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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2018 in Posts

  1. Hey Gypsy, Sid is worth his weight in gold when it comes to bombing...... he once took the whole squad out with one bomb ! Just ask...... Lol
    2 points
  2. Hi mate, hope these help. Here are two sheets of info that I use as an aide memoire and backup. First is a list of my key mappings (Aircraft controls.doc) the second is a pictorial view of my controls that is a quick reference for me in game. it's worth remembering that the key mappings are particular to me and linked in with my Saitek X52 stick profiles but it gives you an idea of what is needed. I use Mode 2 (the middle column) on the controls reference picture for bombing, it keeps it seperate from flight and engine modes (1 and 3 respectively). Hope you can read the handwriting, I'm not renowned for legible handwriting!! Also you will see controls on the picture that are for my offline BAT IL2 46 install eg. wing sweep and drag chute and aren't relevant to our Dogz HSFX installation. Cheerzen Sid Aircraft controls.doc
    2 points
  3. Just done a rough visual for the preferences, although still waiting for Artie Kira and Sweper to say what they would rather have. Nobody has said they cant make a Monday so far. Apologies for any omissions (Fruitbat and Fen) A possible 15 on a Monday?
    2 points
  4. Here's a thought: Could we start doing BoX sessions on Thursdays, alternating with CloD, could maybe decide at the last moment, whoever shows up and then vote? Here's why I thought about this: - Currently, CloD sessions are nice, but rather limited on the number of people joining 'm. - Currently, BoX online servers are a bit... well, there are some downsides to them. The idea is to host Coops for Box. But we need some stuff/thingies for that: - A host - who can? (I cannot currently, as I do not know how, but should not be too difficult) - Good mix of Coop missions, as I understood, the best ones are very new, and made for the latest planesets ie. Kuban. So, some editing needs to be done So, what do we think about this? Who can do what? And how? Won't be starting on short notice - just throwing it out here!
    1 point
  5. I came, I saw, I registered - just and it produced a coop for me which I put in the coop missions file in BoS and Hey Presto! It freakin' works https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/36002-cooperative-mission-generator/?tab=comments#comment-606355 Still no slots available for breathers to fly for the opposition but pretty simple to generate a coop with plenty of options.
    1 point
  6. Perhaps the best way forward would be to establish who is available on which evenings - or days - first? Forget about which sim to fly at the moment. Would it not be better to establish availability first? For instance; we can see that a Thursday night is not on for Sid and Crash. Perhaps they - and everyone else - could post which days they are available. Once we have that sort of information to hand we can work out when we do what to most peoples satisfaction? I would also suggest that Sunday evening remains OUT of the discussion. Sunday evening still remains well supported and is obviously a good time for all those Dogz who enjoy IL2 1946 and should not be touched. Personally, when it comes to flying this is fine for me as Sunday evening is one of the few nights I cannot go near my PC. Can I just stress that it would be very useful if everyone could post this information - regardless of what they fly at the moment. So for myself; any evening - bar Sunday - is convenient.
    1 point
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