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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. Downloaded the file, and it checks out OK. Added an MD5 Checksum so this can now be more readily confirmed good after download.
  2. Checking that 4.11 download, it may have corrupted.
  3. Leaving the topic alone.. Not a bad idea, this topic is straying into politics and likely to end in tears.
  4. Nice one! Lucky sods, and well written in true JP style.
  5. Welcome to the DangerDogz Home Who are the DangerDogz? Formed by our very own, and sadly late, Patriarch ‘Blairgowrie’, the DangerDogz came into being in 2006 with a view to flying the IL-2 Sturmovik WWII flight simulator. It now boasts a large membership, primarily from Europe, North America and Canada. Our pilots cover all abilities, ranging from those going through “learn as they fly” (no grading here, it’s not Crufts after all!) through to us being proud to claim as our own, past winners of the Joint Ops Virtual Combat Pilot School “Top Gun” competition.
  6. B16Enk


    Probably because I reset your original account for you... We did have an email exchange about it too
  7. From my Minnesota born Father-in-Law: In the news this week, a Southern California man was put under 72-hour psychiatric observation when it was found he owned 100 guns and had (by rough estimate) 1 hundred thousand rounds of ammunition stored in his home. The house also has a secret escape tunnel. The television reporter said: "Wow! He has about a million machine gun bullets!" and the headline referred to it as a "massive weapons cache". By California standards someone owning even 10,000 rounds would be called "mentally unstable". If he lived elsewhere, such as Arizona , he'd be called "an avid gun collector." In Oklahoma, he'd be called "a novice gun collector". In Utah, he'd be called "moderately well prepared", but they'd probably reserve judgement until they made sure that he had a corresponding quantity of stored food. In Montana, he'd be called "the neighborhood 'Go-To' guy". In Minnesota, he'd be called " fanatic redneck hunter". In Idaho, he'd be called "a likely gubernatorial candidate". In Wyoming, he'd be called "an eligible bachelor". and... In Texas , he'd be called "a Hunting Buddy"............
  8. B16Enk

    Hey Guys

    Faustnik. Now there is a name from the past! Welcome aboard mate!
  9. You would be surprised how many armed Police there are in Cambridgeshire! My this is gearing up to be an epic Dogsford, I had better book some leave although not sure where I will be based in July, we are expecting to move this year when our robbing bastard landlords wish to repossess their hovel from us
  10. I say keep it for now, there may be something else that comes along and uses it.
  11. Really nice story, currently approved for Taxiing two brothers have restored this Lancaster and are aiming to get it airborne soon: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20886684 A tribute to their brother who was a Bomber Command casualty during the war. Jim would have loved this.
  12. Good news I think. And they use the same forum software as us - which bodes well
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-20614593 I hope non UK can view that... And it is not an April 1st joke either!
  14. If you wish I can merge your old account and this new account, or change the email address on the old account so you can reset the password. If you can confirm, by PM, the old email and Geographical location that would serve to validate you Currently 'Dave' and 'Foto' are the only links I have to the old account!
  15. Welcome back mate, and as you no doubt discovered 'once a DD always a DD' holds true. Your account remains active and no changes are required! This thread should be useful for getting up to speed: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/10250-new-or-returning-to-active-service-with-the-dogz/ TeamSpeak Server details: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/1672-updated-teamspeak-servers/
  16. B16Enk

    Cbbc Do Bfs!

    OK just remove the 'mobile' in the url and you get: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01p118f/Lets_Play_Pilots/
  17. Glad you had a good'un Col, and belated happy returns! Hopefully have finally fixed the birthday widget with a brute force approach
  18. B16Enk


    Will be posting my Movember contribution too
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