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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/18 in Posts

  1. Thanks arthur , makes the game playable for me now , need to get some practice in. Gypsy see here for installing jgsme for BOX. I downloaded the file and put it into my battle of stalingrad main folder, there is a pdf guide in the download with instructions. I prefered a seperate install for il246 and BOX https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/36622-is-there-a-tutorial-to-use-jsgme/
    1 point
  2. Hi Bill, A-10A is a Flaming Cliffs module - it has the high fidelity flight model but simplified systems, with NO clickable cockpit. As such it has more limited armament and targeting functionality. However it is still FUN. A-10C is a full on DCS hardcore, melt your grey matter, take-you-years to fully understand, clickable cockpit and ALL the bombs + a cool targeting pod, module. It's an investment of time and practise, but the payoff is it's more rewarding, flexible to operate and you can undertake a wider range of mission types. You could the A-10A first to get used to concepts of ground attack flying in the modern air war idiom and then move on to the -C later... but in some regards, the sooner you start on the -C the sooner you get proficient. Either way happy to give you all the advice and training you need to get ordnance off the rails and into the enemy ground units!
    1 point
  3. Keeps as many buttons as possible similar to what you are used to. I use the grey rotary on the throttle for pitch. I use Target as it combines all my TM controllers into one, and then map the buttons to keypress or macro.
    1 point
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