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  1. Today
  2. UPDATE 31ST MAY 2024 Persian Gulf Map 10:00 Only Reduced effect of fuel tanker explosion Added new small outpost south east of airfield with troop pickup available.
  3. Nice work on the back story delta. Just a quick question do you send Deacon this by email as he and his guys may not have visibility?
  4. Yesterday
  5. 24th May 1940 Gentlemen The enemy advance has been swift and relentless, their tanks covering great distance at speed and sewing panic to troops and civilians alike. In the air they have targeted civilians on the road and in cities. The allies have retreated to the west . We have set up on old WW1 airfields to defend Paris. The last major obstacle is the marne river. They are building up forces to cross the last major obstacle before the French capital. Like in the great war we hope to hold this line, halt their advance then force a retreat. The battles primary target will be a large enemy troop encampment with secondary supply lines to be hit Ground attack have to attack targets in 1307 1410 1508 1612 hurricanes are to provide cover. The enemy have standing air cover, patrolling at between 6000 and 10000 ft. The hurricanes are to intercept these and draw them away from the ground attack forces. il2s will take off from bon maison and corbarieu hurricanes from mt soisson Pierrefonds cravacan this is a tight map but seems to work ok, airfields are rough but you can successfully take off with flaps and full power. there will be some anomolies as I have had to use a WW1 map for this sector but hopefully wont impact on the mission Next mission is scheduled for Sunday 2nd at 21:00 GMT. Please be on TeamSpeak by 20:45 We will be flying Dogz settings so MODS ON; plane on minimap, icons on, unrestricted loadouts. .303 machine guns only for hurricanes max 250lb bombs , no rockets. This is a dogfight and you will start parked next to runway. There are unlimited planes.
  6. Last week
  7. UPDATE 27th MAY 2024 Persian Gulf Map 10:00 Only Changed F10 "Other" Menu structure to include new target practice option. Split option to spawn in active AI from East or West zone to its own menu option. Created new option for A2A Target Practice. Added option to spawn in 4 x IL-76 as target practice as well as unarmed and armed Mig-21's.
  8. Earlier
  9. Iromike at Heatblur has posted some responses, tips and recommendations in regards to some common theme user issues that are being reported with the F-4E module: https://forum.dcs.world/topic/349458-issues-you-may-encounter-when-trying-the-f-4e-for-the-first-time-and-how-to-avoid-them/#comment-5440589
  10. https://forum.dcs.world/topic/348817-mastering-your-first-phantom-flight/#comment-5438813 From Victory205, an ex-US Navy F-14 pilot who clearly has some F4 time also... so it's legit.
  11. Some pictures of the details inside the Apache engine;
  12. UPDATE 24TH MAY 2024 Following the "hic-ups" last night I have just uploaded a new mission to the server with the following changes. Please test if you can either today or over the weekend. Persian Gulf Map 10:00 Only Removed ALL mods; A4-E, Bronco, Hercules, UH-60L (its only 3 weeks to the CH-47, I can wait..) You may need to back-up and remove them from your local install as well (or just unload if you use JSGME or similar) for a full test if you still get some performance issues. Scaled back the DML additions Removed the Bombing Range logic Removed the Owned Zones logic Changed back the deployed helicopter troops logic
  13. UPDATE 23RD MAY 2024 Persian Gulf Map 10:00 Only Added Phantom Updated some features of DML Added new Bombing Range located just South West of the airfield. This will report your accuracy. Added 3 new zones that can be captured with ground troops. Laying foundations for a possible on going campaign. Added flyable Hercules for cargo dropping practice. This map does not have limited resources at air fields yet.
  14. You can look at the controls.lua file if you really want, but it's not going to help you. Things that do the same thing are not necessarily going to be called exactly the same thing, so it doesn't really work. In the time to research, you could map it from fresh 5 times over.
  15. One month to go! Wh00t!
  16. Crash

    Plane inputs

    I think there is a program to do that Delta. I think that Wingy has used something to copy binds over.
  17. delta7

    Plane inputs

    Surely the program must write individual plane schemes to a file and that you can open up the files side by side and compaire and copy over from one to another? Im away to investigate further
  18. Friar

    Plane inputs

    Muscle memory should tell you where all the common options go (gear, flaps, trim, rudder, pitch, roll, counter measures, brakes, comms menu etc). Mapping them again really does not take that long. And with the F4 there are also many many more we will all have restless nights over thinking where can I put this or would it be better moving that from here to there!
  19. Nope. Sorry Dave.
  20. delta7

    Plane inputs

    Is there an easy way to copy key commands from my F5 to my f4 Or a place I can see all my F5 inputs to manually copy similar inputs across
  21. UPDATE 22nd May 2024 Syria Map 10:00 Only Added F4-E (Phantom) to main base plus also Cyprus Added 3 new zones that can be captured with ground troops. AI will try and re-capture them. (ground work for my own dynamic campaign)
  22. Server has been updated.
  23. So every now and then I fire up the old DangerDogz - All welcome CliffsOfDover server ...like today, and then you get this... lol Eighteen silly buggers still having a go at it! I did do a Hurricane mission from Gravesend, climb climb towards 20k ft, nearly popped the radiator - headed east, then south south west over the channel, then east, chasing ... then attacked some enemy bombers that headed north off of Beachy Head, shot down one, damaged another, ran out of ammo, landed back at Gravesend... phew... (That brought back some memories... lol) Really, I was thinkin' of doin' a warm up in the Hurricane in Clod, switch over to Delta's campaign - I got stuck in clod - I'm sorry... shot_20240519_213148.bmp
  24. I'm not sure that mass value actually relates directly to the weight of the ordinance. Most mass values seem to be within the region of lb's divided by between 17 to 22, although there are some serious outliers in the screenshot you posted like TOW's. I suspect its just an arbitrary value the mod creator put in..... I would think just divide the weight in pounds by 20 would do, and keep it in line with the rest of the mod and the weights of the pallets.
  25. Ok, now I have cracked adding missing items, please check the list below for the load-outs you use and make sure it can be re-supplied if required. If its not in the lists below and the airfield runs out of stock you will not be able to load up your plane with that ordinance again. I am considering implementing this both for the campaign AND the regular Thursday / Monday (Tuesday) sessions. Please let me know as soon as possible if you spot something missing. If you also have any comments on the initial stock numbers, please let me know. I am thinking of setting the active airfields to 50 units only for each weapon, but that may be too low. If anyone wants to come up with a list of alternative numbers please let me know. The re-supply point(s) will have pretty much un-limited stocks so can re-supply as many times as required.
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