feet long and 4 feet wide at its widest and the split in the fuselage went all the way to the top gunners turret. Although the tail actually bounced and swayed in the wind and twisted when the plane turned and all the control cables were severed, except one single elevator cable still worked, and the aircraft still flew - miraculously! The tail gunner was trapped because there was no floor connecting the tail to the rest of the plane. The waist and tail gunners used parts of the German fighter and their own parachute harnesses in an attempt to keep the tail from ripping off and the two sides of the fuselage from splitting apart. While the crew was trying to keep the bomber from coming apart, the pilot continued on his bomb run and released his bombs over the target. When the bomb bay doors were opened, the wind turbulence was so great that it blew one of the waist gunners into the broken tail section. It took several minutes and four crew members to pass him ropes from parachutes and haul him back into the forward part of the plane. When they tried to do the same for the tail gunner, the tail began flapping so hard that it began to break off. The weight of the gunner was adding some stability to the tail section, so he went back to his position. The turn back toward England had to be very slow to keep the tail from twisting off. They actually covered almost 70 miles to make the turn home. The bomber was so badly damaged that it was losing altitude and speed and was soon alone in the sky. For a brief time, two more Me-109 German fighters attacked the All American. Despite the extensive damage, all of the machine gunners were able to respond to these attacks and soon drove off the fighters. The two waist gunners stood up with their heads sticking out through the hole in the top of the fuselage to aim and fire their machine guns. The tail gunner had to shoot in short bursts because the recoil was actually causing the plane to turn. Allied P-51 fighters intercepted the All American as it crossed over the Channel and took one of the pictures shown. They also radioed to the base describing that the empennage was waving like a fish tail and that the plane would not make it and to send out boats to rescue the crew when they bailed out. The fighters stayed with the Fortress taking hand signals from Lt. Bragg and relaying them to the base. Lt. Bragg signaled that 5 parachutes and the spare had been "used" so five of the crew could not bail out. He made the decision that if they could not bail out safely, then he would stay with the plane and land it. Two and a half hours after being hit, the aircraft made its final turn to line up with the runway while it was still over 40 miles away. It descended into an emergency landing and a normal roll-out on its landing gear. When the ambulance pulled alongside, it was waved off because not a single member of the crew had been injured. No one could believe that the aircraft could still fly in such a condition. The Fortress sat placidly until the crew all exited through the door in the fuselage and the tail gunner had climbed down a ladder, at which time the entire rear section of the aircraft collapsed onto the ground. The rugged old bird had done its job.
  20. Could someone start a topic and list out the fields we want? Lets make this as good as we can, and a useful 'wiki' type repository. Can present these in a page too, once we have an idea of all of the data fields we want/need.
  21. Fantastic bit of kit, nice sound quality and drivers etc. but.. Microphone died on mine Saturday, result of epic length VOIP Telephone conversations where I was repeatedly muting and un-muting with the boom mic. When you swing the mic up it activates a mute toggle, unfortunately this action also twists a four-core micro cable. Over time this work hardens and eventually breaks, as was the case with mine. The G930 I assume has the same 'design feature'. My two year Warranty expired in April, a mere two months ago. Logitech gave me 50% off a replacement set that I will have tomorrow. So this is a heads up for you G35/G930 owners.. Use the Mute button! Going to see if I can strain my eyes and replace the cable, will keep you posted (already got them stripped down).
  22. Hi Tom. Looks like Avast is your issue: CUSTOMER_CRASH_COUNT: 1 DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID: WIN7_DRIVER_FAULT BUGCHECK_STR: 0x3B PROCESS_NAME: AvastSvc.exe CURRENT_IRQL: 0 Try un-installing it and see if that resolves it (use Microsoft essentials temporarily if concerned). If it crashes again send the dmp file again. Have you also tried reseating your RAM too just in case? PropNut came up with some good threads to investigate too!
  23. Got any files in C:\Windows\Minidump? If you do, attach latest to post and I will analyse for you. These files can tell you exactly what is causing the crash.
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