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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. Damn! Wanted to test the app.. Was going to ask the lads to support it via: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/index.php?app=groupjoin&module=view&section=view&application=2 There is a 'support' button, never mind. Thanks Kev
  2. lol.. other references! Mick he needs an account, I can then switch it to him
  3. I think we miscommunicated there.. Its your mate who is supposed to create an account and apply, not you. Still. Looking on the bright side we can deny your App Mick /evil chuckle.. the plan worked
  4. Hey don't knock it! Great cure for insomnia So one of our Chinese friends has managed to slip through the Spam filter.. Not any more..
  5. OK 21001 worked, 21000 did not (had you taken it down?) A real tease too, my joystick stopped working again
  6. ft.dangerdogz.com:21000 works ft.dangerdogz.com:21001 does not
  7. Bloody hell Friar, how did you manage to say 'Gravitas' with your tongue so firmly inserted in cheek?
  8. By removing the .htaccess file (or rename it) that will take away the check all together.. Saw no obvious impact from your testing either!
  9. Not at all. The AutoUpdater only updates an existing 6.01 so CheckMods is fabulous, it will quite literally update any install FT and I discussed the possibility of it checking to see how many files needed updating, and pulling compressed alternatives if a threshold was reached. This would save on bandwidth and speed the process up.
  10. OK just refreshed my memory of how we did this. I need to update the script to use the data from the new forums, this was based on the old software (SMF) so will need to do some research. In the meantime if any others need to use/test we will have to manually add access.
  11. Well, especially for you, CheckMods exists.Try the new version, it's still in a test state, but as you are already kinda lost, you got nothing to loose... Link to CheckMods 1.7 Just let it point at a defective installation of IL2, you can even try an old copy of UP3 ;-) (Others better not use it yet!) I had better check how it authorises users FT. Can't remember how we did it, I recall there was a cron job that updated the IPs that were allowed to access the directory. As I have not implemented that since we should be OK for now
  12. Happy birthday mate!! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  13. Just had to say good bye to an old friend. RIP Decca 1999 - 2012 Sleep well buddy.

  14. In the Admin CP click on 'Manage Applications and Modules' and the list that then shows is a draggable list, top - left hand side of menu bar, bottom = right. Drag items up or down to order them.
  15. All you need if you want the whole drive backed up: http://drivesnapshot.de/en/index.htm Works 100% until 30 days has elapsed, then it will only mount or recover. You can create an exact image of the drive, and then open the image (mount it) as a folder and copy what you need from it. When a replacement drive comes you can then restore the image to the new drive (if it comes with one) and all we be as it was.
  16. Sadly the automated welcome message has discovered it's cheap tacky heritage, and decided to go on strike for more pay. Didn't have the heart to tell it that a 20% increase on nothing still means nothing.. Welcome to the pound Whacker, feels like you have been here for a while already! I especially like the novel use of the 'Hanger' and the humorous stats you have given each one!
  17. Laughing my arse of here. Should have saved this for April 1st Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  18. PM system fail So I manually created the welcome PM that the system should have sent, will raise a bug report for it too.
  19. And welcome to the pound Stryker. If all worked as it should have done you will have got a PM welcoming you, along with links to some useful sections on the boards here
  20. Wow.. You lucky sods And you managed to get it to stop raining too!!
  21. Damn that sounds painful, and too realistic.. We are the 'clients' aren't we?
  22. It states minimum age is 18 Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  23. Hmm.. Payday Friday.. Guess I'll be making a purchase that day
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